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How much can I do with forms

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 1:40 am
by aklisiewicz
I need to build some App and I wonder how much I can achieve with WBB forms ?
I need to build a page with header and details. Kinda like an Invoice or Order page. Customer info on top then items beneath. Hader and the Items must be editable. Can I do this with WBB forms ?

Art :?:

Re: How much can I do with forms

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 2:13 am
by BaconFries
Please note that the program / software is a Web Design Tool and not a Programming Tool for creating apps this would require a separate solution such as the following which allows you to import web site pages and convert to a app.

Re: How much can I do with forms

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:33 am
by Pablo
If you are looking for a web shop then this information may be useful: ... 10&t=57726