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Sign up form in conjunction with a mobile app

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 10:23 am
by simtrain
Please bear with me, I am very new to PHP and websites!

I have made an app for android, and I use my WYSIWYG website to edit/update/delete records in the Mysql database that the app uses.

What I use to do was use an Admin app to do all the changes to the Mysql database, but I now want to use my website instead.

Everything works fine, except in the app, I have an area that only certain people are allowed to access, so I had a log in page for that area.

When I set it up using the admin app to add users, all was well, but on the website I am trying to use the sign up form. The problem I have, is the sign up form uses md5, but the php file I was using to access (log in the user) in the Mysql database from my app uses sha256.

At the moment I can write via the website to the Mysql table to add users, but I can't seem to get my php file that the app uses to be able to log on. Below is the php file I was using, can anyone please help to change it to work with the sign up form;

if (isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['pass'])) {

function validate($data){
$data = trim($data);
$data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $data;

$uname = validate($_POST['email']);
$pass = $_POST['pass'];

if (empty($uname)) {
showMessage("name is required",0);
}else if(empty($pass)){
showMessage("Password is required",0);

// $pass = hash('sha256', $pass);
// $pass = crypt( $pass,'sha256');

$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='$uname'";

$result = mysqli_query($mysql, $sql);

if ($result->num_rows == 1) {

$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
//$pass= crc32($pass, 'sha256');

if ($row['email'] === $uname && password_verify($pass, $row['password'])) {
$myArr = array("sha256"=>$sha256,"response"=>"OK","status"=>"1");
$sha256= crypt(json_encode($row) , 'sha256');
$myArr = array_merge($row, $myArr);
$myJSON = json_encode($myArr);
echo $myJSON;
showMessage("Incorect password",0);
showMessage("No User Found",0);
function showMessage($response,int $status)
echo json_encode(array("response" => $response, "status" => $status));

I got the original add user and login user php files from a tutorial that I followed. The log in php file requires a response of OK or something simular so the app can the let them through to the logged in area.

Many thanks


Re: Sign up form in conjunction with a mobile app

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 10:39 am
by Pablo
I'm sorry, I cannot help you with programming related questions.

But, the code will be inserted "AS IS".
So, if it does not work then either the code is wrong, incomplete or it conflicts with other code on the page.