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Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 7:42 am
by agilefalcon
I am trying to get a form to work.
How do I determine what version of PHP WYSIWYGWB is using? And does this have to be the same on my host (HostGator)?
I've searched the Help and PHP really isn't talked about except in passing - nothing about what is being used by the app.
Where do I find info on PHP in this app? It isn't in Page properties or Site properties.

What are the key points of using PHP (such as the form wizard) and coordinating that with my host server?

Thank you.


Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:22 am
by BaconFries
How do I determine what version of PHP WYSIWYGWB is using? And does this have to be the same on my host (HostGator)?
That will depend on the version of the software you are currently using. The latest version of the software WWB20.x.x uses PHP 8.x.x so your host should be running PHP 8.x.x. When using any scripts that use PHP from within the software or externally the page extension should be set to .php.
You cannot "Preview" php locally as it is a "Serverside" script and requires it to be processed by the server so you will need to publish to your host to see the results.
You can use the likes of xammp which is basically a server that you can run locally on your PC for test purposes (no support given) as you should understand how to install and use yourself. For what version of PHP your hosting uses please contact them.
See note at the following for WWB18 and older.
PHP version compatibility


Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 8:27 am
by AliGW
It's probably also worth mentioning that you'll need to set your page extension to php and not html in page properties. I think a lot of people forget this.


Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2025 7:21 pm
by agilefalcon
Thank for the help.
There were several issues with the host set up. Most of that is fixed now, though I'm not getting the emails from the form. I read the FAQ and now I will figure out what Mail Engine they are using and so forth.
Everything was working on my old host, but just recently migrated from iPage to Host Gator. It's been a challenge.
