***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Maybe the encoding type of the form is wrong ?
Do the fields belong to the form ?

A Link to the published page please ?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Navaldesign wrote:1.Maybe the encoding type of the form is wrong ?
2.Do the fields belong to the form ?

A Link to the published page please ?
Now i come to the error page.
1. Encoding: multipart/form-data
2. Yes
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Please add the text ##error## somewhere in your error page (see WWB manual) so the actual error will be displayed and you will understand what is going wrong.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Navaldesign wrote:Please add the text ##error## somewhere in your error page (see WWB manual) so the actual error will be displayed and you will understand what is going wrong.
OK, i did that, and the error code shows "The entered code is wrong!" but i figuerd it out, the problem was that i named the field that shows the random code to captcha_code. I changed it to captcha_kod and it worked.

Thank you for your help.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Redneckheaven wrote:
Now if I may ask how do I get the person's name in the Body Start of the Auto responder email. Where it says Hello, this is to confirm you email has been received. Would like to have it say Hello first_name last_name, this is etc........If that is possible could you lend a helping hand.
My text boxs are named first_name and last_name
Try placing this in the DBTS Form processor autoresponder Body Start:

Hello '.$_POST["first_name"].' '.$_POST["last_name"].', this email is to confirm that your info has been received.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

ABVFP is not the same as the DBTS Form Processor.

I suggest that you use the DBTS Form Processor and use the built in function that detects existance of a record in the database. You will need, however, to add the necessary code in the "ustom processing" section, "After form data reception" property, like this:

$error = check_unique_in_db($_POST["username", "table name", "username", "message to display");
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

The visitor's email address field is named "mail_addy"

Have you declared it correctly in DBTS Form Processor ?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

You can use the DBTS MySQL Login tools that allow all fields to be managable through the Admin area.

DBTS Form Processor is a form PROCESSOR extension, not a form BUILDER.
And, although it has a function to check for duplicate usernames / passwords, you need to add some lines of code to:

1. Check for duplicates
2. Encrypt passwords (as the WWB Login tools do)
3. Create the email verification string
4. include the verification URL in the mail.

It is far easier to use the DBTS Login tools together with the standard WWB signup form.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »


The DBTS Login extensions are dedicated for the purposes declared by the name.

the signup form is the standard WWB Signup form. You can add whatever fields you need in this form.
The Edit profile tool is also the standard WWB tool.

For the Login instead, as well as for the Admin tool, you can use the DBTS Login tools (please read related thread) that allows you to take advantage of additional features that are built in, to check automatically for unique username and password, and to manage (in the Admin area) all fields (standard ones as well as additional fields that you may add).

Of course, at that point, you don't need ABVFP anymore, at least not for this purpose.

Related thread viewtopic.php?t=29083
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

If you read again my posts, I have clearly mentioned that in order to use the DBTS Form Processor you will need to add some PHP code. So, if you have no such knowledge, you should NOT use the DBTS Form Processor.

You should, instead, use the WWB Signup tool, and then use the DBTS MySQL Admin extension and the DBTS Login extension.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by iamafireman »

Whats the correct way to use DTBS with godaddy? I have a site that a couple weeks ago started giving an error

Code: Select all

'; exit; } } ?> 
on submit. I'm using an email that goes with the domain also through godaddy.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Hello, i'. tryimg to make an own captcha, and i hav this code in an external file (verify.php)
Ware shold i include the file in the Form processor?

Thank you.

Code: Select all


if($_POST['s3capcha'] == $_SESSION['s3capcha'] && $_POST['s3capcha'] != '') {
 header('location: thankyou.html'); 
} else {
 header('location: error.html');

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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

I don't know what your "verify.php" file does, nor how you are passing the verification value to the processor. In all cases, the verification routine should go in the "Before Error Reporing Custom Processing".
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Thank you. Dat did not work. I'm getting redirected to thanks.html page even if i put in the wrong captcha.
Now i got it to work if i set the WWB form action to verify.php, but then of course the email process is not functioning.

thank you.


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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

I'm sorry, I don't have the time to impement third party scripts in my processor, you will need to find out yourself what you are doing wrong. The instructions I gave you (implementing the vrification routine just before the Error Reporing) is correct.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Navaldesign wrote:I'm sorry, I don't have the time to impement third party scripts in my processor, you will need to find out yourself what you are doing wrong. The instructions I gave you (implementing the vrification routine just before the Error Reporing) is correct.
ok, do you see somthing wrong with the verification code?, it do not work
i gues i'm verifing this:

Code: Select all




$rand       = mt_rand(0,(sizeof($values)-1));


$s3Capcha = '<p><span style="color:#4B4B4B;font-family:Open Sans Condensed Light;font-size:16px;">Verify that you are a human,  please choose:  <strong>'.$values[$rand]."</strong></span></p>\n";

for($i=0;$i<sizeof($values);$i++) {

    $value2[$i] = mt_rand();

    $s3Capcha .= '<div><span>'.$values[$i].' <input type="radio" name="s3capcha" value="'.$value2[$i].'"></span><div style="background: url('.$imagePath.$values[$i].'.'.$imageExt.') bottom left no-repeat; width:'.$imageW.'px; height:'.$imageH.'px;cursor:pointer;display:none;" class="img" /></div></div>'."\n";


$_SESSION['s3capcha'] = $value2[$rand];

echo $s3Capcha;

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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

I'v got it working now. Thanks anyways.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by tdr »

HansInChina wrote:DBTS - csv file has unnecessary characters

To George (Navaldesign)

I found unnecessary characters in the csv file. As I am not sure if this is caused by the DBTS Form processor I took the time to copy the contents of the file below.

I would like you to examine the output and let me know whether or not this is by design.
If so, I would like this to be corrected.

Here is a copy of the csv-file contents:
The field headers (these are OK)
Time of Submission,Timestamp,IP Address,Selection,First Name,Last Name,Email,Country,Msg Text,Fileupload

Then the field values
  • To easily distinguish the field values from each other, I surrounded them by double quotes.
    The spaces and other characters that should not be there are underscored in red.
    Most (!) values start and end with a space that was not entered by the user.
    Curiously the Timestamp value is not surrounded by spaces.
    Note the double slash in the middle of the URI.
    The last value (of Fileupload) this time ends not with a space but with an end-of-line.
    The last characters at the end of this record are: a space and end-of-line.
"_2012-05-18, 13:54:32 CST (+08:00)_","1337320472","_112.112.190.85_","_question_","_Hans_","_van Unen_","_h@unen.com_","_China_","_This is a live test._","_http://www.my domain-name.com//contact-whcw/986974_testform.txt"_↵

Kind regards,

I'm having the same problem here..did you manage to fix this?
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Replace CRLF on text area

Post by tdr »

Is there a way with DBTS Form Processor to strip out CR & LF in a text area field, and replace them with a space? Currently the administrator email formatting gets messed up because of user input using CRLF.
DBTS preview seems to quite happily strip out CRLF using '.stripslashes($fieldname)', but I'm lost as to how to do it outside of this to get the email formatting working properly.

Any pointers would be much appreciated!
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CSV header row problem

Post by tdr »

I'm using DBTS form processor 2.7.5 with WB 9.0.4 and I'm having a problem When DBTS appends additional fields to an existing CSV file.
I've set DBCS to use semicolon and double quotes for the CSV file.

When it appends new field names to the header row, it is inserting them using quotes and spaces as follows:

original csv file row 1:
date;timestamp;IP Address;field1;field2;field3

now the csv file row1 looks like this:
date;timestamp;IP Address;field1;field2;field3;" field4 ";" field5 ";" field6 "

Also notice insertion of leading and trailing spaces whenever double quotes are used for any field contents in the CSV - is this also a bug?

thanks much
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Probably the original file was created with a previous version ?

Version uses quotes and also spaces to allow preserving line breaks (as, in example, a text typed in a text area with line breaks) which would otherwise get lost.
You can disable the "Use double quotes" property, but only if your form doesn't allow line breaks.

The additional fields, having been created by the new version, uses this style, whilst the old fields (created by an older version) are kept as they are.

You can download the CSV, edit the first row in Notepad, (not in Excel) then upload it again.

If you are using the file on the server with the DBTS CSV Manager to display content, I suggest that you add quotes and spaces to everything, or remove quotes and spaces completely, as the CSV Manager can only deal with one type of content, not mixed.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by tdr »

When I saw the problem I deleted the CSV file to let the script create a fresh copy. I then did a few form submits:

The first form submit creates the CSV with header row as I expected - no double quotes or spaces, just the semicolon. Row 2 of data has double quotes and spaces - again as I expected.
I then did a second form submit answering different questions on the form so that it would force appending of fields to the header row. These appended field names have the double quotes and spaces.

So if the latest version of DBTS is to use double quotes and spaces everywhere, then the problem seems to be on CSV first instance creation?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Yes, in fact. So please let the script create the file from scratch, but with the full list of fields.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by tdr »

I'm having trouble testing for an empty text box using DBTS preview and need to sanity check that I'm following the right steps:

My form uses DBTS form processor & DBTS reCAPTCHA.
I have a textbox named field1. Initial value of field1 is set to <?php echo $field1;?> so that I can preserve the data should the user make a reCAPTCHA error.
On submit, I redirect to a success page with DBTS preview and am using a custom layout using '.$Field1.' text.

What I want to do is to test whether field1 has data in it or has been left blank. So I have set the text object HTML as follows:

Code: Select all

If ($Field1 == ""){
$Field1 = "no data entered";
However this If statement does nothing. I've also tried isempty() and strlen() tests but none of these work. Any advice on what I am doing wrong?

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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

But why are you doing this ?

DBTS Form Processor allows you to do this automatically: Properties, Section D. Behavior -> Null fields text
You must also set the property "Include null fields" to "Yes" instead of the default "No"

So the processor will "pass" to the Preview Page, the value "No data entered" (or whatever else you wish) for field1.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by tdr »

Thanks Navaldesign - I appreciate the help.

I did have the null fields set to No in Section D, so I've now set this to Yes. I also added "no entry" text. I've also temporarily set the DBTS preview to show me the field table.
What I'm seeing now is that the blank fields remain blank in DBTS preview. The admin email however does show the "no entry" text.
Is there another setting I've missed?


UPDATE: I've created a 1 page website with 1 field to illustrate my problem, so if you would like me to upload it somewhere to take a look at this problem let me know.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by tdr »

Navaldesign wrote:But why are you doing this ?

DBTS Form Processor allows you to do this automatically: Properties, Section D. Behavior -> Null fields text
You must also set the property "Include null fields" to "Yes" instead of the default "No"

So the processor will "pass" to the Preview Page, the value "No data entered" (or whatever else you wish) for field1.
Any update on this please? I am not seeing this on DBTS preview - null fields remain blank and are not picking up "no data entered" from DBTS form processor section D. This could be why I haven't been able to test for empty / null text boxes (see my post above). If I test for known values of text boxes, everything is fine, but no matter what I try, I can't seem to test for an empty field so that I can substitute it with meaningful text on success page.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

At the moment, I can't recall if DBTS preview takes into account null fields or not.

But due to personal work, un update on this will not be available soon.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by tdr »

Hi Navaldesign
I understand and appreciate your position - DBTS is a terrific extension and I expect that a large number of people are in your debt for your excellent contributions to WB.

Furthemore, I don't immediately need DBTS preview to pickup the null fields and populate with the replacement text from form processor. This can wait.

My problem is more specific and I was hoping it's just my poor PHP skills coming into play:
I know the input box contents are being passed to the page with DBTS preview because I can test for specific content and it works fine. Thus if I type "123" into the input box and test for that content, the PHP if statement works fine. It's when the input box is in an empty state that none of my attempts to test for this condition works. I've tried isset, empty, is_null, zero string length with trim etc and none of these resolve correctly. So maybe somebody else with better PHP skills than me can do a quick test? I've built a 1-pager WB site with a single field to illustrate my point - so it's would just be a matter of checking if my logic is wrong. Any takers?

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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Please email me your project as well as the specific URL of the published page.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Vlastimil »

Hi, i read all posts in this, but not found working solution. I made something wrong.
I need add to form random item VS, that is filled from php code.
As initial value to VS i define <?php echo $VS;?> (I try <?php echo $VSRND;?> too)
I need, by this random text stay visible in form editbox for user (this editbox i planing set to read only)
I define variable $VSRND = "RANDOM TEXT" and put the code $POST["VS"] = $VSRND; to Start od Script Custom Processing and to After Form Data Reception Custom Processing.
But after I fill for, the item VS is blank, not filled from $VSRND.
What I made wrong?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Sorry, but I don't understnd what you need to do.
If the random text must be adedn a for field, why shuld you add code in the procssor ? add it directly in the form field or as a hidden field.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Vlastimil »

I need add to this RANDOM text some data selected from other one typed filled, then i need add this code to form processor.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Sorry, but since I don't understand what exactly you need to do, I can't be of much help.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Vlastimil »

OK, many thanks for you support.
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ReCAPTCHA with numbers

Post by tdr »

I hope this is not too dumb a question:
I use DBTS reCAPTCHA on my forms. I'm seeing more sites these days with reCAPTCHA based on numbers versus the very difficult to read words. Will I automatically get the benefit with DBTS reCAPTCHA or does the extension need to be updated?

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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Reading posts on the net seems like Google is automating the displayed content based on evaluations made at the moment of the captcha request. I have not been able to find a way to set captcha to serve numbers, it is the recaptcha server that "decides" what to serve.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by milux »

I have a question that probably was already asked one million times : it's possibile to use with WB 9.2 this extension ? I have tried to install it but don't see in the extension list..:

thx in advace.

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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Yes, it can be installed and used with WWB 9.2. Maybe you have installed too many extensions, so it will not appear ?

Did you install it through the Extension Manager ?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by milux »

Navaldesign wrote:Yes, it can be installed and used with WWB 9.2. Maybe you have installed too many extensions, so it will not appear ?

Did you install it through the Extension Manager ?
Yes with the Extension Manager but I don't see it probably for too many extension..any suggestion to fix this?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

No, I'm afraid not. Try removing extensions that you normally don't use.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by milux »

I have uninstalled older exensions not used and cancelled the form processor files (wbx) from the folder ../system/extension. I have reinstalled the extension from the Extension Manager but nothing change....I am a bit stressed :shock:
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by BaconFries »

@ Navaldesign not hijacking your thread in anyway....@ milux the maximum extensions you can have installed in 200, if you have this then please remove as many as possible that yiou are not using. When installing extension it is always best to install from the extension manager. If you have change the path of were the extensions are stored then you will alsoneed to ensure this path is the same flor allextensions used/installed. This needs to be asked are you using a legal version of the program? have you ever used a illegal version of the program in the past if so this could explain why the extension is not working. Also I am not sure only Navaldesign can answer what version of the extension builder was used to build the extension? if it was the latest build then the extension may only work in WB9 and not earlier versions of the program.

Please also read the following urls
How to trouble shoot Web Builder Extension issues?
What to do when extensions no longer work in version 8.5?
Location of user content in WB8 & WB9
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by milux »

BaconFries wrote:@ Navaldesign not hijacking your thread in anyway....@ milux the maximum extensions you can have installed in 200, [/quote)

actually I have 55 extension installed
BaconFries wrote:If you have change the path of were the extensions are stored then you will alsoneed to ensure this path is the same flor allextensions used/installed.
I have checked : in Option/ Default Document folder is correct.
BaconFries wrote:This needs to be asked are you using a legal version of the program? have you ever used a illegal version of the program in the past if so this could explain why the extension is not working. Also I am not sure only Navaldesign can answer what version of the extension builder was used to build the extension? if it was the latest build then the extension may only work in WB9 and not earlier versions of the program.
Yes I have a legal version of the software (the 1st was version 8) and the last version 9 purchased at 18/06/2013 (actually upgraded to 9.2). This is the only extension that I cannot install ; for all the others no problems.
BaconFries wrote: Please also read the following urls
I have read all this topics a lot time..

Thx for your support.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Vlastimil »

Hi Navaldesign, I using Success URL = sucess.php and this working fine. Data from post has been stored to DB. It`s possible on this sucess.php page get again some data from form ?
I need identify this "last record", to GET data from DB and provide next functions.
I have set Copy in Session on form page to yes and Clear Session to no, but when i can get data on sucess.php using $_POST['Email'], I get always "empty" string. Can you please help me, what made I wrong?
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Sending SMS Text with this Extension?

Post by harville »

I've seen where you can send an sms text with phpmailer and I wanted to know if this is possible with this extension? I've been using this extension for some time now but I wasn't sure if this is possible. Please let me know. Thanks!

**I got it to send the text, but it doesn't display the entire message. It only displays about 7 lines and cuts the rest off. Any ideas?
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

Maybe it is a limitation of the host that actually sends the sms ?

The processor will POST (send using the POST mehod) all the data it receives from the form, so I can only guess that the receiver server limits the length of the SMS text.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Patrik iden »

Hello, I updated to WWB 9.4.2 and pubiched a page that i have the form processor on, it worked before but now i get to the thank you page, so thats ok. But i dont recive any emails. Do you know of any problems whit form processor and the WWB 9.4.2? Thank you.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by electrochrisso »

Hi Patrik, just thought I would let you know Update WWB 9.4.3 has just been released.
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Re: ***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

Post by Navaldesign »

There are no known issues with WWB 9.4.2 or other version. However, please update to the last WWB version so if you still have issues we can talk based on the same WWB version.
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