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Only one page won't be mobile! All others work.
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:31 pm
by garlandmelinda
Hi. I use a master-page and layout grids to make my site responsive. I recently added 8 pages to showcase a new product we're carrying. All the pages use the same masterpage, and all of them work EXCEPT the last one. I even deleted it and remade it with the same issue. The page that has the problem is page 8 in the pagination link, but actually page 7 in the site manager. Here is a link.
https://www.buckscountycarpetandfloor.c ... page7.html Thanks for any help.
Re: Only one page won't be mobile! All others work.
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 1:53 pm
by crispy68
For one thing, your breadcrumb menu at the bottom is incorrect. They are pointing to the wrong pages or you need to rename the pages to match the number in the breadcrumb as it makes no sense to click #2 and get page 1. Other than that, I dont see any other problem. Page #7 looks like page #6 with different rugs.
all of them work EXCEPT the last one
Can you be more specific?
Re: Only one page won't be mobile! All others work.
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:11 pm
by garlandmelinda
Well, the numbering isn't a problem unless it's what's making this not work, the reason behind that is that the first page in the series called premade area rugs (think it's called a parent page) is page 1 on the breadcrumb. However, i just noticed that all of them are apparently only being mobile friendly in 320 breakpoint. first screenshot is how it's supposed to look, next one is how it's actually performing. The master page is the same for all of the pages in the entire site and these are the only ones where it's not working. The only other thing I did differently when I made these pages (3 and after) is use the "clone page" feature in the site manager. It doesn't seem like that should be causing the problem, though.

Re: Only one page won't be mobile! All others work.
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:42 pm
by crispy68
Are you sure it is the same master page? The look of them are completely different. Could you provide a demo project to look at?
Re: Only one page won't be mobile! All others work.
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 4:42 pm
by Pablo
I cannot see what you have done based on the HTML code.
To be able to help you, I need a demo project so I can see all your settings.
See also this related FAQ: ... 10&t=82134
Important: I do not nee the complete project. Only a small demo project with the relevant page.
Re: Only one page won't be mobile! All others work.
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:30 pm
by garlandmelinda
I removed all pages except the problem ones and re-uploaded the demo to my test folder. The problem now only seems to be occurring on this page:
https://www.buckscountycarpetandfloor.c ... -Rugs.html
I guess I'm not doing the upload of the demo site properly. It should be here
https://www.buckscountycarpetandfloor.c ...
but when i try to go to that it just says 404 not found.
It also should be here not in a .zip,
https://www.buckscountycarpetandfloor.c ... 20help.wbs
but same thing, 404 not found. The only thing currently in that entire folder
https://www.buckscountycarpetandfloor.c ... html/test/ is the demo project. Not sure if that's what you need.
Also, in response to Crispy, yes i'm 100% sure about that being the master page, I only use one.
Re: Only one page won't be mobile! All others work.
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 6:53 pm
by Pablo
Your project seems to be working correct.
However, why did you use so many breakpoints?
When you use layout grids then you normally only need one or two breakpoints.