Webshop Plus! v.2.0 for WWB7

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Post by Navaldesign »

Since you are assuring that no changes were made to the labels, I would need to see the page code or i would need your project to debug. It certainly is something very simple.

The button names in the product forms are of no importance.

For PayPal only, look at the manual: you remove pages thankyou and checkout, rename pages thankyou1 -> thankyou and checkout1 -> checkout .

You can ofcourse also remove other options from the dropdown and only leave PayPal.

To avoid "index of" since you have used a dedicated folder for the cart, you should create and publish an "index" page inside the "cart" folder.

The manual says "Don't publish the index page" IF you are publishing the cart pages in your root folder.
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Post by Navaldesign »

should not be Index but index, all lowercase
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Post by Navaldesign »

Your "cart" folder now dispplays correctly.
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Post by Navaldesign »

Your Cart folder DOES have an index page with the welcome message , nav menu etc.

If you don't see it, this probably means that your browser has cached the "index of" page (when the index still didn't exist) and displays the cached version.

go in http: // www. lellaslingerieDOTcom/cart/ , in other words in the cart folder with your browser, and hit F5 some times quickly, to refresh your browser.
Last edited by Navaldesign on Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Navaldesign »

This line should do it alright, but you need to add it in the thankyou page. Where did you add it ?
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Post by iamafireman »

for some reason my cart page doesnot show up. It is totally blank. If i publish local and view it in the browser it shows up.
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Post by kevinp »

If you import the cart1.php file to your project then place an iframe in your header etc which points to this page it should work OK. It was just a rough (very rough) attempt to add this feature which I have'nt had time to refine unfortunately. I'm afraid I don't posses naval's genius when it comes to PHP but I'm learning (slowly).

Hope this helps

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Post by Navaldesign »

nethawk wrote:Hi Naval, I'm about to begin with this and I can't wait to see how it works. I do have a question however.

In the instructions, it says I should "Create a folder called "webshop_plus" inside your WYSIWYG5 folder. Extract the zip content in this folder. Keep the same folder structure."

Do you mean my folder under My Documents or under Program Files?

Thanks Naval. I'll be starting this this evening, so I look forward to seeing it in action.
Under your "WYSIWYG Web Builder" folder in "Documents"
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Post by Navaldesign »

From what I see, your issue is that when adding a product to the cart, the cart page is blank.

The reason for this is that you have not set the Admini settings: Shipping and, especially, Shipping Areas.

Until you do so, the cart is missing the file with the shipping details, so this causes an error (no file to include) and displays a blank page.
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Post by Navaldesign »

There are two ways to publish your cart, in the cart folder:

1. If the cart is a separate WB6 project for you, then, simply, in the WB6 project of the cart, provide, in the "Publish" dialog box, as publish location, root_folder/cart

This will automatically publish the cart files in the "cart" folder

2. OR you can open your cart WB6 project, create, in Site manager, a folder named "cart" and drag all pages in that folder.
At that point you can publish normally as you do with the rest of your pages, without changing anything in the publish location properties.
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Post by Navaldesign »

It means that the folder has no writing permissions. Check the folder permissions, should be 755 . If it doesn't work with 755 try 777
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Post by Navaldesign »

Is your server set to have Safe Mode ON? If yes, it allows no operations to files.

Yes, you'd better ask them.

Post by uniformality »

Hello Naval
i have two questions please
Do the project pages HAVE to have .php extention or can i use html?

2 is it advisable to download the shopping cart code every so often to 'refresh' my current version?

Regards Paul
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Post by Navaldesign »

The pages need to be php as they have php code embedded. If you have downloaded the Demo project, you can see in the Page properties that they are set to publish as .php.

I don't understand your second question. Unless a major update is released and you would like to use the new features, there is no reason to re-download / re-install.

Post by uniformality »

Sorry naval it should have read Product pages (not project pages). I tested it and it works fine with product pages as html.

Everthing is working ok , but is it possible when the customer clicks 'OrderNow' they are taken straight to paypal ?

Thanks in advance
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Post by Navaldesign »

No, because that would require to do to actions with one click: Save the details AND post the data to PayPal. Since to do that I would need to use CURL which is not supported by all servers / hosting accounts, i prefer doing it as a two step process.

Post by uniformality »

thanks for the swift reply Naval.

Ok I understand your reason.
Is it posible to pass the customers name and address to paypal to save them re-entering the details?

Thanks in advance again

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Post by Navaldesign »

Yes, it is possible, however you need to modify the button code adding the necessary hidden fields to prepolulate the PayPal form.
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Post by Navaldesign »

The PayPal button uses the standard PayPal code. And, as you have seen yourself, it works fine with all other browsers. I don't see a reason for it not working with Opera.
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Re: does anyone get shopping cart orders without payment?

Post by Navaldesign »

Sandyfishgirl wrote:In the past few days, we have received two orders - BUT, the orders were not completed, no payment made thru PayPal.

The information in our auto-responder appears to be legit. Name, address, e-mail, item etc....

We sent e-mail to both, asking if they would like to complete their order - (make payment) or if we could be of any assistance...... NO RESPONSE.

We have used PayPal for some time on another website & have no issues with payments being made. With that particular site, before any payment is requested or made, we have had contact, via mail, phone or in person with customers - before they make payments.

On this new shopping cart, we sell women's clothing and such. I wonder if it is a particular 'industry-related' issue - - WINDOW SHOPPERS????

CURIOUS - if anyone else has experienced this??? :?

Most probably just someone testing your cart......
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Post by Navaldesign »

andysutils wrote:The email was correct, i tried it from scratch and it still didnt send any emails, I can only put this down to it being something related to my mail server, therefore I had to revert back to the manual script of adding the classic email option which isnt a problem anyway, everything is working perfect now. :wink:
What you are stating makes (technically) no sense. Not that I doubt what you are saying, but because, as i mentioned, IF CORRECTLY set, the script is equivalent to the old one! It only uses a variable for the email address, which it retrieves from the Admin area settings. There is NO difference between the two codes! One has the variables hardcoded (the old one) the other retrieves them from the script / admin settings files.

So I can only suppose that there is something wrong there.
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Post by kevinp »

I too get window shoppers who appear to be testing the cart. nothing much you can do except perhaps log the ip address.

The cart is brilliant and I've looked at a great many so called commercial offerings.

I'm going to attemp to change the thankyou page so that it generates html emails instead of plain text.

I'll post the results if it works OK.
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Post by Navaldesign »

Hi Kevin,

HTML email and Authorize.net checkout are scheduled for the next upgrade, together with the small summary cart contents table, plus a (paid for) addon for instant downloads. So unless you would like to do it as personal interest, you can avoid it.
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Post by Navaldesign »

In fact I can't undertake this, BUT if you follow the instructions slowly and with precision, you will be up and running by tomorrow, not next week.

1. Enter the admin area. Go through ALL pages, one by one, it will require no more than 40 to 60 minutes.

2. Then publish all pages of the demo project. After that test it and see if everything is ok.

3. At this point customize the pages accoring to your own site theme.

4. Set up your products forms (3 minutes per product, max) and customize each product page to suit the specific product (another, say, 10 mins). You can clone the first product page to create the additional products pages, then double click the product form to set the parameters of each product.

At the end, you can publish your Webshop pages again

For a 20 products cart, estimated time 4 hrs should be more than enough.
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Post by mandrake »

Hi NavalDesign,

When will therefore leave the famous version WWB6 IDC PAYPAL extension?
You program the script again or you expect out of the WWB6.5?
Thank you for your answer!

Best regards,
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Post by Navaldesign »

The Instant Download is ready, But I will need at least a couple of days to fully test before it can go commercial.
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Post by mandrake »

Great news! :D

I look forward to seeing this exciting expansion!

Gravely commercial version!

Best regards,

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Post by me.prosenjeet »

I am trying to change the "Tax" name on my shopping cart, It is changing in the admin page, but when I am trying to shop and then see the cart, the old name of the tax still shows. How to show the new one. Sorry I am updating the site after a long time so kindof forgotten how to do this.
If asked to login to see cart, use demo for both.
Currently Tax field is showing "Processing Charges"
Changed in the Admin to "Overhead"
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Post by Navaldesign »

What you are stating can not happen, unless you are having different admin / shop areas (and files) , so you are updating one but the other is not updated.

Your shop is too complicated (with login etc) for me to go the full way to test.
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

Navaldesign wrote:What you are stating can not happen, unless you are having different admin / shop areas (and files) , so you are updating one but the other is not updated.

Your shop is too complicated (with login etc) for me to go the full way to test.
Naval. once you login there is no issue.... please give it a shot
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Post by Navaldesign »

me, there is nothing i can see simply from the page html.

I can't login in the admin area nor can I see what code is there or examine directly the file. So there is no way i can help you.

Open the settings file and see if the file has been correctly updated through the admin page or not.
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Post by Navaldesign »

1. Seems that you have somehow removed the links of the buttons. Just re-establish them and you will be ok.

2. No, if that was the "full_product_form" page that you deleted, it was simply an example product form with all the possible options so if anyone needed it, he could see how this is done. Removing that page doesn't affect anything.
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Post by Navaldesign »

What's the "regular" method ??

All carts, even the most complicated ones use forms to send the product info to the cart page. Each product "Add to Cart" button is simply a submit button that posts the product details to the cart.

Do you have the form or not ? The form "action" is what links the product to the cart page and code.

Open the demo product and see how this is made.
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Post by Navaldesign »

The Thankyou1 and Checkout1 pages are PayPal only so if you want to only use PayPal you need to replace Thankyou with thankyou1 and checkout with checkout1.
If not, you can delete them.

Buttons: the buttons must be named "action" and their value as it was.

Otherwise you can replace them with Advanced Buttons, where the text can be in your language and the name will remain "action" and the vale as it was (for each button).

Post by uniformality »

hi Naval,
I have a problem with my cart page. the checkout button and recalculate buttons just seem to relod the page. I have replaced the page with the original imported from your Sample Shop, but the problem still exisits.
the site is picturethaton.co.uk
thank for your assistance

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Post by Navaldesign »

Most probably, when you imported the page in your project, the three buttons in the cart page "lost" their name (should be "action" for all three)

Check it.

Post by uniformality »

hi Naval

I checked the button names and changeed them to "action" but still it doesn't work. Thanks for your assisitance.

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Post by Navaldesign »

Since I don't know what your product page( s ) URLs are, I can't test.

Remove the Onclick event that you added to the Continue Shopping button.

Post by uniformality »

Thanks Naval, that was the problem.
Is there a way to make the 'continue shopping' button take the customer back to the last page they were at?

EDIT ok i have put the button on another form and now the cart works and the 'continue shopping' function works to.



Post by uniformality »

I have modified the Paypal button on the 'thank you' page so thatname and address gets passed to paypal so the customer doesnt have to re-enter it. The new code is

// display PayPal checkout?

$form = '
<form target="PayPal" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_ext-enter">
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_cmd" value="_xclick">
<input type="hidden" name="business" value="'.$paypal_email.'">
<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="'.$dbts_title.' Order '.$orderid.'">
<input type="hidden" name="item_number" value="'.$orderid.'">
<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="'.number_format($_SESSION['nettotal'], 2).'">
<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="'.$currency.'">
<input type="hidden" name="shipping" value="'.$_SESSION['shipping1'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="handling" value="'.$_SESSION['handling'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="return" value="'.$paypal_thankyoupage.'">
<input type="hidden" name="cancel_return" value="'.$paypal_cancelpage.'">
<input type="hidden" name="undefined_quantity" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="receiver_email" value="'.$paypal_email.'">
<input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="'.$require_address.'">
<input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="'.$allow_message.'">
<input type="hidden" name="first_name" value="'.$_SESSION['firstname'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="last_name" value="'.$_SESSION['lastname'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="address1" value="'.$_SESSION['address'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="address2" value="'.$_SESSION['address2'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="city" value="'.$_SESSION['city'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="state" value="'.$_SESSION['state'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="zip" value="'.$_SESSION['zip'].'">
<input type="image" name="submit" src="http://images.paypal.com/images/x-click-but6.gif" alt="Make payments with PayPal, it\'s fast, free, and secure!">
echo $form;


I found it better not to pass the email address as Paypal assumes your customer has a paypal account and doesn't dispay the name and address data but here it is incase anyone needs it

<input type="hidden" name="email" value="'.$_SESSION['email'].'">

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Post by Navaldesign »

Which Add ons ?
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Post by Navaldesign »

No, you aren't missing anything, but if you don't specify what you want, I can't know.

For such issues, you should contact me privately through my site (in my signature) contact form with your requirements.
Last edited by Navaldesign on Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Navaldesign »

I'm not sure whay you are posting in this section of the forum, as the cart seems perfectly working.

For the images issues, seems like they ARE on the server, but they won't display (or, which I can't check, seems they 0 size). Try this:
1. Check images permissions: should be 644
2. Preview the page in FF. Right click the pics that don't show, and save them locally, then manually upload them on the server / cart/images folder.
Refresh the page to see if it appears.

Your popups also seem working fine.
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Post by radioboy74 »

So do I understand your post correctly, I can set a price through our Pay Pal feature let's say for $5.00 for product and it will calculate the shipping as per what I enter?
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Post by Navaldesign »

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Post by radioboy74 »

I see you are talking about downloading something above, what is that? Also my client wants to use the paypal option or whatever works best, but wants to offer shipping options such as Post Office, Fedex, UPS, etc... are there ways to do the shipping options??
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Post by Navaldesign »

Pls take the time to read the manual which contains all features descriptions and possibilities of the cart.

The cart support shipping fees but not all those options you mention. For those you will need a professional cart that can use the APIs of USP, Fedex etc to calculate shipping.
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

I am not sure where to post this, here or in the DBTS form extension.
My client has 18 products with about 15 varieties in each. What he is looking for is actually an order form and not online sales/payment.
He wants that the user selects the variety of product and the quantity and then submit so that the order form details reach the company to process the order.

Something like

Product A----------[Image]Varieties=(can be drop down or 'tick' from list)----------Quantity(drop down 1,2,3...)

Product B----------[Image]Varieties=(can be drop down or 'tick' from list)----------Quantity(drop down 1,2,3...)

Product will not have a select button but the variety will have the details of the product.

So we have 2 fields to be selected by the visitor for a product...
1) Variety
2) Quantity.

Further this will be a multipage order form so if the user doesn't like any of the products on page 1, he can click on a button to move to next page. That is if the form is of 15 pages, he can select several products from various pages and submit it.

How can this be done?
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