Intermittent error message

Issues related to forms.
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Intermittent error message

Post by RonHills »

I created a form for participants to enter their car in an upcoming car show. You can view the form at: and select "Online registration."

Several people have been able to sign up without a problem, but two have encountered the following message:

"a part followed by "@" should not contain the symbol " "."

(Unfortunately I still find it impossible to figure out how to insert a photo of the error message on a page in the forum.)

The other problem I am encountering is when someone uses the 'Enter" button instead of "Tab", they send incomplete form data and exit to the payment gateway.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Thank you,
Ron Hills
Ron Hills
Johnson City, NY USA

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Re: Intermittent error message

Post by Pablo »

"a part followed by "@" should not contain the symbol " "."
This error seems to indicate that a space was used in the email address.

submit is the default behavior of a form when pressing enter. This is standard HTML functionality, not specific to WWB.

But you can use the validation tools to make sure all fields have been entered.
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Re: Intermittent error message

Post by BaconFries »

Uploading images to the forum has been disabled.With that said you can always upload the image/screenshot to your own host and simply provide the url to it. Or use one of the many public image host like the following:
As Pablo's reply you can use the Validation tools or you can try the following in Page HTML Between<head></head>tags* this will simply disable Enter on the keyboard and ensuring the user uses the Submit button to send.

Code: Select all

window.addEventListener('keydown',function(e){if(e.keyIdentifier=='U+000A'||e.keyIdentifier=='Enter'||e.keyCode==13){if('INPUT'&&'text'){e.preventDefault();return false;}}},true);
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Re: Intermittent error message

Post by RonHills »

Thank you Pablo and Bacon Fries fo your FAST solutions!!!
Ron Hills
Ron Hills
Johnson City, NY USA

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