Please post commercial templates here.
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Post by kuasarx »

Finally we launched version 2.2!

You can get information about CMS SHOP + in

You can buy it on

You can read some tutorials at

You can make your questions and obtain some support at the CMS+ forum

all versions of "WEBSHOP +" include a multipurpose WB9 template. And
in the coming weeks many more will be added


a little preview of the Installation Wizard

UPDATE to 2.2 Relase candidate 1.!

We are reaching the Relase status!!!

Many new features added, as renewed Control Panel, Backup Utility, and access to restricted areas only for administrator.

Take a look at Back-end:
Login: admin , Password : admin.

Take a look at Front-end:


Hey guys, been a while since my last visit to the forum. The reason for all this time disappeared have been my health problems, of which it is now almost healed.
I took advantage of this time off to go slowly developing what will be the second version of online store. This time instead of extensions I decided to develop two templates, one for the control panel and one for the online store itself.
I am completing the last details, but you can take a look at these addresses:
Login: admin , Password : admin.
The main features are the following:
*- Full WB9, everything is doned with WYSIWYG 9.
*- 3 Level Categorys, for a perfect product clasification.
*- Easy navegation based on categorys, and auto generated menus from own CMS system and fully customizable using wb9.
*- Products with up to 7 Images, with Fancybox and elevateZoom integration.
*- Up to 5 price altering options that only appears when they exist in a product.
*- Programated discounts, so you can choose the date to start and the end of a given discount.
*- Full Ajax, Jquery, and PHP integration.
*- Full SEO Frieendly product url, and full social media sharing integration.
*- CSS3 animations for listing products, fully personalizable.
*- Orders are stored in the database, where they can be managed
*- and so on... more than 50 different Special Features.

*- You only have to specify the parameters of access to mysql database: Host, database name, User name, Password.
*- Manages the categories in a visual way.
*- Add, edit, delete your product on a really easy way.
*- Configure your web shop parameters like paypal acount, country and much more online.
*- Full CKEditor 4.0 and KCFinder Integration, for managing product images and descriptions.
*- And really a lot more. just take a look and Surprise yourself.

They will be available for purchase next month, in three different flavors.
Standard, Professional, and Developer.

Feel free to leave a comment. :mrgreen:
Last edited by kuasarx on Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:07 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by jeff11214 »

Welcome back and I'm happy to hear you're feeling better. :)

I think your CMS Shop is awesome! I would be very interested in this when its available.
My only 2 issues are regarding the front-end layout.

1- The page is not scaled right on my screen. Is it possible to use layers with "Relative horizontal sizing" so whatever the screen size/resolution is then it will always look full page?
See also:

2- Is it possible to use an inline-frame or popup for the shopping cart so the contents always show? A good example of this would be the Vibracart extension.

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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by Vlastimil »

It`s possible set interface language and use other as paypal acount or add other payment possibilities? In my country we don`t use paypal, only for some international payments.
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by kuasarx »

thanks for the comments! :mrgreen:
jeff11214 wrote:Welcome back and I'm happy to hear you're feeling better. :)

1- The page is not scaled right on my screen. Is it possible to use layers with "Relative horizontal sizing" so whatever the screen size/resolution is then it will always look full page?
See also:
The answer is YES, there is nothing impossible with WB9!!

You will be able to modify the layout in the way you want. But have to take in consideration, tha the template makes uses of Ajax, PHP and Jquery for the dinamic load of the products, and the shopping cart as well, and some times the "jquery .load " may be a little headache untill you get it to do the reght thing.
jeff11214 wrote:2- Is it possible to use an inline-frame or popup for the shopping cart so the contents always show? A good example of this would be the Vibracart extension.
I personally would not recommend the use of popup or iframes to anyone, are things of the stone age.
you can acomplish the same results with a little bit of php code and jquery, for a good integration of a minicart. but do not worry, I will provide diferent examples of the minicart integration, and the one with the list of products will be one of them.
Vlastimil wrote:It`s possible set interface language ?
At this moment is not a language module avaliable, but CKEditor, and KCFinder recognizes the users language, and it does change automatic. This is one of the things that i have planned for future relases.
Vlastimil wrote:use other as paypal acount or add other payment possibilities?
Yes, you can use the payment method that you need, but you will need to integrate it yourself. There are hundreds of payment gateways, and would be very costly in time wanting to integrate all of them. In the documentation of the front-end template, you can find how they work PHP variables used in the shopping cart, and then you can integrate with payment gateway that most interests you. but ultimately it will be you the one to do that part.
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by jeff11214 »

Are you still working on the CMS Shop development? Please let us know if this is available now?

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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by kuasarx »

Sorry for the late answer!
I've been busy, and I'm back to going under the knife. I'm fighting to keep my leg. :(
next January 3rd, I had surgery for the 14th in 2 years.
but I promise to work hard to complete the development of CMS SHOP + 2.0.
The last few weeks have implemented a better order management system, and full implementation with Paypal IPN for confirmation of transactions automatically.
likewise, I also hope to have the time to implement a better system to control shipping costs.

Thanks for your patience.
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by BaconFries »

@kuasarx Wow and I thought I was having things bad surgery wise. You take care things can wait, your health is more important, get well soon....
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by adex1 »

Get well soon friend. We will be praying for you.
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by kuasarx »

Thank you all for the best wishes!!!

I did manage to finish a proyect based on the CMS SHOP + 2.0 . you can take a look at it on this url

it is fully CMS content, even the carrousels generate content from the CMS system, showing the featured products.
Things that are generated by the cms:
*- listings
*- bills
*- product pages
*- normal pages
*- Rss feed (
*- Carrousels
other features:

*- Images are auto croped and autoresized dinamicly. so you dont have to worry about the image size for the products from the webshop or the articles or posts from the page.

*- full Paypal IPN (instant payment notification) so you get notified when a payment is doned, and it sets the order as payed by the orders management module. ( olso is posible to sell digital products and let the client download the content when IPN give a positive result with a little of php custom coding.)

and really a lolt more features...

Sadly, it would be very difficult for someone without good knowledge of php reach to customize the template at this stage. I have still to optimize the code to make it as easy as possible to customize things without damaging the php code. I'm also re-evaluating the possibility to use custom extensions with the template, so that everything turns easier to configure and if avoid undesirable changes in the code, which would cause malfunction of the whole.

sorry that i´m delaying so much wth the templates, I be doing my best to make them ready for use as soon as posible , but my health problems and my clients no let me much time...
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by birxbir »

Very nice template , I'll be waiting for your site.
I'd like to see in the final version.
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by kuasarx »

hi everyone.
Thanks for your interest.
I apologize again for the slow development of the templates, but health is not helping me much. I'm still recovering from the last surgery,which unfortunately, was much bigger than expected, and the work keeps piling up.
I´m still trying to figure out what is the best way to implement all code in the most friendly way possible for the user. I'm returning to believe that the combination of template and extensions is the best option.

But I'm only one person, and the amount of code begins to be too large to be managed by just one person. at least, for me :? .
all of this, coupled with the endless possibilities and improvements that can be carried out, are extending the development too much. and my intention is to create something stable and versatile.

I have so little time, that I can not even keep my own website updated.

asnwering to the questios from ruthhackman.
1* The star comenting/review system is planet, but not in this version. maybe version 2.2 of 2.3... but it wil be really easy to updte an existing 2.0 project.
2* With the google sitemap the asnwer is the same. it is planed, but not on ver. 2.0
3* rich text snippets?, Yes, they will be implemented, but only the following: name, image, description, category, identifier, price, currency, availability, quantity, and offerURL.

Thanks again to everyone for your interest and patience.
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by adex1 »

kuasarx wrote:hi everyone.
Thanks for your interest.
I apologize again for the slow development of the templates, but health is not helping me much. I'm still recovering from the last surgery,which unfortunately, was much bigger than expected, and the work keeps piling up.
I´m still trying to figure out what is the best way to implement all code in the most friendly way possible for the user. I'm returning to believe that the combination of template and extensions is the best option.

But I'm only one person, and the amount of code begins to be too large to be managed by just one person. at least, for me :? .
all of this, coupled with the endless possibilities and improvements that can be carried out, are extending the development too much. and my intention is to create something stable and versatile.

I have so little time, that I can not even keep my own website updated.

asnwering to the questios from ruthhackman.
1* The star comenting/review system is planet, but not in this version. maybe version 2.2 of 2.3... but it wil be really easy to updte an existing 2.0 project.
2* With the google sitemap the asnwer is the same. it is planed, but not on ver. 2.0
3* rich text snippets?, Yes, they will be implemented, but only the following: name, image, description, category, identifier, price, currency, availability, quantity, and offerURL.

Thanks again to everyone for your interest and patience.

Is the CMS Shop + 2.0 available for purchase?

Do you need helping hand in your task?
Buy Automation Shopping Cart for CMS WEBSHOP + 2.2 Using WB10!
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by kuasarx »

Hi Adex1, I need a betatester!! where can I contact you?
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by adex1 »

kuasarx wrote:Hi Adex1, I need a betatester!! where can I contact you?
Contact me through email:
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.0

Post by Vlastimil »

Hi kuasarx, when you need, I can offer next helping hand for testing or language support for czech or germany language.
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.2 Update!!!

Post by kuasarx »

thank you very much everyone for your offer to help. :D
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.2 Update!!!

Post by adex1 »

After few weeks of rigorous testing on CMS Shop Plus 2.2.
Personally I will say it must be a buy for all members of WB users try it and you will say wooow and credit kuasarx for he has created to sell.

Have a look at this backend control panel:


and few Features:

• Built in Installation wizard
• Full Control of Administrator Back-end.
• Dynamic menu creation – add as many menu items as you like, unlimited products item.
• Automated Page generations for Carts
• Multiple posts per page – you can add multiple posts per page.
• Dedicated contact and home page.
• Built in gallery module
• Built in commenting system
• Powerful file manager
• Database backup/restore
• SEO Optimized
• Membership management
• PayPal and Bank payments integrated
• User permissions
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.2 Coming Soon!!!

Post by FX3D »

Top job guys this is looking awesome ;)

Get well soon Kuasarx 8) 8)
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.2 Coming Soon!!!

Post by adex1 »

FX3D wrote:Top job guys this is looking awesome ;)

Get well soon Kuasarx 8) 8)
It is fully compatible for WB7, 8 and 9.
Buy Automation Shopping Cart for CMS WEBSHOP + 2.2 Using WB10!
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.2 Coming Soon!!!

Post by fochardo »

It's possible to make an catalog whitout prices and buy options.?
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.2 Coming Soon!!!

Post by kuasarx »

fochardo wrote:It's possible to make an catalog whitout prices and buy options.?
Yes, joust have to modify the template to not show the prices, and add options ti the products.
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Re: CMS SHOP + 2.2 Coming Soon!!!

Post by kuasarx »

KamphKamia wrote:Is the current version available for purchase? I'd like to purchase the product.
No, the current version is no available for purchase, but the relase date is somewhere next week! so keep on touch! :)
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Post by kuasarx »

Finally we launched version 2.2!

You can get information about CMS SHOP + in

You can buy it on

You can read some tutorials at

You can make your questions and obtain some support at the CMS+ forum

all versions of "WEBSHOP +" include a multipurpose WB9 template. And
in the coming weeks many more will be added Finally we launched version 2.2!

You can get information about CMS SHOP + in

You can buy it on

You can read some tutorials at

You can make your questions and obtain some support at the CMS+ forum

all versions of "WEBSHOP +" include a multipurpose WB9 template. And in the coming weeks many more will be added
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Post by FX3D »

WOW great job guys, does this include a .wbs file you can edit ? and some php files for the cms ? 8) 8)

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

P.S. You have also got some minor alignment issues on your site with the Carousel / slideshow in IE11 (hover over is miss-aligning the pagination) & combo boxes drop down arrow ( I have come across this in the past and actually had to offset the WYSIWYG object slightly, so that when I previewed the site it looked correct)

All in all excellent job, very user friendly CMS shop & I love the hierarchal view option, very useful.

:P :P
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Post by kuasarx »

WOW great job guys, does this include a .wbs file you can edit ? and some php files for the cms ? 8) 8)
YES!! you get a .wtp template file that you can modify, and you will get sourprised how easy is to do it.
also you get the "installer.php" that you have to upload to your server and run it, and it will configure everything for you, so no more headaches with the configuration database!

about the alignment issues, thanks for the advice!

PS: What I have to do to get featured on WB9 facebook page?
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Post by kuasarx »

NEW E-commerce template with a Magento alike layout, eye catching colors and flat design.

View a Demo!


Index Page

More Info Here!
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Post by jerryaycock »

I just spent a CRAZY amount of time with kuasarx on video chat.
His English was Excellent and His knowledge of WYSIWYG was inspiring.
I never review a product.. Until now!
The Back end is COMPLETE, I can't imagine the need for anything more.
He helped me load to a troublesome server and went through the entire backend.
Then he guided me through the Front End. I have not stopped to learn Frames and
he gave me a better understanding of them and showed me some editing tricks that I
had not discovered.
I am coming from Sitegrinder and have a lot to learn, But I sure picked up a TON tonight.

It was his Birthday and he still took more time than I could have hoped for.

So my bottom line is ...
If you are doing CMS .. don't waste your time looking .. BUY his product.

Jerry Aycock " A Happy Customer !!!"
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Post by Vlastimil »

when I live in Czech Republic and we don`t pay in EUR or USD, I need use other payment method as in Europe or USA, I cannot use for example PayPal, my customers don`t use this.
It`s possible add own custom payment method to this CMS SHOP 2.2 (use .php or other)?
Do you provide any support for this?
I need for example implement QR code payment (I have solution for this), collect on delivery payment or specific bank interface for using payment card.
It`s possible import/export shop data from this with text format (.csv, .xml, ...) in UTF8
or is need add/edit all data manualy?
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Post by kuasarx »

Vlastimil wrote:Hi,
when I live in Czech Republic and we don`t pay in EUR or USD, I need use other payment method as in Europe or USA, I cannot use for example PayPal, my customers don`t use this.
It`s possible add own custom payment method to this CMS SHOP 2.2 (use .php or other)?
Yes, it is possible to add a payment gateway using php.
To integrate a new gateway process would be the following.
  • 1st. add the option to the page in customer.php payment methods field.
  • 2nd. Create a php script that collects information from the shopping cart, stored in session variables., And process variables.
  • 3rd. include the script in Thankyou1.php page using an HTML object and using something like this code.
    if ($_SESSION['paymenttype'] == "your_payment_gateway")
    { require 'your_gateway_integration.php';}
Vlastimil wrote:Do you provide any support for this?
I can explane you how the Session variables are procesed, and how work the shipping and Tax calculations. but i can´t offer any support with payment gateways.

Collect on delivery is a easy thing to do.
Vlastimil wrote:It`s possible import/export shop data from this with text format (.csv, .xml, ...) in UTF8
or is need add/edit all data manualy?
NO, this feature is not implemented yet. you need add the products in the system your self.
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Post by Vlastimil »

Thanks, the customer.php and needed is possible update only in first use, or it`s need update this after each generation of code ?
It`s available czech/slovak translation for this shop or it`s need made this?
I suppose, that he translations is realized using separate translation file and it`s not need update the generated code.
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Post by kuasarx »

Vlastimil wrote:Thanks, the customer.php and needed is possible update only in first use, or it`s need update this after each generation of code ?
Sorry but i no understand what are you meaning.
Vlastimil wrote:It`s available czech/slovak translation for this shop or it`s need made this?
I suppose, that he translations is realized using separate translation file and it`s not need update the generated code.
No translation avaliable. The backend is at the moment english only. the frontend templates, you can made the translation yourself.
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Post by Vlastimil »

about customer.php - I means, if the file is generated utomaticaly from extensions and has been rewrited after generating the site or is "separated" and can be made only once.
The same with translations - if is realized using one separate translation file or it`s not need update the generated code? Do you planing possibility to translate the backend too? I cannot use for my customers english background :-(.
When you need, my hands do can help with this.
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Post by kuasarx »

Vlastimil wrote:Thanks,
The same with translations - if is realized using one separate translation file or it`s not need update the generated code? Do you planing possibility to translate the backend too? I cannot use for my customers english background :-(.
When you need, my hands do can help with this.
Thanks for volunteering to help.
The problem with the translation is that almost all the code has to be modified. this is not something dificult to do, but well requires a lot of time. and right now I am immersed in two very large projects, so I can not make these changes at this time.
Vlastimil wrote: about customer.php - I means, if the file is generated utomaticaly from extensions and has been rewrited after generating the site or is "separated" and can be made only once.
the changes in the code and/or template should be made ​​only once.

sorry can not offer at this time a version of the product on your language. :(
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Post by mandrake »

There are a lot of bugs with your shop cms.
For example, the sorting system is not functioning properly. It is not the right results. For example, sorting by price does not work. This is the same problem with the brands, and the rest.
I am interested in your cms, but not all problems.
I think it is not yet sufficiently complete and finalized. I tested your demo site with IE11 and the latest version of Firefox.
Good luck. :wink:
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Post by kuasarx »

mandrake wrote:Hello,
There are a lot of bugs with your shop cms.
For example, the sorting system is not functioning properly. It is not the right results. For example, sorting by price does not work. This is the same problem with the brands, and the rest.
I am interested in your cms, but not all problems.
I think it is not yet sufficiently complete and finalized. I tested your demo site with IE11 and the latest version of Firefox.
Good luck. :wink:
HI Mandrake. Before telling something like this, be shure you have looked at it right.
The sorting fuction works fine when the products are inserted with the right data. the things you have seen in the demo sites are just demo products, and everybody can modify them if they go to the demo backend.
as well the sortingin in demo are DESC, and not ASC. you can change this in the backend files.

I expend last 3 months testing the WEBSHOP+ 2.2 with some more people like adex1.

More than 75 copys of WEBSHOP+ 2.2 are selled, and no one have ever complained over the sorting system.
take a look at and try to find bugs. this is a working example of WEBSHOP+ 2.2. this is also a finished Real proyect based on WEBSHOP+ 2.2

I hope you found the info ussefull. :mrgreen:
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Post by adex1 »

mandrake wrote:Hello,
There are a lot of bugs with your shop cms.
For example, the sorting system is not functioning properly. It is not the right results. For example, sorting by price does not work. This is the same problem with the brands, and the rest.
I am interested in your cms, but not all problems.
I think it is not yet sufficiently complete and finalized. I tested your demo site with IE11 and the latest version of Firefox.
Good luck. :wink:
Demo have same price tags. You can remove the drops own extension if you don't sorting.
Final version is more update than the demo version.
Give a try to full version and quote me wrong.
Big thanks to kuasarx for his effort on this eCommerce.
I will recommend SUPPORT to give a try as well.
Buy Automation Shopping Cart for CMS WEBSHOP + 2.2 Using WB10!
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Post by mandrake »


I've tested this site . The sorting system is the function that I'm most interested in your cms shop.
I take a concrete example with : I choose "accessories" . There are more than six pages of results. When I chose for example sort by ascending order of price, it is ok for the first page of results , but when I clicks directly on the sixth page of results , the sort is no longer effective .
If you have to start sorting products for each new page, it quickly becomes annoying and it does not make much sense for a sorting system of this kind.
I sent this message after testing this. When a system is successful I also reported .
I do not understand the interest of the two selector choice of categories if it is useless on the site.
I like logic systems . To me this seems confusing to the visitor and not ergonomic .
This is unfortunate because it is a good idea to sell a system like yours .
I 'm not here to free criticism. Maybe I'm too demanding , too.
I'm sorry that my remarks are attacked.
Now if what I see is wrong, then I'd like to know why it does not work correctly for me.
A trial version would actually welcome.
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Post by kuasarx »

Hi again mandrake.

You were right about the data is not sorted correctly.
But it is not a problem in WEBSHOP +.
The problem lies in the consistency of data. the client had entered prices in different ways, sometimes had used the comma and sometimes point to create decimals.
I have warned of this and has solved the problem as you will find if you revisit the site.
mandrake wrote: I'm sorry that my remarks are attacked.
I was not meant to make you feel attacked. I apologize if I have been rough on some of my answers.
criticism and comments are always welcome if they are constructive.
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Post by birxbir »

hi @kuasarx
I did not see the credit card bank integration on the demo shop.
What should we do?

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Post by kuasarx »

birxbir wrote:hi @kuasarx
I did not see the credit card bank integration on the demo shop.
What should we do?

The credit card integration is via Paypal. With Paypal you can pay with Visa, Mastercard, Amex etc... without the need of a paypal acount. the Instant Payment notification works as wll with this type of transactios, so the orders that are Paid, will be marked as "Paid" automaticly in the Orders manager.

The other integrated payment system, is SEPA, that is the European standar for bank transactions. but thi requires the user to fullfil the transaction. but wth SEPA there is no way to integrate Payment notifications within the Backend.

I hope you found the info ussefull.
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Post by kuasarx »

Here is a how to install WEBSHOP+ 2.2 backend on a local XAMPP server, so you can work on your proyects offline.

OK, I have the solution for you.

1* - Install XAMPP on you machine.
2* - Create a database on your xampp instalation trough the phpmyadmin.
3* - Create a User in phpmyadmin and assign it with all privileges to the database you have created.
4* - Modify the php configuration in the php.ini. search line 535 and set value for error_reporting=E_ALL
and on line 552 set display_errors=Off so you no get warnings from empty variables.

5* - copy the install.php that was in the zip you have downloaded from my site in to this folder "C:\xampp\htdocs\".
6* - Open your browser on http://localhost/install.php
7* - Follow the installer. if you need any help you can read HOW TO INSTALL TUTORIAL

8* - You have Finished. and now you have WEBSHOP+ 2.2 Backend running on your computer.

I hope you find the info usefull.
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Post by birxbir »

Thank you for reply
I want to use as soon as possible. We don't use paypal but trial can be made.
kuasarx wrote:
birxbir wrote:hi @kuasarx
I did not see the credit card bank integration on the demo shop.
What should we do?

The credit card integration is via Paypal. With Paypal you can pay with Visa, Mastercard, Amex etc... without the need of a paypal acount. the Instant Payment notification works as wll with this type of transactios, so the orders that are Paid, will be marked as "Paid" automaticly in the Orders manager.

The other integrated payment system, is SEPA, that is the European standar for bank transactions. but thi requires the user to fullfil the transaction. but wth SEPA there is no way to integrate Payment notifications within the Backend.

I hope you found the info ussefull.
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Post by kuasarx »

birxbir wrote:Thank you for reply
I want to use as soon as possible. We don't use paypal but trial can be made.
You can easily integrate pay on delivery, but same problem as SEPA, no instant payment notifiations.

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Post by mindentezzel »

I hope I post this message in the right place.
My query: is there an e-book (software, picture etc) shop in this version? I seek a normal e-book store solution, where after paying the costumer can download the book or picture or software. Would you please give me a feed back about it? There are two big questions, how many times can the costumer download the book, and how can you give back the money if he/she got the book.
Thanks, T.
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Post by basstuuk »

Heb een email aan k gestuurd maar krijg geen antwoord.
Heb de webshop gekocht maar geen serienummer toegestuurd gekregen.

Misschien dat het zo lukt om antwoord te krijgen.

Met vriendelijke groet Bas :(
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Post by adex1 »

mindentezzel wrote:I hope I post this message in the right place.
My query: is there an e-book (software, picture etc) shop in this version? I seek a normal e-book store solution, where after paying the costumer can download the book or picture or software. Would you please give me a feed back about it? There are two big questions, how many times can the costumer download the book, and how can you give back the money if he/she got the book.
Thanks, T.
Yeah it has everything you want.

Have a look at this:

URL removed

and backend
Last edited by adex1 on Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
Buy Automation Shopping Cart for CMS WEBSHOP + 2.2 Using WB10!
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Post by kuasarx »

basstuuk wrote:Hallo,
Heb een email aan k gestuurd maar krijg geen antwoord.
Heb de webshop gekocht maar geen serienummer toegestuurd gekregen.

Misschien dat het zo lukt om antwoord te krijgen.

Met vriendelijke groet Bas :(
Ik heb de serienummer opnieuw gestuurd.
vergeet niet jij moet het gebruiken in combinatie met uw e-mail in de installatie process.
indien jij meer vragen heft, dan kunt jij contact met mij opnemen via
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Post by adex1 »

Phuzznutz wrote:How much does this cost in US Dollars?
Start cost from 35euros. Check below link ... andard-ade
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Post by BaconFries »

@adex1 if you are pointing to your site to sell this then I will remove it again as it is not polite to advertise what you are selling in the original members thread. It is not polite to do this and unfair on the orininal seller of the template.
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Post by adex1 »

BaconFries wrote:@adex1 if you are pointing to your site to sell this then I will remove it again as it is not polite to advertise what you are selling in the original members thread. It is not polite to do this and unfair on the orininal seller of the template.
@BF: I am not selling anything on my website. I was pointing to the website I built with the extension.
Is that the reason inject the website and always after my posts for deleting?
Buy Automation Shopping Cart for CMS WEBSHOP + 2.2 Using WB10!
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