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Break Points

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 9:05 pm
by Bazza2
My existing site had a 320 Break point showing on all pages in my build.

I have decided to delete the 320 break point and replace it with a 420.

So I deleted the 321 beak point from the index page and replaced it with a 420 and it worked fine on that page.

I notice the 320 break point is still on all the other pages.

I thought that deleting the break point and replacing it with another size would have altered that setting site wide.

Do I have a problem or is this correct and I need to go into every page individually to change its break point

Thanks in advance

Re: Break Points

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 9:24 pm
by crispy68
I thought that deleting the break point and replacing it with another size would have altered that setting site wide.
I sure would hope not. Just think if you made a mistake and all 100 pages in your website was affected!

Deleting/changing breakpoints on a page only affects the page you are on.

You can add the same breakpoints to all pages by going to Manage Breakpoints --> clicking Apply these breakpoints to other pages --> then select the pages you want to add them to.

Re: Break Points

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 9:46 pm
by Bazza2
Hello Crispy68
Thanks for your feed back. Appreciated
