Topmapper V1.0 The best way to show visitors a map!

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Topmapper V1.0 The best way to show visitors a map!

Post by harry1963 »

Ever needed a map on your website?

Topmapper can show almost any kind of Map.

With Topmapper you can:
- Show a basic Map
- Show a basic Map where you are the one who decides wich UI controller will be shown and also how it will look!
- Show a Map and also show Google's Streetview

How topmapper looks? That's yours to decide!

If you want to know more about the best and FREE Map extension avaliable visit
There's nothing impossible! Even everything that's impossible is possible!

My extension website:
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Re: Topmapper V1.0 The best way to show visitors a map!

Post by iVent »

Great! Thanx!

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Re: Topmapper V1.0 The best way to show visitors a map!

Post by JimmyJazz »

Hi Harry,

Would it be possible to place small icons onto the map for the co-ordinates of a business whereby if you hover over it an info box appears for address contact details?

Taking this idea one step further, I am looking for a map solution where I can place a map on a web page reviewing a restauarnt or a hotel with not just a marker revealing the location of the establishment but also all the restaurants, hotels, tourist attractions within the vicinity of the reviewed hotel or restaurant.

I want to input my own pre-recorded co-ordinates for each business or attraction on the map so anyone wishing to visit this establishment will be aware of all the surrounding shops, businesses....etc

The other request on my map wishlist is for 'location aware maps' whereby when someone visits any page on my site then the map view of their current location will be shown. The advantage of this is if I can populate the map with all the local data for shops, pubs, restaurants, hotels.... the user is instantly aware of their surroundings.

Unsure if this is the wrong place to post this, but, you seem to have a keen interest in cartography & if you can do this you will really rock this software :)
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Re: Topmapper V1.0 The best way to show visitors a map!

Post by zinc »


Can you also tweak the extension so when it is resized in design time, that determines the size rather than choosing ImgSize property?

Other wise it is great.

Running WYSIWYG Web Builder since 2007...
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