Publish to local folders - a hint if you use multiple PCs.

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Publish to local folders - a hint if you use multiple PCs.

Post by alan_sh »

I have a desktop machine and a laptop. I tend to publish to a local (on my internal network) web server - my Synology box. To do this, I have a network drive (W: for Web) and publish to a local folder (W:\newpennine as an example). Once there, I can test it out and when I am happy, I use Filezilla to copy it to my host (LCN). This works well for me.

My source file is on a dropbox type folder which I can access from my laptop and my desktop as they are both kept in sync. I have used the SUBST command so that the files appear to come from the same drive (in my case X:). Once again, this works well for me.

On my laptop, I can only publish to a local (C: drive) because I am generally not at home when I am playing around. This causes an issue because the publish folder is stored inside the WBS file. So, wheh I use my laptop after having used my desktop, because my latop doesn't have a W: network drive, the publish folder is then chosen (at random, it appears) by WWB. If I don't check, it could overwrite something I don't intend it to do.


I love the SUBST command - go and look it up.

On my laptop, I have a J: drive which points to a local publish folder on my C: drive.
The command is: SUBST J: "C:\Users\alans\Documents\temp web sites"

On my desktop, I have the command: SUBST J: W:\

So, inside WWB, I have to pubish to J:\newpennine. As long as I have a 'newpennine' folder underneath my J: drive, it all works nicely and I don't have to check before I pubish that it's going to somewhere I didn't intend it to.

Now, this is something you may never need, but if you do, I can confirm this works nicely.
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Re: Publish to local folders - a hint if you use multiple PCs.

Post by capt68 »

I too want to use WWB on 2 computers and am planning on upgrading to ver. 18.

I am running Win10 on both machines (desktop & laptop) and have an external drive witch I use as a network drive (accessible from both PC's.

Is there a problem if I install WWB Program files on my external drive?

I plan on installing Program Files in:
g:\Network\Tp-Share\g\WYSIWYG Web Builder 18\

and the personal files in:
g:\Network\Tp-Share\g\WYSIWYG Web Builder

I'm not a computer geek, so please point out if this creates a problem that I am not aware of.

Appreciate any assistance,
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Re: Publish to local folders - a hint if you use multiple PCs.

Post by Pablo »

An external drive should work. Just make sure to use the same drive letter otherwise the software may not be able to find the files.
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