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Hide on Breakpoint

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 3:20 am
by davidpratthk
I have a menu ( Panel Menu image )!AoX3XfxMsNMIm-V3BwS ... g?e=JTs2ec on our project. Its a WB item by way of a copyright line in the HTML box but I have no memory of what it is and it does not seem to appear in my menu. (Probably does but I havent identified it) Its really good and we will use it for the whole build.

Anyway, my question - Is there a way of having the layer hidden from certain breakpoints as it covers the whole screen on a mobile phone. ( Mobile Menu Image ). Either in the Timer as an event or in HTML I suppose.

As an aside. The Menu and its satellites always appear in the error report as being outside the viewpoint. As its designed to be so, maybe in an update you might include an exeception in the program for this reporting.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Hide on Breakpoint

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 3:35 am
by crispy68
I'm confused. Isn't the panel menu hidden to begin with until a button is clicked to open it? Can you elaborate a bit more on the initial setup? Not clear to me on what you are trying to accomplish.

Re: Hide on Breakpoint

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 5:03 am
by davidpratthk
No. The panel menu is NOT hidden to start with, otherwise I believe I would not be making the enquiry.

You can understand my problem clearly by looking at the pictures.

Re: Hide on Breakpoint

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 5:21 am
by BaconFries
You can understand my problem clearly by looking at the pictures
Pictures/images do not tell us anything!. One image it shows you have added custom code in a HTML Object please remove all custom code first as this may break the code of the page... If you need further help it is always best to provide a basic project (.wbs) as this will show us more (clearly) than just a couple of images which show nothing.
Please read the forum rules before posting.

Re: Hide on Breakpoint

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 7:27 am
by davidpratthk
You accuse me how? I dont do HTML so changing code is beyond me. So ... no words.

If you have access to what the code should be then please point me to it. Then I can see what YOU are talking about.

Also, not really a fan of your tone.

Re: Hide on Breakpoint

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 8:13 am
by davidpratthk
For those who want to believe I "snuck some code in," I have put an image of the file at the link before.
Clearly has the #wp copyright line. So.... not my code and I would have no idea about changing anything.

So back to my original question of how I can have it hidden from a breakpoint. Please.

Re: Hide on Breakpoint

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 8:57 am
by Pablo
The panel menu can be hidden in breakpoints, but to be able to help you with this I need a DEMO project (not the full project!) so I can see all your settings.

For further details about how to share a project file, please see this FAQ:
Clearly has the #wp copyright line.
The copyright HTML is copied from a template. It is used to move copyright text to the bottom.

Re: Hide on Breakpoint

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 11:53 am
by crispy68
The panel menu is NOT hidden to start with, otherwise I believe I would not be making the enquiry.
Sorry, when a panel menu is initially inserted into the workspace, yes the panel menu is hidden which is why I asked! It won't open until you click the trigger button.

This is why I asked more about your initial setup and what you were trying to do but, instead of providing me with how you set up your panel menu, you direct me to the pictures. Your pictures do not show anything about the setup of the panel menu and are useless. In addition, it would be helpful to have some context on what you are trying to accomplish. For example, "I am wanting the panel menu to be visible when the page loads but if the breakpoint is less than 768px, I want it to be hidden."

So I assume you have set the Type = Fixed in the options of the panel menu?

In defense of Baconfries, your original images (when I viewed it) do show a html box with code. We can only assume by your pics that you added this code as you did not state anything different. It is normal to ask you to remove all custom code when trying to figure out a problem as sometimes the custom code can be causing the issue.

Re: Hide on Breakpoint

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 10:46 pm
by BaconFries
You accuse me how? I dont do HTML so changing code is beyond me. So ... no words
Accused you no...I have simply asked you where this has come from and it seems it has been copied from a template.
If you have access to what the code should be then please point me to it. Then I can see what YOU are talking about

How would I have access to it due to that you have only shown it in a image the only way I would get access is if you provided a simple "Demo" a copy of your project (.wbs).
Note it is in general asked of anyone who has a issue to provide a "Demo" project this is so it can be viewed and a answer given..I don't think that is to much to ask of you or anyone that requires help is it.

Re: Hide on Breakpoint - new image

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 2:54 am
by davidpratthk
crispy68 wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 11:53 am
The panel menu is NOT hidden to start with, otherwise I believe I would not be making the enquiry.
Sorry, when a panel menu is initially inserted into the workspace, yes the panel menu is hidden which is why I asked! It won't open until you click the trigger button.

So I assume you have set the Type = Fixed in the options of the panel menu?
I think you are confused. Or I am. This does not seem to be the Panel Menu as seen in the toolbox.
I have had this layout for some years and just picked it for this project. I just can't remember where it came from but it would have been off the site for sure. It has your cpoyright after all.

There is no Type - Fixed . Please see the new image in the previous link. This is a standard layer with a CSS menu in it and some other stuff, it seems. The selection is Panel Layer. I would imagine the answer lays here if not in the HTML but where I know not.

As for people trying to treat me as some numpty. FYthem - I will be 70 in July, my first computer came as a kit, you could not buy them built then.
We all leant Basic and I learnt APL but all after that, starting with C it all became too much, too many lines of code, too many new languages.
My first PC had 640K memory (Massive) and a 20Mb (yes Mb) HDD and ran GEM on top of MS-DOS. The day Concurrent DoS was released with the Apricot PC it was like all my Xmas had come at once. So I have a huge experience but not sitting in a basement coding and demanding Linux over windows just because I want to play around with it. I do have a friend who used to write code to open his CD drive rather than press the button, but thats the polar opposite to me. I love programs with professional back up not something that is a continual experiment. I am thinking of stuff like MOODLE - great idea but have you SEEN the size of the operating manual !!! Hence Google Classroom wins everytime.

WWB has been my go to from its early days and I wrote about that recently. The present version is awsome and If a question is asked, then its really something that may not be easily found so treating that person as some "üntermench" is fascile.

I also wrote about AI also. I live in Hong Kong and Open Ai do not (easily) allow it here. VPN and such need to be used. So I shall not be able to use it, which is a shame as its range of products seem promising. Luckily it is one of many free solutions so we go that way.

Re: Hide on Breakpoint

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 6:12 am
by Pablo
If you need help with hiding your menu in a breakpoint, then please share a DEMO project, so I can see how you have implemented the menu.
The screenshots do not provide any useful information to be able to help you.

For further details about how to share a project file, please see this FAQ:

Re: Hide on Breakpoint

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 7:13 am
by BaconFries
Now that you have said or shown that you are using a Layer set to be used as a Panel layer I went back to your previous post at the following url and viewed the source to confirm that you are actually using a Panel Layer
So how to "Hide" in a "Breakpoint" then the answer may be from Pablo that to hide the Panel Layer in smaller screens some custom code will be needed
Pablo wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 6:41 am You can add custom CSS to hide the menu for smaller screen sizes.

For example:
@media only screen and (max-width:768px)
display: none !important;

The max-width should have the same value as the breakpoint property of the layer.
The above should resolve.

Note when I visit the url from your previous post regarding strange code at top I still see the form code (php) you will need to set the page extension to .php not .html if you haven’t already done so you will also need to remove the index.html from the server and only have the index.php as only one index page is needed.

So without ruffling your feathers... no-one is treating you as üntermench (subhuman) if you had written originally what you had used instead of images then having us to try and guess from them then perhaps you would have been given the answer you needed.