Help with page

This section is for posting questions which are not directly related to WYSIWYG Web Builder.
Examples of off topics: web server configuration, hosting, programming related questions, third party scripts.

Note that these questions will generally not be answered by the administrators of this forum.
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Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:44 am

Help with page

Post by dellas_capua »

Hey guys!
I need to make training videos available for a software we are developing. Our website was created using the latest Wysiwyg Web Builder.
I would like to have just one screen, where it would be divided into two blocks. On the left side, a list (links) with the videos and on the other, the videos themselves.
As this will be run practically within a window of our software, I would like the window to be fixed, so that the user cannot scroll it. However, the video list part does, as there will be several links, separated by groups (or topics) with the videos. They will not be hosted on any such website,
staying in a folder on our own hosting. Do you have an example showing how to do this?
Any help is welcome!
Thank you very much!
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Joined: Fri Aug 21, 2020 8:27 am

Re: Help with page

Post by wwonderfull »

Possible but still have some questions in mind, but we can talk about it on the chat or email. If you want, you can contact from the signature information below.
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