Conditional Display of a Form Field

Issues related to forms.
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Conditional Display of a Form Field

Post by TvdS »

Is it possible to create a form which displays a label and a text input field dependent on the response selected in a prior drop down selection box.

Question: Do you endorse Robert Jones as a candidate for Chairperson?
Response 1: Yes
Response 2: No, I propose somebody else.

If the response is Yes, the form carries on to address the next topic.
If the Response is 2, a previously hidden option opens with a text input field labeled:
Please enter the name of your preferred candidate in the field below, followed by the text field.

I have been experimenting with conditional responses and it seems that currently this cannot be achieved. Or am I missing something?
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Re: Conditional Display of a Form Field

Post by Pablo »

You can show / hide option based on the selection using conditions:

If you need more assistance then please provide a demo project so we can see what your settings are.

For further details about how to share a project file, please see this FAQ:
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