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Can't access old projects after upgrading to version 19
Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 7:38 pm
by garlandmelinda
Hello. I upgraded to the new version, and now I can't access any of my old projects. I am accessing them through google drive, but I also downloaded the entire file for one of them onto the actual PC, and I'm getting 2 different error messages. The one when I access it through Drive for desktop says that an unknown error occurred, and when I try to access the version I downloaded to my pc it says that the file was created with a newer version, which obviously isn't the case. See attached screenshots. I already took the step listed in the FAQ of allowing the ap access through my firewall. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much, Garland

Re: Can't access old projects after upgrading to version 19
Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 8:12 pm
by jerryco
Do you still have your older WWB version? Does it still open there as expected?
Re: Can't access old projects after upgrading to version 19
Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 8:27 pm
by Pablo
This is most likely an issue related to Windows ransomware protection.
See also the upgrade FAQ:
Or else try to copy the project to a local folder to see if that works, then you can rule out any permissions issues.
If the project uses extensions then make sure both WB18 and WB19 share the same system folder: Tools -> Options -> Files & Folders
If that does not help then please share the project file so we can check it.
Re: Can't access old projects after upgrading to version 19
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:01 pm
by garlandmelinda
I did allow it though my firewall. I also turned my firewall completely off and it still won't open, gives the message that the project was created in a newer version. It's every single one of my projects, and it's only on this computer. I have another computer where they are all still accessible even in the new version. I also downloaded one of my projects from drive into my local folder, same error message.
I think my extensions are in the proper folder, it says they are here: C:\Users\garla_qgkedjf\Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder
I uninstalled version 18 when I upgraded to 19.
Anything new I made since I downloaded 19 opens right back up for me, but nothing old
This a link to my site -
Re: Can't access old projects after upgrading to version 19
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:08 pm
by garlandmelinda
I did just download an old backup version I had uploaded via .zip file to my computer and that one opens.
Re: Can't access old projects after upgrading to version 19
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:32 pm
by Pablo
If you need my help then please share the project file (wbs) so I can check it.
See also the forum rules.