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This forum is for users to display their websites created with WYSIWYG Web Builder.
Rules for posting in this section:
1) Do not ask any WYSIWYG Web Builder help or support related questions here.
2) Do not Promote your website on somebody elses thread.
3) Do not start more than one thread about your site.
4) Do not say anything negative or mean about somebody's site. Constructive criticism is great and encouraged, but being deliberately nasty will not be tolerated.
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is website which Provides Services Like
Website Design
Ready Made Templates
Logo Design
Hi. Nice website! Presentation-wise...I think it looks amazing. If I could improve one thing, it's the spacing of things.
Constructive Criticism: I feel I am forced to scroll a lot but there is so much empty space between text lines that it doesn't feel necessary for me to 'drive past' so many sections. So for the user experience side of things, I would tighten up the space between things
Thankyou so much for your feedback
As Layout Content is big so it needed some much more empty space,
as you mentioned I will try reduce as much as i can
The design is not bad but those little mistakes when you say you are a SEO master is bad, image attributes and quality + SSL contributes also towards SEO.
Without a SSL as of July Google is marking your site as not secure.
Thankyou it has been corrected but wont add more size.
The design is not bad but those little mistakes when you say you are a SEO master is bad, image attributes and quality + SSL contributes also towards SEO.
I know what contributes SEO doing this for over 10 years
Https if you open site with https it will work
Currently site is still in beta still improving before final publish will be done after suggestions and feedbacks.
It's there but yet you post the http version first which you should redirect to https in your .htaccess
The contact section, as the background is set to parallax effect in different screensizes the text contact might end on white dots which makes it harder to read.
Rebel Studio wrote: ↑Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:06 pm
It's there but yet you post the http version first which you should redirect to https in your .htaccess
The contact section, as the background is set to parallax effect in different screensizes the text contact might end on white dots which makes it harder to read.
But besides all that, nice site.
Thankyou again for the feedback the reason ihave not added https from the start is i have few demo domains where i published before they dont have https.
Regarding contact than I will rdo something about the text
I have an existing site (***no promoting site not made with wb see forum rules***) that I need switched to WYSIWYG Web Builder. I have familiarity with the tool and have been in software many years.
I want someone to build me a new home page to get me started, to make improvement suggestions, and be available to answer questions.