HighSlide JW Player ***DEPRECATED***

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HighSlide JW Player ***DEPRECATED***

Post by BaconFries »

***Update 10/01/11***
Upadte to fix flv sizing

***Update 16/11/10***
Update to fix z-order position on page you can specify the order.

***Update*** 06/02/10
Minor update to fix video resize and just add the z-order size
example 3000, before you had to insert like this Example ;z-index 3000
just insert the size now....

***Updated 02/01/10***
Meets W3C Standards
Built with Extension Builder 2.0.2
Image Image

With this extension you playback flv files in JW Player (Longtail JW Player) that on click of a thumbnail image will open in a popup window similar to lightbox and play the video Screen shot below


Name: Highslide JS
Version: 4.0.11 (January 21 2009)
Config: default
Author: Torstein Hønsi
Support: http://highslide.com/support

Highslide JS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5
License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/).
You are free:
* To use for personal use only.
* To copy, distribute, display, and perform the work.
* To make derivative works.
* Noncommercial.You may not use this work for commercial purposes personal use only.
* For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license
terms of this work.(See Above)
* Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.

Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
Please vist the link below for more details on how to purchase commercial licence.

Download update from here
Last edited by BaconFries on Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:07 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Post by jordan »

:shock: is all I have to say. :shock: .
I will repeat this on all 3 new extension . simply . :shock: .
.... tzis is getting rediculiouzzz ... :wink: .
Making good websites is gonna become too easy pretty soon!

+ tnx for the update mail BaconFries.
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Post by protectourlands »

This is going to be a very useful extension BaconFries. Thank you so much for working on this.

Is there a way to add turn on/off auto start?
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Post by BaconFries »

Evening protectourlands Yes it is possible I just havnt added this variable to the extension yet, I will add some more to extend the use of this extension. I will probally need to update the player I used if I want to add some of the newer features available, I have got a couple of other things I need to finish first but I will get around to sorting it out for the likes of autoplay etc....and will rpost asap....glad you like this it make a alterative to the original JW extension already available here
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Post by protectourlands »

Fantastic! I really like Highslide, so this was a terrific idea.

I'm also having problems getting the thumbnail to view in front of a page background . It loads in, but gets buried behind the jpeg.

This is occurring in both FF and IE. The extension works fine if the background is blank or set up in the page properties. I am only running into this with a jpeg background. If I remove the jpeg from the page items list, the Highslide thumbnail shows and operates fine.

Anyone else having this problem?
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Post by BaconFries »

Hi protectourlands Ok I have just tried to see if I could get the error you are having and found everything works ok I inserted a jpg and gif background through page properties\formatting\image\gif \ok then drag the extension add the thumb and the main image and the flv f5 and everything displays as it should the thumb is on top of the background and when you open the highslide the main image gets displayed then click to play. I am not saying you are doing anything wrong....can you check that you are using a thumb and a main image if you just use a main and when you preview all you will see is a empty space were thumb should be as always I will help to get this sorted so you can use the extension as it should
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Post by protectourlands »

Hi BaconFries

Here is how it is happening. The first url test1 shows a page with a 994 wide jpeg image sent back as a background. The header and sidebar are each a masterpage object. When you first load the page, you will see the extension thumbnail appear, but the background jpeg quickly covers it when it loads in. The second url test2 is the exact same page without the jpeg image. The extension now shows and functions perfectly.



If I remove the masterpage objects from test1 and leave the jpeg background, the extension operates normally.

What do you think it could be?
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Post by BaconFries »

Hi protectourlands I think it all down to the order of all objects on you page as you mention if you remove this image (img0057.jpg) the blue marble effect image from the masterpage then the highslide shows ...
I would try seeting the order of the highslide to the front and this should resolve the problem...I am going to build a test using all your images to see if I can get the same error as yourself and will post findings.
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Post by protectourlands »

Hi BaconFries

The background jpeg is not a masterpage object. Only the header and side bars are master pages.

The extension is already in front of the jpeg, and appears as such when the masterpage objects are removed, leaving only the jpeg and extension. I've added other objects to the page and they appear fine over the jpeg background. It's only the extension that will not appear in front.

It is definitely a conflict with masterpages. When I remove the masterpage header and sidebar, then re-add all the objects individually not as masterpages, the extension appears in front of the jpeg and functions perfectly.

test 3

If you use masterpages, you should be able to duplicate this. Thank you for taking the time to look into it.
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Post by BaconFries »

Evening protectourlands Ok I have built with masterpage and I do get your issue as you describe and it is related to the z-order of the Highslide extension even though you have placed it on top of the masterpage and the bg image it gets sent to the back of both of these, I can fix this by adding a z-order into the highslide script and repost but for now if you can try this if you save the page with highslide on and open the html with notepad, and look for what is below and change the z- order of the extension to 3001 the extension will come to the front as it should take a look at what it looks like before and after you can let me know if this sorts this for you.....

<!-- html -->
<div id="wb_video1" style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;left:239px;top:232px">

<!-- html -->
<div id="wb_video1" style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;left:239px;top:232px;z-index:3001">
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Post by protectourlands »

Hi BaconFries

I have an editor that allows me to change the code on the server, so I added the z-index attribute as you suggested and that did it! The extension now shows on top of the background, and functions perfectly. You can view this by trying the test 1 link again.

Nice work and thank you again for looking into this. I can really use this extension.
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Post by BaconFries »

Hi protectourlands Glad to have helped I will be releaseing a fix/update of the extension to allow yourself and other users to set the z-index if required later today appreciate that you like the extension and it useful to you... as always if there anything that can be added to it I will aslong as it is possible to do so....
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Post by protectourlands »


Again, great work on this extension BaconFries. Till now I've been using popup javascript events to open the viewer. I much prefer Highslide. I'll be switching out 5 sites with it. Beautiful!
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Post by protectourlands »

I downloaded and tried the new version with Z index and it still does not work. The thumbnail is still hidden behind the background, and this time it is placed at the very top of the page. Here is the code line in the object html:

<div id="wb_video1" style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:$TOP$px3000">
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Post by BaconFries »

Hi protectourlands looks like you have only gave the size ie 3000 it should look like this "z-index:3000" (without quote marks) take a look at what you posted and what I have done below that again if you need help post and I will see what the problem is... I might not answer straight away got a busy work load on but I have Forum open and reading when can and answer when can......

<div id="wb_video1" style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:$TOP$px3000">

<div id="wb_video1" style="overflow:hidden;position:absolute;left:239px;top:232px;z-index:3000">
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Post by protectourlands »

Hi BaconFries

Now I see. I needed to add the ";" character, then the z-index. That went right over my head - long week here as well.

It's working now. Thank you so much.
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Post by BaconFries »

Welcome as always.... :D just not enough hours in the days sometimes to do what I need to do....wish I could carry the hours I dont use over to the next lol
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Post by protectourlands »

Hi BaconFries

Just one more thing. The Alt tag is not producing a tooltip image. Is it possible to add a title tag as well? Sorry to keep bugging you.
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Post by BaconFries »

Hmmm opps I forgot to add the title tag I know the alt tag is there I will add this later tonight and make a new uploaded for this thanks for the pointer...
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Post by protectourlands »

You're the best!

We need 25 hour days. It always seems I'm 1 hour short.
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Post by BaconFries »

***Updated 02/01/10***
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Would like to buy a license...but

Post by clubfred »

Hi Baconfries I would like to purchase a license for this player, but i don't seem to be able to get it to work, I have many extension in web builder and all work ok, but having trouble here, does the page need to be .php?

Also can I test it on my temp server while I build the site site before i get the license?

it looks like it is the type of player I need.

Is there a tutorial for it somewhere?

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Post by clubfred »

Whoops, here is the link to the temp server and page that I have it on.

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Post by BaconFries »

It looks ok on your test url and plays just fine the only thing that I see wrong is that the image you have used for the onclick is missing this is down to it being named incorectly any image or images used for your site should never have any spaces in the name like below it should be like...
What yours looks like:
sureslim wellness clinics safe easy weightloss.gif
What it should be:

To purchase please visit here
Commercial Single Website
Commercial Unlimited
https://www.plimus.com/jsp/buynow.jsp?c ... Id=1752226

You may use on your test site for testing purpose only........
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Post by clubfred »

That's weird, all I see in FF, is a the player wireframe, a red dot, the text, but nothing works, tried it in explorer, almost the same, but the link was clickable, but then said you needed to update your flash player...

Can't have customers being asked to update their flash players.

I thought this would just play from the site, and not have to worry about if people had the proper players installed...maybe it's not what I need?

But it looks like a good one, any ideas why I can't see it in my browser?
Also does it matter if the page is .html or .php

Thanks for your time.
The Fred
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Post by BaconFries »

Hi just checked in all five main browsers I use for testing and seems to be ok with me although I am just previewing in WB. When you use FF and you dont have the FF version of Flash installed it will ask you to do so even though you already have it installed for Windows IE FF requires its own versions of plugins apart from those already installed for IE etc...not much I can do about this...If your customers choose not too install it... In the extension you may have noticed a variable named Add a Z-Index please read what it says and insert this z-index 1001 this may help the FF issue....other than that I dont understand why it not working....and no it doesnt matter if the page extension is set to php or html as you have remove the page I cant check what version of doctype you were using but I would suggest using XHTML 1.0 over HTML 4.01
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Post by clubfred »

thanks for that bacon fries
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Post by BaconFries »

Thanks for the other fred sorry to say I not a programmer in anyway I get by with the extensions :D and can make minor changes to bits and pieces of the javascript and the css used in the scripts that are used for building extensions as they are already made scripts I just try to make it easier for everyone to be able to insert into WB with as much or little knowledge of html/xhtm/php etc...maybe make a posting in the general topics some of the more experienced coders maybe able to help again thanks for the offer for safety remove your email address dont want them spambots picking it up.... :shock:
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Post by protectourlands »

I'm having trouble with this 6.5 version. When a z-index is applied, the location of the player image relocates to the top of the page when previewed.

Also, I cannot resize the highslide viewer that opens, no matter what sizes I attribute to Object Height and Object Width in the main settings.

The page is set for 4.01 Transitional. I didn't have these issues in the pre 6.5 version.

Any ideas Baconfries?
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Post by BaconFries »

Evening protectourlands I will take a look at this tomorrow sometime and see what is wrong and will post any finding and if needed Iwill upload any fix that needs to be pust in place....
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Post by BaconFries »

Hi protectourlands I have managed to take a look and can see what is wrong with changing the size of the object width, height I will sort this later tonight...I cant see what is wrong with the z-iindex but I will modify it so is easier to input the required data thanks for pointing this out
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Post by protectourlands »

I think I made the same mistake that I did several months ago on the z-index. Instead of entering just the number, you have to include the Z-index attribute. I apologize Baconfries.

Thank you for looking into the size issue.
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Post by BaconFries »

@protectourlands updated extension is now available for download fixed issue with sizing of video,also you can now add the size of the z-order
Example: 3000 unlike before when you had to do this Example ;z-index 3000....please see PDF.....

@ksimms glad you like the extensions....note that there is a update to fix a couple of issues that protectourlands brought to my attention...

New download available at the usual place....
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Post by protectourlands »

Resizing works great now BaconFries. Thank you for addressing that.

I've also just noticed that the Stretching attributes do not adjust the view when applying. I get the same black border around the video regardless. (exact fit, fill, none, uniform)

I'm wondering if you would also consider adding a title tag in addition to the alt tag. The alt tag does not provide the intended mouseover. I believe the title tag would do that instead.
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Post by mlsto »


Does this extension use streaming protocols eg rtmp://streamingserver/url.flv

Tried it but not working or it must be a file you host.

Thanks for any help.
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by zinc »

BF How do I apply "Skins" to this control?
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by BaconFries »

Hi mate, Ok I have never tried to add skins to the extension but I do know that not all skins will work depends on what version of the JW is used. From memoery if I am right you need to place theskins in the same folder as the player.swf file, it been a while since I have read this at JW now longtail you might get more info there sorry...
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by zinc »

BaconFries wrote:Hi mate, Ok I have never tried to add skins to the extension but I do know that not all skins will work depends on what version of the JW is used. From memoery if I am right you need to place theskins in the same folder as the player.swf file, it been a while since I have read this at JW now longtail you might get more info there sorry...
No problem make. I did place the files there but it did not make a difference. There is an XML file that comes with each skin and I have a feeling you need to make your code aware of this XML (How? your guess is as good as mine.)

Hope you are keeping well. :D
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by BaconFries »

Ok a look at the longtail site I found this..
If the skin has a swf file then you need to add this into the code If you are using a 1.0 Skin "skin=path/to/your/skin.swf" and If you are using a 2.0 Skin: skin=path/to/your/skin.zip this you would need to do manually it woulsd get placed in between the
<a href="player.swf" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: 'swf', swfOptions: {version: '8', flashvars: { file: '&file=$file$&skin=path/to/your/skin.swf or xml/>
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by zinc »

BaconFries wrote:Ok a look at the longtail site I found this..
If the skin has a swf file then you need to add this into the code If you are using a 1.0 Skin "skin=path/to/your/skin.swf" and If you are using a 2.0 Skin: skin=path/to/your/skin.zip this you would need to do manually it woulsd get placed in between the
<a href="player.swf" onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: 'swf', swfOptions: {version: '8', flashvars: { file: '&file=$file$&skin=path/to/your/skin.swf or xml/>
Thanks BF will try it out tomorrow...
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by zinc »

Have tried but cannot get my head around it. When and if you have time can you email me a html with just the player and the skin "Bekle"
appreciate it.
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by BaconFries »

Will do...try to get this to you tonight...off out to sort of a few things...
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by zinc »

BaconFries wrote:Will do...try to get this to you tonight...off out to sort of a few things...
No problems...
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by bry »

Is there a demo with multiple thumbnails on a page??
I should have said for FLV.

thanks baconfries
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by BaconFries »

No sorry bry there is no demo...
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by bry »

Thanks, I will build one soon for everyone.
I will also work on a flash flv gallery.
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by bry »

Hi Baconfries,

I finally got some time and was studying your highslide extension in order to build a demo page of selectable FLVs. I need to ask some questions. I did read the associated help file. There are basically the image settings, the player settings and the main settings.

I want to create a demo page with say 12 thumbnails that play 12 different .FLVs. So I want say 8 thumbnails across the top (two rows of four), then the player beneath them - centered and let's say two thumbnails on either side of the player.

With the extension, I draw a rectangle. Is that just the player? How do I link the thumbnails to the player. I see the properties that can be defined in the extension but have not idea how the thumbnails relate to the player.

Can you shed some light on this for me?

Thanks much!!!
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by bry »

Hi BaconFries,

I never heard from you but I still would like to study your extension. I have been working on this...

Last edited by bry on Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by BaconFries »

Sorry bry had some home issues that I wont go into... I thought I still had your email as I used to get new letters from you but I must have lost it some how...love what you have down here very nice indeed :) if I can help you know I usually try my best again apoligises...
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Re: HighSlide JW Player ***UpDated*** 10/01/11

Post by bry »

I'm sorry to hear about the "issues". You are always the best BaconFries, no apology necessary.

I would like to play with your extension but I just couldn't wrap my brain around how it worked. Specifically, I couldn't see how it allowed me to set up multiple thumbnails to relate to a video player. I got the extension, inserted it by drawing a box, and then checked properties to see how it works. That is about as far as I got in that I could see no way to hook thumbnails to the player.

thanks (and I hope things are better now).