***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Probably not but not sure as I have NEVER seen ANY php software using such characters.

But again, I repeat: you are doing something absolutely useles, database field naming has NOTHING to do with what the user will ever see. Please try to understand that what the user sees on screen or in the mails, can be set APART from the actual field naming in the database. You are only complicating your life.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Can i use the Code we talked about in the password recovery tool, or is this specificly for signup tool?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

No, you can't. The DBTS Form Processor can only store data in the database, it can not retrieve or reset data. This is also the reason why I didn't answer you back with a price, because it is useless for the other tools.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

OK, Thank you so much for all your answers. I'm realy greatfull! :D
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

v.3 will work with WWB7 and of course with WWB8 (it is already being tested with WWB8)
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

When it is 100% ready.....
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Hi I'm posting this hear, dont know ware else to post. But i wonder if you could help me whit somthing.
I Have a page that gets info from mysql, and beside that info i have inserted a mailform using the mail code from WWB mailform.
My problem is that i want to get the mailto emailaddress from the database. My Code looks like this now, but it's not working.
So if you want and have the time could you pleas have a look at it? I will gladely pay to get this to work! And this is the site address:

Code: Select all

$databasename='****'; // Name of the database
$tablename='jobadd'; // Name of the table
$mysqladd='*****'; // Address to the MySQL Server - Usually localhost but could be an IP address
$mysqluser='*****'; // Your MySQL UserName
$mysqlpass='*****'; // Your MySQL Password

$link=mysql_connect($mysqladd, $mysqluser, $mysqlpass) or die('Could not connect to database: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db($databasename, $link) or die('Could not connect to table: ' . mysql_error());

$Epost = $_POST['Epost'];

$query="SELECT Epost FROM jobadd WHERE Epost = '$Epost'"; 
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);


  if (isset($_POST['captcha_code'],$_SESSION['random_txt']) && md5($_POST['captcha_code']) == $_SESSION['random_txt']) { 
  else { if ($errorpage == 'false') {
    echo '<b>Fel kod!</b><br>'; 
    echo '<a href="javascript:history.back()">Försök igen!</a>'; 
  } if ($errorpage == 'true')  { 
    header('Location: ././error.php'); 

   function ValidateEmail($email)
      $pattern = '/^([0-9a-z]([-.\w]*[0-9a-z])*@(([0-9a-z])+([-\w]*[0-9a-z])*\.)+[a-z]{2,6})$/i';
      return preg_match($pattern, $email);

      $mailto = $Epost;
      $mailfrom = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : $mailto;
      $subject = 'Svar på Tjänstförfrågan från Jobler.se';
      $message = 'Hej, Vi vill gärna lämna en facktura på denna Tjänstförfrågan';
      $success_url = './tack.php';
      $error_url = './error.php';
      $error = '';
      $eol = "\n";
      $max_filesize = isset($_POST['filesize']) ? $_POST['filesize'] * 1024 : 1024000;
      $boundary = md5(uniqid(time()));

      $header  = 'From: '.$mailfrom.$eol;
      $header .= 'Reply-To: '.$mailfrom.$eol;
      $header .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0'.$eol;
      $header .= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="'.$boundary.'"'.$eol;
      $header .= 'X-Mailer: PHP v'.phpversion().$eol;
      if (!ValidateEmail($mailfrom))
         $error .= "The specified email address is invalid!\n<br>";

      if (!empty($error))
         $errorcode = file_get_contents($error_url);
         $replace = "##error##";
         $errorcode = str_replace($replace, $error, $errorcode);
         echo $errorcode;

      $internalfields = array ("submit", "reset", "send", "captcha_code");
      $message .= $eol;
      $message .= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
      $message .= $eol;
      foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
         if (!in_array(strtolower($key), $internalfields))
            if (!is_array($value))
               $message .= ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $key)) . " : " . $value . $eol;
               $message .= ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $key)) . " : " . implode(",", $value) . $eol;

      $body  = 'This is a multi-part message in MIME format.'.$eol.$eol;
      $body .= '--'.$boundary.$eol;
      $body .= 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1'.$eol;
      $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit'.$eol;
      $body .= $eol.stripslashes($message).$eol;
      if (!empty($_FILES))
          foreach ($_FILES as $key => $value)
             if ($_FILES[$key]['error'] == 0 && $_FILES[$key]['size'] <= $max_filesize)
                $body .= '--'.$boundary.$eol;
                $body .= 'Content-Type: '.$_FILES[$key]['type'].'; name='.$_FILES[$key]['name'].$eol;
                $body .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'.$eol;
                $body .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$_FILES[$key]['name'].$eol;
                $body .= $eol.chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']))).$eol;
      $body .= '--'.$boundary.'--'.$eol;
      mail($mailto, $subject, $body, $header);
      header('Location: '.$success_url);

This also regards to the subject.

Thank you.

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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

First, this has nothing to do with this thread, and posting it here makes it harder for other users to find answers regarding the DBTS Form Processor.

You should be starting a new thread.

Now, regarding your code, it is rather meaningless.

I mean, you are trying to retrieve an email address (Epost) from the database, but then you do nothing with it! so what's the purpose ?

Then, you do his retrieval in ALL cases, even when the method is not POST. In that case, the WHERE clause is invalid as no value exists for Epost.

But even when the method is POST , you are trying to retrieve the record from the database but you then don't extract it from the $row you retrieved, neither are you using it anywhere .

Can you explain what's the purpose of this so I can help you ? and please start a new thread.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Thanks for your reply. New Thread: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=42999&p=214462#p214462
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by kevinp »

Hi Naval

Personally I think the work you do to extend the capabilities of WB is verging on a miracle. Your extensions are brilliant and I think I can confidently say that everyone in the forum appreciates the work you do in your free time without payment and understand that your paid work has to come first. If people need something extra and need it fast then, as I have done in the past, they can contact you and pay for it (at very reasonable rates I must add). Keep up the excellent work Naval but not at the expense of your health.


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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by BaconFries »

I have to say this to, Naval the work you do is Fantastic, without your contribution to WB many wouldnt have the great features that your extensions offer. I fully appreciate this, but I do get a bit peeved at times, when you are getting constantly asked, when will this be ready! or when will this ready!!... so please just release "When you think it should be released" or when it is ready, after all "Patience is a virtue" and "Good this will come to those who wait.... Patiently "
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Thank you Kevin, Thank you Baconfries, for your support and touching wording! :D
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

avielbaum wrote:Hi,

I have purchased the WYSIWYG WB8 and I'm trying for hours to get the DBTS extension to work with theWB8, I have tried several times to install it from the extension manager after downloading the zip file from the DBTS web site , it says that the install was sucse but i can't see any new extension in the WB8

Attached please find the WYSIWYG WB8 interface showing the extensions installed, no DBTS

I hope it's the correct location to post my question, can you please instruct me what to do

Thanks a lot


I’m afraid there is no much I can say as this doesn’t depend on my extension.

Maybe you have changed the folder where WWB is looking for the extension ?

You can also try this: copy the extension wbx file in Documents/WYSIWYG Webbuilder/system/extensions and also in c/programs/WYSIWYG Webbuilder folders.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

@parcou: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=20732 Look for the download link. Or, install through WWB's Extension Manager.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Hi i have this code as an include file in the form processor. Can i also use it in WWB Signup tool?
The code generates a 10 carracter code.

Code: Select all

//set the random id length 
$random_id_length = 10; 

//generates a random id encrypt it and store it in $rnd_id 
$rnd_id = crypt(uniqid(rand(),1)); 

//removes any slashes that might have been generated 
$rnd_id = strip_tags(stripslashes($rnd_id)); 

//Removing any . or / and reversing the string 
$rnd_id = str_replace(".","",$rnd_id); 
$rnd_id = strrev(str_replace("/","",$rnd_id)); 

//finally take the first 10 characters from the $rnd_id 
$rnd_id = substr($rnd_id,0,$random_id_length); 
// I've added this later in the echo and e-mail 
//echo "When contacting us please quote: $rnd_id"; 
//Converts the reference to uppercase 
$rnd_id = strtoupper($rnd_id);

$_POST['Regkod'] = $rnd_id; // This line adds in the POST superglobal the unique ID you created
$autoresponderend .= "\nWhen contacting us please quote: $rnd_id"; // This line adds to the autoresponder footer the message with the quote ID

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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

If this is a question about the Login tools code, you should be posting it there and not in this thread.

Generaly speaking, Yes, you can add it in the signup tool code, as long as you know what you are doing.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Did you read the instructions ? It is fully detailed in the manual.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Are u getting my emails George? Just want to know if you are willing to do this or not?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

ABVFP is rather old and doesn't have the features that this extension has.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Please install the extension through the extension Manager. Then, while you are still in the extension Manager, select the extension and click on "Getting started"

This will result in opening the Help File (Manual) where you will find all necessary instructions.

Remember to Restart WWB so the extension becomes active.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Sorry, but aits been a long time since our last discussions. Can you please send me an email again with details of what you want ?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Hi, George. I Wonder if you could help me with this?

I'n got this hidden field in an mailform that is using your form processor to echo a price
based on the price given in the column Pris. This works.

<?php echo $price = $row['Pris']; ?>

Bot now in the Form Processor settings i got ".$_POST['mailto']." as Admin mail, that gets an emailaddress
from DB and i'v got autorespond ON. Also i'v got myadminmail@jobler.se as BCC so this mail is sent to admin throw BCC.

Now i want the resolt of the code below to only get maild to autoresponder and BCC (admin) not to ".$_POST['mailto']."

How can i do this pleas?


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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

I'm sorry, this needs some consideration and at the moment I don't have the time to analyze it.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Navaldesign wrote:I'm sorry, this needs some consideration and at the moment I don't have the time to analyze it.

OK. Thanks anyway. Could you pleas get back to me when you have the time pleas?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Maybe you could answer this? (Nothing to do with the prev question)

If i have a text field in visch i put this <?php echo $price = $row['Pris']; ?> then it is added to DB
But if if i make a hidden field with the sane value then this value will not be registered in DB the collumn/field is blank?

The anme of the text textfield/hidden field is Köparens uppskattade pris and i have this column in DB.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

It should be writen anyway, so you are probably doing something wron.

Patrik, please don't get me wrong, but the extension is provided as is. Your issues are strictly personal and of only interest to you, so this is not something I can dedicate time to. I have a work I'm doing for a living, and such issues can only be solved on a paid for basis. As you know I have dedicated quite some time to you last time. Since (as the last time) you can't provide access to the account so I can program, test and debug, there is no way to help you, not even for a fee.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Navaldesign wrote:It should be writen anyway, so you are probably doing something wron.

Patrik, please don't get me wrong, but the extension is provided as is. Your issues are strictly personal and of only interest to you, so this is not something I can dedicate time to. I have a work I'm doing for a living, and such issues can only be solved on a paid for basis. As you know I have dedicated quite some time to you last time. Since (as the last time) you can't provide access to the account so I can program, test and debug, there is no way to help you, not even for a fee.
I understand. I will still post questions, if you dont want to answer then dont, thow i wold appreciate just a yes or no.

Thank you for your help.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Navaldesign wrote:It should be writen anyway, so you are probably doing something wron.

Patrik, please don't get me wrong, but the extension is provided as is. Your issues are strictly personal and of only interest to you, so this is not something I can dedicate time to. I have a work I'm doing for a living, and such issues can only be solved on a paid for basis. As you know I have dedicated quite some time to you last time. Since (as the last time) you can't provide access to the account so I can program, test and debug, there is no way to help you, not even for a fee.
I understand. I will still post questions, in cases some one else can help me. If you dont want to answer then dont, thow i wold appreciate just a yes or no.

Thank you for your help.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Hi, how can i do to get a special message to only the email address in BCC field?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

You can't . A BCC mail, by definition, means Black Carbon Copy, that is, an exact copy of the mail sent to an original recipient, that is sent also to the BCC email address. You will need to write custom code for this.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Navaldesign wrote:You can't . A BCC mail, by definition, means Black Carbon Copy, that is, an exact copy of the mail sent to an original recipient, that is sent also to the BCC email address. You will need to write custom code for this.
Ok,Thank's. I dont whant to take up your time, but if uoe have the time to answer :D

I\m looking to add this echo $variable; to the message part, it could also work by puting it in autorespond part. Just as long that this message dont go out to the ".$_POST['mailto']." admin mail address.

and also

I use this in Admin mail field: ".$_POST['mailto']."
Could i just add the email address i have in BCC field in this filed to, like this
".$_POST['mailto'].", my bcc email
And if so, wont this email address also bee visable to the ".$_POST['mailto']." reciver
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Yes, it could work but I have never tried it.

You can add the $variable in the autoresponder message as follows:

Hello, this email is to confirm that your info has been received. '.$variable .'

In other words, $variable must be preceeded and followed by '. and .'

do NOT add the "echo" comand.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Navaldesign wrote:Yes, it could work but I have never tried it.

You can add the $variable in the autoresponder message as follows:

Hello, this email is to confirm that your info has been received. '.$variable .'

In other words, $variable must be preceeded and followed by '. and .'

do NOT add the "echo" comand.
On what line in the DBTS FP do i add '.$variable .' I whant it in the body somware. Not in header or footer.
Could i add it in the setting: Before Autoresponder mail custom processing. Somehow?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Depends on how you want it to appear. The body consists of the data the user has submitted, but is this actually what you want ?

If yes, add the following:

$POST['variable_name'] = $variable;

in the After Form Data reception Custom processing property, where variable_name is the actual name for the variable.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Yes this is what i want. I have this code containing the variable:

Code: Select all

$link=mysql_connect($mysqladd, $mysqluser, $mysqlpass, true) or die('Could not connect to database: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db($databasename, $link) or die('Could not connect to table: ' . mysql_error());

$id = mysql_escape_string($_GET['Idkod']);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM jobadd WHERE Idkod='$id'") or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($query);
$price = $row['Pris'];

if($price > "0"){  
if($price < "15001"){ 

 $variable = "51";

if($price > "15002"){  
if($price < "50001"){ 

 $variable = "81";

if($price > "50002"){  
if($price < "200001"){ 

 $variable = "189";

if($price > "200002"){  
if($price < "500001"){ 

 $variable = "289";

if($price > "500002"){  
if($price < "1000001"){ 

 $variable = "389";

if($price > "1000002"){  
if($price < "3000001"){ 

 $variable = "589";

if($price > "3000002"){  
if($price < "10000001"){ 

 $variable = "989";

if($price > "10000002"){  
if($price < "100000001"){ 

 $variable = "1389";

So i guess the variable_name is price, or is it Pris?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Hi, can put this someware in the DBTS FP so it will be a link to a page in the emails?

$message .= "\r\nhttp://jobler.se/senaste6.php?Nr=<?php echo mysql_result($result,$i,"ID"); ?>&Idkod=<?php echo mysql_result($result,$i,"Idkod"); ?>";

And on the page senase6.php i will then echo the "ID" and "Idkod" results.

Happy New Year George!


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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

VassiliosV wrote:Where i can see an example of DBTS Preview because i cannot understand very well what it is and what is doing ?
Test: http://www.dbtechnosystems.com/wb6/form ... index2.php
Submit the full form to see how the Preview extension displays your data after submission.
http://www.dbtechnosystems.com/wb6/form ... cessor.php
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Post by Patrik iden »

kevinp wrote: Just one question.

I've added some code to create a unique ID (Below)
Hi kevinp i have a questin for you, if you could help me? I'v gone trow this whit Navaldesign to but i cant get it to work. I'v included the file random.php in the DBTS FP. So the code it self works it's just the link part that isent.

I want to make this unique ID in to a link in the email, i'v got this, as the last bit of code in random.php file:
$link = '<a href="http://jobler.se/singlejob.php?IDkod='.$rnd_id.'"> Länk till denna Förfrågan </a>';
$_POST['IDkod'] = $rnd_id; // This line adds in the POST superglobal the unique ID you created
$_POST['Länk'] = $link; // This line adds in the POST superglobal the Link you created
$autoresponderend .= "\nWhen contacting us please quote: $rnd_id"; // This line adds to the autoresponder footer the message with the quote ID

But in the email the link looks like this: http://jobler.se/singlejob.php?IDkod=R30TQUSK"> Länk till denna Förfrågan
Look at the end of the generated ID code "> wy is this ?

And when i click the link i get an ampty page and this: res://ieframe.dll/syntax.htm#<a href=
in the address field of IE.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Hi George. I am wondering if you could modyfi the DBTS FP and what wold bee the cost.

What i need:

Function to send email to third party, so that i can post different messages to the Admin, autorespond and the third party mail addresses. You now have fields to wright different messages to the Admin and autoresponer mail addresses.
And also to bee abeled to exclude form fields different for each email. Ex, exclude formfield1 for Admin mail, exclude formfield4 for Autoresponer mail, and exclude formfield7 for third party mail.

Do you have the time and will to do this, if it eaven is possible?

Is this possible?
How long?
What cost?


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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

It would require too much time so it is unconvenient for just one user (you) as the cost would be very high.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Navaldesign wrote:It would require too much time so it is unconvenient for just one user (you) as the cost would be very high.
I uderstand. But could you estimate a cost, anyway?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

You can estimate it yourself: approx 15 hrs of work. You already know my hourly fee, from previous emails.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Navaldesign wrote:You can estimate it yourself: approx 15 hrs of work. You already know my hourly fee, from previous emails.
OK, thank's
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

I have a question if you got the time.
I'm using this code to email a link(Länk) in DB no older that 1 day from the table
"jobadd" and the category(Kategori) "bygg"
and emailing this to all the email addresses in the table USERS and category
"Bygg & Anläggning" This works.

BUT, Now i include this file in the Before Data Reception Custom Processing field
in DBTS FP. But ofcorse this code will get the link that already exist in DB
Not the one i send right now using DBTS FP. Do you have any idea how i coould change
this code to do this?

The links(Länk) are created every time a user posts from the mail form i have incuded the DBTS FP in, and ofcorse the links(Länk) are also stored in DB.
I understand if you dont have time to go throw this. Just if u find the time.

Thank you.

The code:

Code: Select all


$link=mysql_connect($mysqladd, $mysqluser, $mysqlpass, true) or die('Could not connect to database: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db($databasename, $link) or die('Could not connect to table: ' . mysql_error());

$query="SELECT  *,  DATE_FORMAT(Time_of_Submission, '%Y/%m/%d') FROM jobadd  WHERE Kategori='bygg' AND Time_of_Submission BETWEEN SYSDATE() - INTERVAL 1 DAY AND SYSDATE() ORDER BY ID DESC"; 
$query2="SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE Kategori='Bygg & Anläggning'";



$mailmessage = mysql_fetch_array($result);  

$mailmessage2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);



if (!mysql_query($query,$link)) 
die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); 

while ($i < $num) {


// Your email address 

$fromemail = "no_reply@jobler.se"; 

// The subject 

$subject = "Det har kommit in en ny Tjänstförfrågan på Jobler.se som passar er profil (klicka på länken nedan)"; 

// The message 

$message = $mailmessage['where']."  ".$mailmessage['Länk']."\n";

mail($email, $subject, $message, "From: $fromemail"); 

echo "Förfrågan skickad";


while ($i < $num) { 


echo "<b><br>$where</b><br>$submitted<hr><br>"; 
echo "<b><br>$submitted2</b><hr><br>";


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Question about 'Reply'

Post by harville »

Everything works beautifully for me, except when I receive a message and click to reply, it puts the Administrator email as the reply to email. Am I doing something wrong?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Most probably you have not correctly set the "Visitor's email field" property.

This should have the same value as the form field name.

Please note that if your form field is something like "Email address", you should change the field name to "Email_address". Don't worry about the underscore _ , it will be stripped off.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 07/02/2011

Post by wbdesigner »

Navaldesign wrote:Yes, you can use the DBTS Form Processor with JQuery Tabs. However, you do NOT add forms in each Tab!

Create the Tabs as you like them, meaning that you add in each tab the fields you want, WITHOUT form.
Only the fields.
In the Last Page, add the submit button .

Now, rightclick the Jquery Tab object, Select HTML, and add the following codes:

In the Before Tag :

<form name="indexForm1" method="post" action="<?php echo basename(__FILE__);?>" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="indexForm1">

In the After Tag,


This way, the entire Jquery Tab object becomes a form.

Add the DBTS Form Processor object ANYWHERE in the page, and set its properties as you would normally do with a normal form.
Hi Georg this isn't working anymore. I'm not sure if it's WB8 or if firefox and IE9 is the problem. I really liked this form and I'm hoping I can get it back. Any help would be great.


Revised I did a test and it works fine in Ver 7. the problem has to do with ver 8
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

What is it exactly that doesn't work ?

I see that there is no styling (set a Them in your Page Properties) but, for the rest, seems normal.

So what is the exact issue ?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by wbdesigner »

wow thanks for getting back so quickly.
Last edited by wbdesigner on Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Patrik iden
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Hi, George. How can i get the DBTS FP to send out emails to every email i have in database as well as to admin and autorespond?

The table i have my emails in: USERS and Column email.

Thank you.
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