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*** FIXED*** Little problems with WB 19
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:21 pm
Hello everyone!
I upgraded from 18 to 19 today. In version 19 the button “open website - open an existing website” does not work. All other buttons work.
Opening projects via “Recent places” also doesn’t work. The “Desktop” always opens - not the right folder. The displayed path is correct. “Recent Documents” works.
When you “save as” it doesn’t open the correct path, like WB 18, but rather the desktop.
What could be the reason?
Thank you in advance for the support.
Re: Little problems with WB 19
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:24 pm
by Pablo
It seems to work correct for me. I use this feature many times per day myself.
Can you please be more specific?
What are the exact step to reproduce this behavior?
Did you try it on another computer so we can be sure this is not an issue of this computer. For example, a firewall configuration issue.
Does it work when you disable 'Skinned dialogs' in Tools -> Options -> User Interface?
Re: Little problems with WB 19
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:18 pm
by colin1661music
Yes I'm having the same problems CTRL+O works but clicking on Open file doesn't.
Also seem to have a strange font in the open dialog boxes and no access to Quick Access, which is really useful. (Fixed this turned off skinned interface).
Re: Little problems with WB 19
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 7:50 pm
by Pablo
Yes I'm having the same problems CTRL+O works but clicking on Open file doesn't.
Which 'Open' do you mean?
Where exactly is it located?
Can you please be more specific?
Also, can you please try this (from the release notes):
If you prefer standard Windows dialog style then uncheck ‘Enable skinned dialogs’.
There is also a registry option for advanced users to enable standard system dialogs, without affecting the other application dialogs:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Pablo Software Solutions\WYSIWYG Web Builder 19\Settings\UseSystemDialogs -> DWORD -> 1
Re: Little problems with WB 19
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 8:47 pm
Does it work when you disable 'Skinned dialogs' in Tools -> Options -> User Interface?
This is the solution to the problems with "Save as" and opening projects via "Recent Places".
But the problem of opening still exists. When I select "Options" via "File" from the list (New, New Website from Template... ...Options) nothing happens - not even via "Ctrl+O". The same with "Recent". With the WB18 installed in parallel it works perfectly.
Correction - The Shortcut Ctrl-O works.
Re: *** NEED MORE INFO *** Little problems with WB 19
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 8:55 pm
by Pablo
But the problem of opening still exists. When I select "Options" via "File" from the list (New, New Website from Template... ...Options) nothing happens - not even via "Ctrl+O". The same with "Recent". With the WB18 installed in parallel it works perfectly.
I'm sorry, but it still not clear for me which exact options do not work for you?
Do you mean none of the commands work?
So, you cannot create new files, open files or save files?
Can you please describe step by step which items you click before it stops working?
Re: *** NEED MORE INFO *** Little problems with WB 19
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:06 pm
Sorry, in the last post it shouldn't have been called "Options", but
Sure, of course, the steps are:
1. Open WB19
2. Click on “File”
3. Click on Button "Open" - nothing happens!
The installed version is 19.0.1.
Re: *** NEED MORE INFO *** Little problems with WB 19
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:15 pm
by Pablo
Ok, thanks for clearing that up!
I have updated the software a few minutes ago to address this issue. Can you try it it now works for you?
Re: *** NEED MORE INFO *** Little problems with WB 19
Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:23 pm
Thumbs up! Now the “Open” button works again!
Thanks for the quick help and the many great innovations in version 19!
Re: *** FIXED*** Little problems with WB 19
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:37 am
by colin1661music
Pablo, thanks for fixing this, my program didn't recognise 19.0.1 as an update, so I downloaded it and it works fine.
Once again thanks for a brilliant program.