Link font size in footer does not change

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Link font size in footer does not change

Post by daveb4 »


I have a master page with a footer. In the footer are some links and a copyright info. If I change the fontsize of the links WYSIWIG Editor shows the correct size but there are allways published in the same fontsize (ca.12 pt) . The copyright behaves correct on font size change. If I remove the link from the letters (e.g. home) everything is normal.
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Re: Link font size in footer does not change

Post by Pablo »

Maybe you will need to clear your browser cache?

If you need further assistance then please share a DEMO project so I can see what you have done. ... 10&t=82134
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Re: Link font size in footer does not change

Post by alan_sh »

Links have their own formatting and styles. You may need to change the link style
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Re: Link font size in footer does not change

Post by daveb4 »

I tried everything - it does not work.
Here is the link to the demo project :
The links are in the footer of the master page in a table. Home and Privacy should have the same size as myCompany (just for demonstration)

If the table is the problem, what would be a better solution for two links in a column?

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Re: Link font size in footer does not change

Post by Pablo »

To be able to help you, I need a DEMO project (.wbs file) so I can see all your settings.

I do not need the complete project because that will only take more time to figure out what you have done.
Basically, I just need a small project with one page and object(s) that are relevant to your question.

Note that I cannot see what you have done based on the published page (HTML), because the software has thousands of options and millions of possible combinations.
So, there is no way to know which options you have used by looking at the HTML only.

For further details about how to share a project file, please see this FAQ: ... 10&t=82134
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Re: Link font size in footer does not change

Post by crispy68 »

The link you provided is to your published page which lets us see it but we need the project file (.wbs) so we can load it and look at your setup. It is difficult to know all your settings based just on a published page.
If the table is the problem, what would be a better solution for two links in a column?
Personally, I would not use a table. If you want them stacked why not just use a text object: type your text hit return for the 2nd line. Highlight each word separately and add your link. If you are using floating layouts then just use a layout grid.
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Re: Link font size in footer does not change

Post by daveb4 »


Sorry, I forgot to post the link to the project. I tried it with a simple text and links in two lines - and this works, thanks for the hint!
I included this in the project (named Link1, LInk2) if you are interested.
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Re: Link font size in footer does not change

Post by daveb4 »


I found my problem with the table:
It is possible to insert text directly in the table (without the text widget). In this case the link fontsize seems to be fixed (Link1, Link2 in my example). If I use the Text widget I am able to change the link fontsize but the links of the table are not left aligned (Link3, Link4 in my example). This is not visible in the preview.

Is this a bug or did I something wrong?

My problem with Text in 2 Lines is, that I see no way to set the margin between the two lines.
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Re: Link font size in footer does not change

Post by Pablo »

The problem is related to the output format.
If you want to use different font-sizes then the option 'Use classic HTML output' should be enabled.
Basically, this option works the same as 'use <p> tags' in the standard text object.
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Re: Link font size in footer does not change

Post by daveb4 »

Yes, this works for me, thank you Pablo!
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