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Login in to Membership site

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:49 pm
by Talon
I've just started creating a membership site and wanted to try something new as to stop members from giving their username and password to anyone they want so those "Other" people can download stuff to their heart's content.

Every time a new member signs up I'll create a code for them. they have to present this code to get back into the site at any time. What I don't tell them is that I also created an encrypted code that stays in their file which they are not aware of. I actually crate 2 codes that are identical, the other code gets placed on the member's website at a secure location. So when Joe Bloggs mate turns up with his mate's ID and tries to sign in he can't get in because he doesn't have the corresponding encrypted code stored on the website.

It sounds good in there but will it work in the real world? I'll have to wait and see.

Re: Login in to Membership site

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 5:48 am
by Pablo
Unfortunately, I cannot help you writing custom code, as for me it would also take a lot of time.
But if you ware familiar with programming then the code added to the page will also work with WWB. Custom code will be published "AS IS".

Re: Login in to Membership site

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:53 pm
by Talon
I'm missing something here Pablo

Say I have Dave & Pete working for me filling out pages of the catalog on my website in their own homes, how can I incorporate their work when they have finished into the body of my website?

Would they need a copy of my software (or a similar program) that I could then take that code and add to my website?

Sorry to be a pain.


PS: What if I went to Fivver and got one of those guys to help me would the output come back as code or the written page?

Re: Login in to Membership site

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 1:39 am
by BaconFries
I'm missing something here Pablo
In a way yes. Pablo has wrote that he cannot help with proving and custom code to achieve this. If you require custom code then it is understood you yourself can write this and implement it. You can then use the following to add
HTML Object . With all that said you should first note that WYSIWYG Web Builder is not a HTML Editor but a HTML Generator. What this means is that no HTML exists till you publish.

One issue you may have with using others writing for you is it may break the HTML layout of the software. This could mean that external code/html may get positioned incorrectly or overlap. If you have as you say Pete & Dave assisting you then they would each have to have a licensed copy of the program for there own use as it is not permitted to share your license/software with others as it is for personal use only.

As for your question on Fivver only the code is required and not the full HTML of the page and then you can implement it as mentioned above withe the HTML Object or even with the Page HTML and insert where required ie Between the <head></head> or <body></body>.

Re: Login in to Membership site

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:07 am
by Pablo
Would they need a copy of my software (or a similar program) that I could then take that code and add to my website?
If you have someone writing code for you then you can integrate that code via Page HTML or an HTML object.
However, you still need to understand how the code works to be able to add it to the page, because a HTML page has a specific structure so you cannot just put the code anywhere.
But, if you are familiar with HTML/programming then you should have any issues using custom code in WWB, because it works the same as in other web design tools.