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Oldest Client still serving today

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:08 pm
by Rob
I am curious to know, for no other purpose than conversation, what version of WB did you use with your first paid client website and what version were you using for your oldest client (tenure) that you are still serving today? For me, it is WB8 for both. Boy does time fly!

Re: Oldest Client still serving today

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:33 pm
by alan_sh
I've never had a paid client, but I started doing web site design using Microsoft FrontPage back in 2001. I still have the resultant web sites although I'm not sure I've got FP anywhere.

I then moved on to Serif's WebPlus and finally on to WWB in 2019 at version 14.


Re: Oldest Client still serving today

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:51 pm
by jerryco
I never used it for a paid client either but I came aboard on version 6. Just playing along with dreams and manifestation.

Re: Oldest Client still serving today

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 10:21 pm
by ColinM
OOF Rob,
That's going back to 2011 - Web Builder 7 I believe - for my second ex wife (and no, I don't collect them :lol: ).

Before that was Dreamweaver - the resultant code (pre separate CSS) was so bloated.

Before that was good old Notepad - that was HARD and SLOW work, but it taught me a LOT about HTML.

Re: Oldest Client still serving today

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:56 am
by zinc
My first paid website was made on version 6. I have a client who's site in stated on version 9 and he is still with me!!! :D

Re: Oldest Client still serving today

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:05 pm
by Bluesman
First payed webpage in 1995 with a software named ....Homepage... something ( for Apple Macintosh), I think it was Aldus or Adobe. Changed webeditor to NetObjectsFusion 1996 and designed all homepages in Mac version until 2000. Changed to Windows version year 2000 and made all wepages with this until Wysiwyg Web Builder ver 9 (90 sec website builder) but changed just some month later when I discovered the original software Wysiwyg website builder and converted all NetObjectsFusion sites to WWB. Nowdays only 2 sites remain from this moment.