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Hyperlink parameter additions when using buttons

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 7:22 pm
by LJLachance
How can I change the html link?

The object html shows me this: <a href="URL" title="Files"></a>
When I need it to show me this: <a href="URL" download title="Files"></a>
Where do I need to go to change the object html tag to include the additional parameter?

Re: Hyperlink parameter additions when using buttons

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:19 pm
by Pablo
It depends on the context of the link. For example, whether is is a link in an image or menu.

If you want help with this, then will need to be more specific.
Where is the link?

Re: Hyperlink parameter additions when using buttons

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2022 12:28 am
by crispy68
To add your code to a text link, select the text, add your link and then on the Advanced tab type what you want to appear in the anchor tag:


Other objects, for example using a shape with text and link, after adding the link, right click on the object, select "Inside Anchor" and type your code. You can see it in the Generated HTML window.
