Appo - is a Sass, SEO and App display theme/template designed for innovative and IT firms. Appo is a better way to present and promote your startup mobile app, desktop software, android app, iPhone app, and any other mobile application. Appo is a powerful and fully responsive free mobile app landing page template. Its layout is fluid and responsive, adapting to all modern devices without a hitch. The template is very powerful, clean and fast, easy to customize and use. If you are looking for a free android app HTML template for your app promotion or showcasing. Try Appo.
Template Features
- Responsive Design
- User friendly and customizable
- Unique and modern styles
- Free Logo customized for the template
- Professional colour blending
- wwb[.wbs] file included
- Documentation included
- 15+ HTML Page included
- Jor_gridRip
- Smart menus
- Jor_CarouselMeetsJssor
- Tonicon icon
- Scroll Percentage Progress
- Owl carosel
- CountUp Script
NB: images used here are for preview purposes you must change them in your project
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