WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.2 update!

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*** The current version is: WYSIWYG Web Builder 20.0.4 ***

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WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.2 update!

Post by Pablo »

WYSIWYG Web Builder 15.2 is a major update. This version fixes known problems, adds new features and other improvements.

What's new in 15.2?
- Fixed: Issue with zoom level in menubar.

- Fixed: Flex container ignores right padding.

- Fixed: Missing 'full width' property in Rollover Image.

- Fixed: Layout grid issue with breakpoints.

- Fixed: Missing icon font reference in global style sheet.

- Improved: Added the ability to set a different alternative text for second image in the Rollover image object. Use ^ to separate the two strings. Example: first text^second text


- Improved: Text menu delimiters can be replaced with Global Replace.

- Improved: The target ID in Conditions will be automatically be updated when renaming the ID of an object.

- Improved: FTP/SecureFTP now uses Unicode core.

- New feature: Added 'jQuery version' to multi-page properties so you can change the jQuery version for multiple pages simultaneously.


- New feature: Added 'Full width' property to Text object. By default, text inside a layout grid uses the full width of its container. This option makes it possible to turn this off so the text will have a fixed sized.


- New feature: Added 'Maximum Width' property to Text object. Specifies the maximum size of the text when it is set to full width. This prevents the text from getting too large in responsive layouts.


- New feature: Added 'Check if the domain of the specified email address is valid' to form properties. This will lookup the MX record to make sure the sender's domain is valid. Thanks to Martin!


- New feature: Added site variable to customize form domain error message: $FORMERROR_DOMAIN$


- New feature: Replaced 'Publish as HTML' in Shape->Text with 'Output format'. 3 options are available: default (GDI), HTML, and anti-alias. GDI renders the same quality as in previous versions.


- New feature: Added new option 'Force UTF-8' in publish settings. This improves support for Arabic/Asian/etc characters with FTP (winsock), FTPS and Secure FTP.


- New feature: Added direction property (left-to-right/right-to-left) to Toast and Marquee.


- New feature: Added 'Type' option to Marquee. This lets you switch between CSS and <marquee>. Note that the <marquee> tag is obsolete. Although it may still work in some browsers, its use is discouraged since it could be removed at any time. This option is provided for
backward compatibility only.


- New feature: Added the possibility to use an absolute position for the 'Flex Container' (position -> absolute). This makes it possible to also use the flex container in fixed layouts.


- New feature: Added 'position' property to 'Card Container'. The 'Card Container' can now be used as floating, header (fixed), footer (fixed and floating), sticky or absolute container (free position).


How to update from previous 15.x versions?
1. Download the latest version here:
2. If you already have version 15.x you can install it in the same location as the previous version.

Advanced users can also download the updated files only here (no installer):
32bit: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/wb15update.zip
64bit: http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/wb15x64update.zip