WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

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WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

A strange thought..

Is this an option? Is there a version of this development tool for Linux?

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by lac8383 »

Hello Alex

I assume you were looking if there was a native Linux binary installation version of WWB. It appears there are only Windows installation binaries for WWB on his site.
However, it is possible to run Windows based applications on a Linux platform if that is possibly your intention.
1. Linux has WINE built in to run Windows applications. You can run Windows applications in WINE on the Linux platform.
2. You can pay for a commercial version emulator https://www.codeweavers.com/products/crossover-linux/ for running Windows applications on Linux which comes with tech support.
3. You can use VirtualBox in Linux to install a real Windows OS (you'll need a Windows installation CD and license key) and run WWB in the Windows Virtual Machine.

There is no guarantee that a Windows based application will run 100% perfectly in an emulator (e.g. WINE). The only guarantee would be running WWB in a Windows VM in VirtualBox under Linux.

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by BaconFries »

Morning Alex...or is it afternoon.. Maybe the following will be of interest.
Looking for Mac or Linux Web Design software?
Quick 'n Easy Web Builder was designed for Mac OSX and Linux: http://www.quickandeasywebbuilder.com/
Note that this is a different product!
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

Hello friends,

I will start from the end... I personally, will never touch anything that comes from the house of Apple, not even with a long stick... I dislike very much and environment behaving like a Comunist regime... My way, or No Way - Apple is a locked architecture. But thanks.

Nor am I looking for a WWB replacement, I have too many websites, too much investment in time and learning.

I tried over the years virtual machines, they all "Tax" any application by reducing its performance, becasue there are multiple levels of operations involved in all cases. The virtual layer can never do exactly what the real thing is doing, can never be updated to support any new versions of WWB as it come out from the Pablo paint brush...

I am just sick of the bugs in Windows and thought I might consider another OS. If I was to change from WWB, there will be no simple automated conversion of all my existing websites, that require regular twicking and enhancements....

Thanks again

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by Pablo »

Quick 'n Easy Web Builder was designed to run on Linux. it has approximately 80% of WWB's features.
In WWB you can export your projects to QWB format.
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

Hi Pablo,

1) Is there anybody here using it that I can hear some feedback?
2) What are the functions I will be missing in the 20%
3) Are you the developer? If so, when was the latest update to it?

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by Pablo »

1) There is a dedicated forum:

Also, you can try it yourself, because it works on Windows, Linux and Mac.

2) The differences are documented here:
http://quickandeasywebbuilder.com/forum ... 30&t=40257

3) The last update was: June 29, 2020
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by WWBman »

To be honest Alex I think you will be wasting your time if you want to use Linux instead of Windows.
I have an old laptop that was running Windows 7 and I thought I would install Linux on it just to see if it had improved since I last tried it several years ago; it hadn't.
Installing it was very easy but using it compared with Windows wasn't a good experience. If you only want to do the basic things e.g. surf the net, email, word processing then it's fine, you wouldn't know you weren't on Windows. It comes with Firefox and LibreOffice and Thunderbird.

I recommend you try it first. If you do want to try it you can run it from the installation CD which doesn't touch the system drive on the machine so it can't do any harm.

The first thing you will have to do is choose which version (or distribution) to run, there are about 300!!

I use Linux Mint https://linuxmint.com
https://linuxmint-installation-guide.re ... /en/latest

This is all IMHO, I may get shot down by the Linux aficionados!! :-)
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »


1) I downloaded and installed the Windows 64 bit version
2) Exported a current project to a QWB format
3) Opened the project in this trial version

Seems all is working out of the box

But, the Trial version doesn't include Extensions, right

In this project I am using a few RZ extensions, specifically:
1) Extended iFrame
2) Video background

Any idea, will those be available to me when I purchase the product
Will I see any difference under Linux? What?

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by Pablo »

Some extensions can be converted to QWB format:

However, I cannot guarantee that everything will work the same because I do not have access to all extensions, so I do not know what functionality they use internally.

The software will look different under Linux because Linux is a different OS.
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

I am using WWB since version 4.2 - it will no doubbt get some time to get used to...
I will start researching now, which of my Windows application will no longer work for me

So, it will be slow process...

Thank you
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by betwixt »

This isn't the place for OS wars but I have both WWB and Quick 'n Easy Web Builder. Functionally they are very similar although there are a few extra features in the GUI on the Windows version such as multiple tabs in the workspace.

All my PCs, and there are several dedicated to different jobs here, run Linux but as an experiment I tried loading WWB15 in a Crossover 'bottle' on one of them and it seems to work perfectly. Attempts in the past have failed but with the latest version it seems to work fine.

I prefer to use Quick 'n Easy Web Builder but being able to run WWB has allowed me to migrate some older websites from WWB to QWB format seamlessly.

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

Hi Brian,

I am not hear for OS wars... I only have one Windows 10 desktop pc (NUC i7) and am using Windows OS with all applications.
For me, such a change is a major step.

How does Quick 'n Easy look and function on Linux? Can I gauge from it on Windows while I am playing with the 30 days trial?

Will appreciate any comments and input from you

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

I tried using the YouTube object in full screen for a background video
I set it for auto-start, but - it just loads and waits for clicking the Arrow to start


What can I do?

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by Pablo »

How does Quick 'n Easy look and function on Linux?
It will look like this on Linux:


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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

This looks familiar.

Still, don't know what to do about the full screen YouTube video clip to start automatically on page loaf


Any tips?

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by Pablo »

Some browsers do not allow videos with audio to automatically start.
A possible solution is to remove the audio.

Note that this is unrelated to the software. It's a browser policy.
https://developers.google.com/web/updat ... cy-changes
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alan_sh »

alex4orly wrote: Fri Jul 24, 2020 12:48 am I tried using the YouTube object in full screen for a background video
I set it for auto-start, but - it just loads and waits for clicking the Arrow to start


What can I do?

I thought most browsers disabled autostart.

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by rogerl »

Hi Alex,
There is a way around this but really need to see how you setup your page.
My way around this is to insert this code so an auto click on the video object / play button is executed after the page loads:

Code: Select all

$("#<id of video object or play button>").trigger('click');
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by betwixt »

Going back to the original topic, it is down to personal preferences which OS you use. I started with Unix, then OS/2, then Windows and finally switched permanently to Linux. I haven't looked back and being honest, the thought of using Windows again horrifies me.

WWB in Crossover looks just like it would in Windows, but without the costs and hassle. Quick'n'easy in Linux looks very similar to WWB although some of the functionality is in different places, for example in drop down menus instead of panels at the side but it is highly configurable and Pablo has done a wonderful job of making programs as compatible as possible. Don't think of it as an older 'undeveloped' version of WWB, it has all the essential features including FTP, responsive sizing and many extensions, lots of them identical to the Windows ones.

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

Hi Rogerl

Yes, I thought about something like that, tried also all sorts of otherthings I found around.
It seems however that the Browser is blocking such an option

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

Hello Brian,

OK, I created some space on my Surface Pro 3 Windows 10 and managed to install Umbutu 20.04

1) It really looks very much like an Apple Desktop
2) So, I downloaded a utility and made it look like Windows 10, my personal preference for now

I am researching some "Must have tools" and hope to find what I need (Outlook look-alike is one of them)

Thanks for your help

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by rogerl »

On reflection I have it working on html5 video not youtube. Another challenge!
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

I tried that, the video :

1) Doesn't start - just shows as a frozen image of the video
2) It doen't fill up the browser, but shows in either 4:3 or 16:9

I am using this as a background video for the website

I much prefer to have the video clip itself located within my website instead of pointing to a YouTube clip

Please send me maybe a page example, on how to do it

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by pajadt »

Hi Alex
To work autoplay video only can if convert him in Htnl 5 video / mp4 format. than you can have autoplay when page load

Video must be upload to web separate and use absolute link path
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by rogerl »

Here is some basic stuff from W3 schools

Code: Select all

Insure 16:9 video or add appropriate background to page to cover white spaces

/* Style the video: 100% width and height to cover the entire window */
#myVideo {
  position: fixed;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  min-width: 100%;
  min-height: 100%;

/* Add some content at the bottom of the video/page */
.content {
  position: fixed;
  bottom: 0;
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
  color: #f1f1f1;
  width: 100%;
  padding: 20px;


insert html object on page, insert html:

<!-- The video -->
<video autoplay muted loop id="myVideo">
  <source src="something.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<!-- Optional: some overlay text to describe the video -->
<div class="content">
  <p>Lorem ipsum...</p>

insert file publisher object
add file something.mp4

preview and see what happens
Hope that helps.
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

Sorry Roger
I have no experience with CSS code.
Will help if you can point me to a html complete page that I can see the entire code of how to use it.

My MP4 video clip is located in the root of the site. Can I use the web HTML5 video object? This will be my preferred option.

Thank you
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by pajadt »

|Nice code rogerl
Anyway youtube anyway work in Layoutgrid autoplay only not have sound, is setup 100 Vh he be full with, but if try to be 100% with 100% than must setup video for that size in one of video editor app. to get that example 1920 x 1080

- i Nor know is need Alex sound or only video like background without sound
if not here project wbs

Also if use HTML5 video from root, yes u can use only give path
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by rogerl »

CSS is how we style the objects on the page. We can add our own styling by inserting CSS via the ribbon menu under Page>Page Html>Between <head> / </head> tags then paste the CSS code in there and click okay.
If you already have your video in place then you won't need the file publisher but you will need to change the something.mp4 to your actual file name. Having said that, by not using the file publisher you won't be able to preview locally.You will need to upload to server then test live.
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by rogerl »

Hi Pajadt,
Just downloaded your example. Works well. I have not got into flexible grids etc as yet as came from the old school and have already re-written my site twice to cope with having to change software. Not having a project to work on now reduces the incentive to re-learn another way of doing things.
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

Hi pajadt

Yes, I downloaded the example project, works OK, but:
1) It is using a video clip on YouTube - I prefer to use a clip on my own site
2) In the project I am working now, there is no need for sound

Rogerl - Can you point me to a complete html page with your example of using HTML-5, I will prefer that

Thank you both
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by rogerl »

Hi Alex,
On Pajadt's project, double click on the 3 column grid and where it gives the video address under tab "style", change that to your video details. Must be full site address to your video.

This way seems much easier than mine. I have uploaded an example to my test site addressing a video of mine. Note it is not a 16:9 video so not full width. see:
https://www.whiteshepherdsnz.com/NewSit ... index.html

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

Hi Rogerl

That works - https://squadron-125.org.il/BGvideo.html as per your suggestion.

But, the video is in 16:9 therefore, not filling the screen

In contrast, the RZ video background here : https://squadron-125.org.il/RZvideo.html

Shows it in full screen background, is there a way for me to fix it?

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

Hello Brian,

I installed Ubuntu 20.04 on my Windows Surface Pro 3 on a seprate partition, added support for Windows
But, I tried adding language " Hebrew" - but no way for me to switch to that language
Also, it seems that the email client - Evolution doesn't manage to login to my GMAIL account...

Any suggestions?

Is it possible that the Windows theme is blocking me from switching language, the Hebrew in the Language list is grayed out

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by pajadt »

Hi Alex
as our friend Roger added the mp4 video, that's right now it remains the width that is necessary but it can't be given as an image to be a cover, for example if the video is shot upright, then it can't be horizontal unless it's arranged in to one of the video editors. So you take the arranged video to be the background.

I would have to look at that video that is wide so we can arrange it to be suitable for the background, put that video somewhere to see what can be done
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alan_sh »

alex4orly wrote: Sun Jul 26, 2020 6:48 am Hello Brian,

I installed Ubuntu 20.04 on my Windows Surface Pro 3 on a seprate partition, added support for Windows
But, I tried adding language " Hebrew" - but no way for me to switch to that language
Also, it seems that the email client - Evolution doesn't manage to login to my GMAIL account...

Any suggestions?

Is it possible that the Windows theme is blocking me from switching language, the Hebrew in the Language list is grayed out

I tried Linux a few times but the big stumbling block for me was emails. Linux (Unix) has no email clients that I found which worked well with Office 365 - and as you have found, Gmail can be problematic too.

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by BaconFries »

Hi Alex when you first installed Ubuntu 20.04 what was the primary language you set? English is generally the primary but at installation you can set others such as Hebrew. As it is greyed out it may explain why you cannot select. See the following that should help you.
https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-h ... ll.html.en
Using Gmail in evolution.
https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/ ... nt.html.en
https://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2017/06/how- ... t.html?m=1
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by rogerl »

Hi Pajadt,
I ran my vid through a converter and set to 1980 x 1080 but still don't get the full width.
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by pajadt »

Hi Roger

obviously you mean when you resize the browser it shrinks and then you see black above and below.
See the allowfullscreen option, is basically when you switch to css it's auto width

so in that case must add short css code

Code: Select all

#LayoutGrid1-video video {
    width: auto;
but you have to keep in mind how you reduce the size of the browser then it will not see the whole video in width as well as on youtube.

Maybe that posible in some script to do or maybe have RZ where calculate size by browser
I talk about how to get like when use Youtube
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by rogerl »

no, video is on server and it is 1980 x 1080. When I add your code video shifts to left and leaves one black space on right.
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

I copied the idea and uploaded my video clip to YouTube


It kind of works... BUT:

1) I don't like the idea of having it on YouTube, AND
2) Loop= 1, it does the loop, but between ending one round and starting the 2nd, there is an ugly black screen stop...

I hope there is a better option

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

BaconFries wrote: Sun Jul 26, 2020 12:34 pm Hi Alex when you first installed Ubuntu 20.04 what was the primary language you set? English is generally the primary but at installation you can set others such as Hebrew. As it is greyed out it may explain why you cannot select. See the following that should help you.
https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-h ... ll.html.en
Using Gmail in evolution.
https://help.gnome.org/users/evolution/ ... nt.html.en
https://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2017/06/how- ... t.html?m=1
Hello my teacher

1) MY primary language is English, so I left it at installation time.
2) When it finished, I tried to add Hebrew by going through the process as described in the link - it remains Grayed out
3) In the installed languages, I have English, English(Australia), Canada, US ... at the end I have Hebrew
4) No joy here

Email, I tried Evolution, no go - so I decided to try Thunderbird, no go either

So, I installed Thunderbird on my Windows 10 Desktop machine - not a problem, works as expected
Same setup : https://squadron-125.org.il/thunderbird.jpg works on my desktop, but fails on Ubuntu.

So, what do you think?

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by rogerl »

We get "Video is Private" when we click on link.
If you have purchased the extension from RZ then why not use that? I have something similar for full size background images that I purchased when re-developing my site which worked well and eliminated the white spaces on mobiles. Don't mean to take over your thread just wanting to see an idea actually work without having to purchase an extension.
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

rogerl wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 2:51 am We get "Video is Private" when we click on link.
If you have purchased the extension from RZ then why not use that? I have something similar for full size background images that I purchased when re-developing my site which worked well and eliminated the white spaces on mobiles. Don't mean to take over your thread just wanting to see an idea actually work without having to purchase an extension.
Hi Roger,
I am conceptually agains extensions, I tried avoiding them if I can.
Each new version of WWB brings with it something new and from my own software development background, I know that I would "Fix" something and in the process screw up several other things....

I prefer, if I can to use whatever standard feautres I can find. In this case, this RZ extension works fine in WWB under Windows, but:
1) It takes it a long time to load (and I created a small resulution version to try and speed it up... but
2) This extension is not one of those listed as convertible option if I want to move to Linux, so then, what do I use?

I hope that maybe Pablo will consider in the next version update, to build this into the WWB HTML5 player

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by rogerl »

I agree its nice to have things standard. I can't see extensions causing you too much grief as they are using standard html and CSS with jquery and Java scripts
Have you tried just using the html5 video? I tried a test page using that as full screen, loop and mute without controls than placing other text objects on the page and it all seemed to work well.
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

Yes, I tried the HTML5 object, it is not going to full screen. The clip is 16:9, so the top and bottom parts of the browser are empty.

Do you have a page sample that you can point me to?
Where in the world are you?

I am in Australia

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by rogerl »

Hi Alex,
I'm across the ditch in good old NZ. Have a look at this:
https://www.whiteshepherdsnz.com/NewSit ... index.html
This is just the html5 video with text over top.
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

Hello to over the ditch...
That looks good, just took it a long time to start (I supose becasue the site is hosted in Israel...)
So, can you please me the setup?

Almost time for you to go to sleep

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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by rogerl »

8pm, just waking up!
Probably more to do with the loading of the video and memory / processor. Only takes short time here and I'm running a I7 NUC with 16gb memory and SSD drives (a present to myself last year). That link is to my test site here in NZ. I borrowed your video.
Simple setup. New page, drag in html5 video object, double click on it, enter path to video file, set options, don't forget to tick box down bottom for full screen.
Insert other objects to suit such as text etc, apply any styling you require then preview.
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Re: WWB on a Linux Desktop PC

Post by alex4orly »

rogerl wrote: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:02 am 8pm, just waking up!
Probably more to do with the loading of the video and memory / processor. Only takes short time here and I'm running a I7 NUC with 16gb memory and SSD drives (a present to myself last year). That link is to my test site here in NZ. I borrowed your video.
Simple setup. New page, drag in html5 video object, double click on it, enter path to video file, set options, don't forget to tick box down bottom for full screen.
Insert other objects to suit such as text etc, apply any styling you require then preview.
OK, my setup is also NUC i7 16MB, SSD... Windows 10 that I want to get rid of...

I created a new page : http://beleuramyhome.org.au/sq125.mp4 this points to one of my website here is AU
My setup is : Auto play, Loop, Mute audio, Fill entire browser window is ticked.

My end result looks - unlike yours

I must be missing something

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