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Link formatting removed when changing font style

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 1:33 pm
by Stediflite
I've created a table with one column having links to Eventbrite. Initially, I used plain text (no style applied) and added the link, tested and previewed the page. All was OK, default link colours worked fine but the text in the preview was too small. I changed the font size and looked at the preview again but the font size did not change - though link colours were still OK at this point.

Next, I highlighted the link text and selected the 'Heading 1' style. Preveiweing the page I can see the font size has changed but now the link colours have disappeared - the link is still there and works, just no default hyperlink colours or underlining. Any suggestions?

Re: Link formatting removed when changing font style

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 1:44 pm
by Pablo
You cannot apply 2 styles to the same text/link. So, you either use a hyperlink style or global style. You cannot use both at the same time.

Note: if the text in the preview is too small then there is most likely an issue with the DPI configuration.

Re: Link formatting removed when changing font style

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:00 pm
by Stediflite
Thanks for the swift response. Removing the style, i.e. setting this to 'none' has restored the default link colours. Thanks

The font size has reduced to the small font in preview despite changing the font size in WYSIWYG Web Builder. I have checked the user interface settings but the option in the link you provided (Enable High DPI Support) is not in the options I have in version 18.3.1 though I'd appreciate any suggestions?

Re: Link formatting removed when changing font style

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:23 pm
by Pablo
Are you sure you have looked in the right place?
Tools -> Options -> User Interface

Also, if you have set the output format of the text to 'use <p>' then make sure 'Enable responsive fonts' is checked. See also the notes about this in the help.

If you need further assistance then please share a DEMO project.

Re: Link formatting removed when changing font style

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 2:57 pm
by Stediflite
I'm pretty sure I've looked in the right place, here's a link to an image of the 'User Interface' options from my laptop:

Re: Link formatting removed when changing font style

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 3:04 pm
by BaconFries
See the following of your screenshot circled. Have you also set the DPI in Windows as shown in the url provided by Pablo?
Note the image in the link is from a earlier version.

DPI Settings Windows 10 (external link for reference)
DPI issues Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Surface Pro 4 ... 0b99aa347d

Re: Link formatting removed when changing font style

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 3:12 pm
by Stediflite
Many thanks for the correction, as a new user I hadn't thought the two screenshots were from different versions. So the DPI is checked, that's good.

I've found and checked the 'Enable responsive fonts' option in the table properties, fonts appear fine now on preview. I'll check the DPI in Windows now.

Many thanks for your swift responses, really appreciated.

Re: Link formatting removed when changing font style

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 3:15 pm
by BaconFries
Your Welcome glad to have helped...and welcome to the forum and WB