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Popup Ballon Help

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 12:18 am
by rogerr
Is it possible to display popup balloons with text on mouseovers?


Re: Popup Ballon Help

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 5:33 am
by wwonderfull
Yes it may be possible, but won't be responsive in some small devices though.

The best responsive option is jQuery tooltip but for you yes there is a way.

Although this depends on what kind of layout and object you are using in. If you use this in layout grid the shape tooltip gets scrambled and won't work.

1. So this is how it shows if you use a Shape>Callouts:


2. Then we have the best one which is the Card. If you have good knowledge in svg, html and linking this is the most advanced and best for you:


3. Last one is the jQuery tooltip which is basic and more than enough for most of the users:


The end result should look something like this on hover:


Re: Popup Ballon Help

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:22 pm
by rogerr
Thanks much for the detailed tutorial, it looks like one of these should accomplish what i need.
