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Image overflow hidden

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2024 11:17 pm
by Lasa
I was wondering why on image properties you do not have an overflow option?
If you have an image and you alt-enter or right click properties, the objects properties pop up. You make all your choices etc.
But in the object properties that pops up you do not have an OVERFLOW hidden or none option.
The Overflow option only appears on the right-side summary of all the properties ID.
I would expect to have an image overflow option in the pop-up properties. Or am I seeing it incorrectly?

Re: Image overflow hidden

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 3:18 am
by crispy68
Why would you have an overflow for an image? The overflow property specifies what should happen if content overflows an element's box. Overflow is used for containers (ex: a div, layer, grid etc.).

Re: Image overflow hidden

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 3:34 am
by wwonderfull
Crispy is right lasa. Images are contained inside a container which can be grid or flex and only that can get an overflow as the container contains the image or contents so it can even be the <body> itself so overflow is a property which contains something and if it is overflowing and is not showing its proper size, we can overflow scroll or hide that.

Re: Image overflow hidden

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 12:28 pm
by Lasa
Thanks, makes sense.
The reason I was asking was because I was trying to figure out how the OUR GALLERY in the ANIMESALON template hover zoom in transition on the image was kept contained within the boundary of the image. I assumed there had to be an OVERFLOW option within the image pop-up properties or the ribbon... later I found the OVERFLOW on the right side ID properties under image dropdown. :D

I also see that the IMAGE tool also has the OVERFLOW on the right side but not an option on the pop-up properties...
Now that I found it, it's more of an observation.
