jor_carouselManipulation 11.0

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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 6

Post by bburgess »

Hi again Jordan :)

Just an FYI

Sorry to annoy you with this, (I have fixed my issue) however the demo for this ext and for your Font Ext (mirro image etc) do not function for me at least.

Every thing in WB looks fine, there is the warning about opening an older verison, screen items look good, it publishes ok but in IE10 and Firefox the only thing to work is the slider itself, (the browser is displaying it as per WB) and nothing at all changes in the fonts with your other extension, the browsers are displaying it exactly as in WB.

Sorry can not tell you much more, I did go in and change settings etc but nothing I did made any difference.

Win 7 32 bit
WB 9.1.3

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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 7

Post by jordan »

hello bburgess,

sorry to respond this late to your question
I did not see a notification mail on this quest, or I missed it:(
anyway …

hope your still around …
I have no problem using both extensions here ?
are you able to make jor_fonteffect work on a blank project ?
do you have a live example of it not working, so I can see what's happening ?
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 7

Post by jordan »

jor_carouselManipulation update 7

01. fix : WB9.2 - backward-circular vs full width on window resize fix
02. changed : auto-disable pager/nav. position properties if full width is enabled

for full update history, demo and download see top post
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 7

Post by protectourlands »

Jordan, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this extension and your continued updates.

I wonder if this feature is possible:

A client recently showed me a website with Flow Slider. This slider has the capability to slide objects one at a time while keeping the sequence. So if the frame contains box 1,2,3,4, the next slide would be short and still reveal box 2,3,4 and now also box 5. So only the furthest left box disappears and a new box enters. I hope I explained this well enough. An example is seen on the American Pickers page in the link slider just below the large slideshow.

Do you think something like this is possible in Carousel? I appreciate you looking at this.
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 7

Post by jordan »

hello protectourlands,

that is not possible with the carousel
too much would have to be changed to make that possible, that's more like an interactive conveyer belt you want
you could try using a jQuery slider with jor_carouselManipulation, that would make a slide through the frames?
but even then, the frame stops on full frame not in between, and it won't run circular
so, no that is not possible with the carousel, sorry:(
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 7

Post by protectourlands »

No worries Jordan. Just thought I would check before I use this one. Thank you so much for checking.
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 7

Post by bburgess »

jordan wrote:hello bburgess,

sorry to respond this late
No worries m8, I am sorry as well have been flat out at work for christmas.
I will retry wh at I was doing and document for you, but as nobody else seems to be having an issue it my just be my pc.
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 7

Post by protectourlands »

Is there any way to assign events to the arrows and /or pagination buttons so that when a video is used and currently playing, as soon as the user attempts to slide with the arrow or pagination button the video is stopped or paused?

I have a carousel with several videos. I'm trying to get them to auto stop upon transition attempts.
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 7

Post by jordan »

hi protectourlands,

that's not a carousel question but a video question
do you have some type of external control over the video player ?
if yes then it may be possible, certainly not easy, but at least then you have a start point
without it all you could try is to create a hide/unhide on frame enter type of action
which I doubt would work cross-browser on any type of video
so, not easy to achieve in any case
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 7

Post by protectourlands »

Hi Jordan

It's the standard WB HTML5 video player. If I make a shape object and assign an event: onclick > Media stop, the video stops. So I was thinking - if this event could be added to the slider arrows instead, the video would stop playing before sliding away through the onclick of the arrow. The arrow would cause both the slide and the video stop at the same time. I'm trying to avoid depending on the user to remember to turn the video off before changing the frame.

So essentially this would be the ability to add events to the carousel navigation. What do you think?
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 7

Post by jordan »

ah the mediaplayer, ok, stopping all mediaplayers belonging to a carousel by pag/nav can be done, yes
I don't know how good this will work cross-browser, but it can be done
not something I would add to jor_carouselManipulation, too specific too many unknowns
but if you want to try the stop thing, add this between the <HEAD> of your page

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function (){
var carouselID = 'Carousel1'; // set carousel id here
var mediaIs = "[id^='MediaPlayer']";
setTimeout(function() {
$('#wb_'+carouselID+' .pagination,#'+carouselID+'_back,#'+carouselID+'_next').find('a').on('click',function(){
$('#wb_'+carouselID).find(mediaIs).each(function() {this.pause()});
}, 400);

1. the video players used need to start with the id MediaPlayer or change the mediaIs var in the code
2. this code will not work with jor_carouselManipulation external control, only internal pag/nav

hope this will do it for you!
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 7

Post by protectourlands »

This is fantastic Jordan. Tested on IE11, Chrome, FF, and Safari and works well on all using HTML5 video object.

Interesting, when trying it on WB Flash Video Object, it only works on the first video.

Thank you so much for this. You are amazing.
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update 7

Post by jordan »

pfff, video and external control never know what may cause unexpected behaviour:/
but good to hear it works for the mediaplayer, goOd:)
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation - **8-BANANAS:)**

Post by jordan »

COMING SOON jor_carouselManipulation update 8 - BANANAS UPDATE:)

**NEW** - animate into position

animate any object inside the carousel into position from - left, right, top, bottom position and/or fade-in
easily create stunning eye catching interactive animated banners, slideshows etc ... in WYSIWYG style
- works on pretty much any WB object inside the carousel by ID (set fx,delay,speed,easing)
- works in combination with all available carousel effects
- works in full width mode
- works with all jor_carouselManipulation's internal and external functions
and more ...

preview the new jor_carouselManipulation demo on visit

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Re: jor_carouselManipulation - **8-BANANAS:)**

Post by BaconFries »

@emotiondm the reason I pointed you here is because you yourself asked a question in another members thread related to jordans extension. If you require help about any extension you use it is best to open a "New" thread of your own, not to ask within another thread were it is not related....
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation - **8-BANANAS:)**

Post by jordan »

there are 2 carousel extensions available a.f.a.i.k
one user-made by Eddy - here - viewtopic.php?t=13672
one official - through the extension manager

looking at the code on your page it does not seem to be correct it should load a - default.xml
that's what the latest official build uses, your page uses a carousel.xml

so either you are using an outdated version, or you have somehow mixed up the 2 available carousel extensions ?
either way that is why it is not working correct (I think)

uninstall all carousel extensions from your extensions folder
install the latest carousel extension from the extension manager

and yes, please open a new thread regarding this issue as BaconFries pointed out, this is not related to this extension :) !
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation - **8-BANANAS:)**

Post by protectourlands »

Animation in the carousel frames? Jordan you are amazing. I am really looking forward to your 8 update.
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation - **8-BANANAS:)**

Post by jordan »

protectourlands wrote:Animation in the carousel frames? Jordan you are amazing. I am really looking forward to your 8 update.
glad you like and yup, animate into position, fun and easy to use, instant result - WYSIWYG style
working to finish it all, new easy_start project, update manual, clean up some code etc - almost there
hoping to release it very soon - preview the new demo on
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update8 **NEW**

Post by jordan »

jor_carouselManipulation update 8 - BANANAS UPDATE:)

01. new : animate any WB object inside the carousel into position
02. new : thin film carousel
03. new : WB9 effects direction mode
04. new : callback before
05. enhanced : preview state (not used) independent for internal/external preview
06. fix : jQuery slider initial frame error
07. fix : jQuery slider vs full width mode correct positioning
08. additional : new jor_carouselManipulation_easystart.wbs project

for full update history, demo and download see top post
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update8 **NEW**

Post by protectourlands »

Jordan I am in awe of you. Carousel is already great out of the box, but you have taken it to a whole new level with animation options. I know you spend a lot of time developing your amazing extensions, so I just want to say how much I appreciate you making these available for the rest of us.

Thank you. Best wishes.
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update8 **NEW**

Post by jordan »

hehe thank you for your words protectourlands, always nice to hear and much appreciated ! - enjoy !

. :) .

@sduccio TNX:)
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update8

Post by jordan »

TNX DavidMoshe, great you like, and yep yep it's free:)
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update8

Post by jordan »

hello DavidMoshe,

! don't know what you mean with "adding slides" in relation to jor_carouselManipulation ?
in general you just add content to the available frames/slides in the carousel
please elaborate on what you mean with adding slides

also look at the jor_carouselManipulation_easystart project in the download for many examples ...
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update8

Post by supersonictt »

Hello Jordan, hope all is well :)

Well, I am trying the animation effects and it is working just fine, but I have a question to see if what I want can be done:
Let's say on frame 2 (page 2), I have:
image1 --> fx: bottom
image2--> fx: top
text1 --> fx: left

Now as frame 2 timer ends, is it possible to add the opposite effects to those objects rather than -for example- slide all the objects left (or whatever set in the direction of the carousel settings)?

Thank you.
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update8

Post by jordan »

hi supersonictt,

all well here, thank you:)

nope that is not possible as is
creating a smooth animate in is difficult, creating a smooth animate out is 4 times as difficult
with animate in you know where your going and you can react on that
with animate out you have to catch the event, delay the event, restore where you came from, execute the event
that would require a complete rewrite of not just the animate part but of all jor_carouselManipulation functions
it would require a fast response on all components

I already have a jor_carouselManipulation update ready that I have not released yet
I'm working on some other updates and things before releasing that:)

after that I will have another look at this animate out to see if it's somehow possible
but I already know it's going to be VERY difficult

so, short, too late:) … not possible as is:/
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update8

Post by supersonictt »


Thank you so much for explaining how animations work :)
Of course am not asking for these features to be in the future updates, but I was trying to copy some animations from this site:
I am in charge to re-design this website, so just wanted to see if these animations can be done using the carousel manipulation.
One more thing, I noticed that when adding a link to an image, and this image has an animation effect in the carousel manipulation, it loses the effect. Did you encounter that?

Thank you so much :)

By the way, your extension are really AMAZING! Thanks a million for your hard work :)
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation_update8

Post by jordan »

supersonictt wrote:One more thing, I noticed that when adding a link to an image, and this image has an animation effect in the carousel manipulation, it loses the effect. Did you encounter that?
oeups, no, I did not know that, but I know now . :shock: .
that is not how it supposed to work, I will fix that it the next update for sure, thanks much for the info!
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 8.0 > !UPDATE! > 9.0

Post by jordan »

jor_carouselManipulation update 9

01. fix : stabilize full width resize vs animation - WB10 fix
02. new : external control by class (next/prev/stop/play/pager) - (see in depth section)
03. enhanced : pause-resume | initial - is changed to - autoplay | initial property - (removed reliance on text object)
04. enhanced : frame background size property added (cover/contain/percentage/pixel) - per frame
05. enhanced : frame background position property is now editable
06. fix : linked image losses animation

see also the new jor_INSPIREREYS section on for new cool template demo!

for full update history, demo and download see top post
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 8.0 > !UPDATE! > 9.0

Post by protectourlands »


Is there a way to add the option "Show Random Order" to your awesome extension?
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 8.0 > !UPDATE! > 9.0

Post by jordan »

protectourlands wrote:Jordan

Is there a way to add the option "Show Random Order" to your awesome extension?
you mean a random order autoplay ?
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 8.0 > !UPDATE! > 9.0

Post by protectourlands »

Yes exactly. Instead of sliding in order the slides occur randomly. This works very well when in fade mode.

I tried adding this to the script tag:

type: 'random'

It seemed to work after the first 2 fades. I'm not sure if this is the optimal way to apply it to this application.

Thank you for considering it.
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b

Post by jordan »

jor_carouselManipulation update 9b

01. new : autoplay in random order

for full update history, demo and download see top post
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b

Post by jordan »

hello protectourlands,

I actually already just created it, but when I finished I thought, did he really mean autoplay order - little late - . :mrgreen: .

download jor_carouselManipulation_update9b.rar from the top post, added random autoplay
I just have no time to test it thoroughly, but I think this will work just fine, else just shout:)
hope this helps - cheerios!
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b

Post by protectourlands »

It works perfectly Jordan. Exactly what I needed.

Thank you very much. All the best to you.
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b

Post by Herbert »

I'm just an amateur, tinkering my own private website.

I want to say "thank you Jordan" for offering your great extensions.

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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b

Post by supersonictt »

Hello again Jordan, can I shout? :)
Well, it is not a bug that I want to shout for, but I think I asked this before: when the play is paused by a mouse hover or whatever, is it possible to resume the timer and not reset it back to full duration?
Thank you.
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b

Post by jordan »

Herbert wrote:I'm just an amateur, tinkering my own private website.

I want to say "thank you Jordan" for offering your great extensions.

Thank you Herbert, much appreciated !:) . 8) .
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b

Post by jordan »

supersonictt wrote:Hello again Jordan, can I shout? :)
Well, it is not a bug that I want to shout for, but I think I asked this before: when the play is paused by a mouse hover or whatever, is it possible to resume the timer and not reset it back to full duration?
Thank you.
hiya supersonictt,

nope, sorry there simply is no such thing as a timer pause in javascript
you basically have 2 timers - setInterval and setTimeout - neither can be paused, they can only be cleared/reset
the only way to create a pause function - is to create a pause function - work with 2 timers, or memorize on split
in any case that changes the whole script completely, it is not something that easily can be added
everything that depends on the timer needs to be changed to work with whatever you put in place as a timer
if it could be done easily I would have for sure!
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b

Post by jordan »

markm wrote:Any help would be appreciated.

I have put the extension and a carousel on a page, set the id for the carousel, changed some of the effects in the extension such as background images for the different frames, but it has no effect on the carousel. What am I doing wrong.
hi markm,

I have no clue as to why it does not work for you ?
if you can set up a live demo, I can see what you have done
also in the download is a WB demo project with many examples - jor_carouselManipulation_easystart - does that project work for you ?
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b

Post by jordan »

hi markm,

please put up a live demo so I can see what it looks like when it runs
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b

Post by jordan »

jaybird wrote:Hi,

Downloaded today your jor_carouselManipulation_update9b RAR File (.rar) and tried to manually install in WB 10 and the file is not recognized ?

hi jaybird,

please try this recompiled EB5.2 version - jor_carouselManipulation EB5.2
hope this helps!
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b____**SOON** v10.0

Post by jordan »

jor_carouselManipulation update 10 - SOON - CRAZY CHICKEN UPDATE!

update 10 summary:
- animate into position - NOW with CSS3 animation - included animates.css library or use WB CSS3 animation
- new option - auto switch - only engage autoplay if the carousel is in view - (vertical axis)
- many powerful enhancements for thin film mode
- many fixes and enhances for RWD design compatibility
- other ...

see a preview in the new cool demo on - section jor_INSPIREREYS - (around the globe-destination)

NOTE: jor_carouselManipulation 10.0 is WB10+ only!
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b____**SOON** v10.0

Post by BaconFries »

As always great work jordan...
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b____**SOON** v10.0

Post by tommy888 »

Looking forward to it JOR! Thanks :)
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b____**SOON** v10.0

Post by jordan »

jor_carouselManipulation10.0 SUSPEND!

I run into a design fault in JMPv3.0 b5.6 therefore b5.6 has been removed
this fault also involves jor_carouselManipulation 10.0 which is not yet released . pfef:)
both will be released later!

@ tommy888 - will release as soon as possible, TNX for the thumbs . 8) .
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b____**SOON** v10.0

Post by tommy888 »

Ok, Jor Thnaks :)
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 9.0b___**RELEASED** v10.0

Post by jordan »

jor_carouselManipulation update 10 - CRAZY CHICKEN UPDATE!

01. added : added option - corner radius for jQuery slider and progressbar
02. fix/enhanced : thin film mode - abide RWD design (visibility) - (rewrite)
03. changed : thin film mode - option "position | index" removed - (z-index is now set as the carousel resides)
04. enhanced : thin film mode - added option - top position (auto/manual) - RWD enhancement
05. added : thin film mode - added option - FRAME: border/background size/shadow
06. added : thin film mode - added option - BLOCK: background image/size/shadow
07. new : thin film mode - new option - block cover opacity switch (first/last slide)
08. new : thin film mode - smart object animation - only animate if object is not in view
09. enhanced : callback before now also executes at carousel init.
10. fix : jQuery slider vs carousel effects mode fix
11. fix : object animation abide RWD design - (rewrite)
12. new : object animation now also include CSS3 animation - (included animate.css library)
13. new : object animation - CSS3 animation - also target by class
14. new : object animation - new option - create custom CSS3 keyframe animation (advanced)
15. new : new option - auto switch - only engage autoplay if the carousel is in view (vertical axis)
16. new : full width pseudo fix - new option - kill overlap (remove overlap)
17. new : full width pseudo fix - new option - staticX (counter horizontal scrollbar)
18. changed : compiled with EB5.2 - (WB10+ only)
19. additional : other internal improvements
20. additional : updated jor_carouselManipulation_easystart.wbs project

for full update history, demo and download see top post
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 10.0

Post by LTH »

jordan I might be mistaken but a year or so ago when I downloaded this great extension I thought I was able to access the demo pages you have referenced in your help file. Can you point me in the right direction to find these again?
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 10.0

Post by jordan »

LTH wrote:jordan I might be mistaken but a year or so ago when I downloaded this great extension I thought I was able to access the demo pages you have referenced in your help file. Can you point me in the right direction to find these again?
hello LTH,

the demos are in the download - in the folder - jor_carouselManipulation_easystart
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Re: jor_carouselManipulation 10.0

Post by LTH »

Not sure why but all that's in mine is 4 jpg images. I downloaded it again and just unzipped it and it's the same thing 4 jpg files. Let me know if there's any other way to get these. Thx
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