scroll button to scroll the next 100wh layout grid
Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2021 9:01 pm
Hi Pablo
I have several full-page 100% w x h layout grids stacked on top of each other.
I want a button at the bottom of each one to take the user to the next fullscreen
I've tried bookmarks or the IDs of each layout grid to point to where the link button goes but it doesn't work.
I'm presuming you cant scroll to full-screen layouts?
I've tried using the snap scroll and the scroll button extension
any pointers here would be helpful!
I have several full-page 100% w x h layout grids stacked on top of each other.
I want a button at the bottom of each one to take the user to the next fullscreen
I've tried bookmarks or the IDs of each layout grid to point to where the link button goes but it doesn't work.
I'm presuming you cant scroll to full-screen layouts?
I've tried using the snap scroll and the scroll button extension
any pointers here would be helpful!