Informal website built with WWB16>20

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Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:29 am

Informal website built with WWB16>20

Post by SamT »

Built for a voluntary group with a target audience/members of people over 55 years:

It is an uncomplicated design but with a few 'tweaks by making use of a small amount of additional HTML/PHP/Javascript and CSS code.
Mainly using editable content for the unskilled committee to manage its regular textual content updates including all the tables.

On the Home page and Coach Trips page the tables are modified on page load to include graphics 'injected' into each row and an additional column to provide the ability to play the text in spoken English.

Includes a file uploader of newsletters with a file explorer like window to select older newsletters, if required. The Javascript written explorer window automatically sorts in date order and displays the latest (if not using Apple device) newsletter.

Using WWB20 and AI (ComfyAI). The menu icons are AI generated as are a few other images.

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Re: Informal website built with WWB16>20

Post by wwonderfull »

The menu icons look great because it adjusts to the whole vibe of this website. That is what I like about website not looking like a template but having its own uniqueness.

I scaled the website for smaller devices I think the menu fonts shrink too much on mobile devices which needs improvement as you made it for over 55 people, I am sure there may be accessibility issues regarding that.

Other than that, nicely done.
Posts: 46
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:29 am

Re: Informal website built with WWB16>20

Post by SamT »

Thanks wwonderfull. I appreciate any and all comments but especially from such a long time poster on this site and someone whom I have learned a great deal from (as a long time lurker, seldom poster).

I agree with your observation regarding the too small font size on the menu for smaller devices and will amend soon (its a project I work on for free during my spare time).

It was/is a nice change to have free reign on design and try to look original from the many templates available which all look good but none seemed to fit the requiements well enough.
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