[rz] Instagram Mosaic

This section contains extensions that were created by [rz] who has sadly passed away.
These extensions are no longer available, but the discussions may still be helpful for some users.
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This section contains extensions that were created by [rz] who has sadly passed away.
These extensions are no longer available or supported, but the discussions may still be helpful for some users.
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Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:08 pm

[rz] Instagram Mosaic

Post by [RZ] »

[rz] Instagram Mosaic v1.0

A lightweight solution to display a mosaic based on Instagram images.

Some features:

- Fixed, responsive or fluid scenarios.
- Variable resolution and size.
- Selectable border size, color and radius.
- Selectable shadow size, position, color, blur and spread.
- Optional space between the images.
- Optional padding for the mosaic.
- Selectable images alignment.
- Optional, callback when images have been loaded.
- Lightweight, no external libraries, no jQuery required.

...and more!

HTML 4.01 Transitional
W3C compliant


How to use?

1. Design your page and its layers as you usually do (fixed or floating).
2. Drag and drop this extension within the layer you want (floating layers will not be visible until images are loaded).
3. Optionally, setup the additional properties and behavior you want.
4. Preview or publish.
