Time Tracking Utility Site

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Daniel Baran
Posts: 50
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Location: Oregon, USA

Time Tracking Utility Site

Post by Daniel Baran »

I don't expect to win any "style points" here.
You will find my static page to be lacking in glitzy eye candy and moving objects.
This is intentional however, since the utility being offered is more practical than exciting.
For anyone doing freelance work or otherwise needing to keep a detailed log of hours, it might be useful.
The site is: https://timespreader.com
https://timespreader.com - Built and Maintained with WYSIWYG Web Builder
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Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2019 5:50 pm

Re: Time Tracking Utility Site

Post by alan_sh »

I like it

Well done

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Re: Time Tracking Utility Site

Post by zinc »

Very Impressive! Yes sometimes looks are far less important depending on the purpose!
Running WYSIWYG Web Builder since 2007...
Daniel Baran
Posts: 50
Joined: Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:23 pm
Location: Oregon, USA

Re: Time Tracking Utility Site

Post by Daniel Baran »

Thanks to all for the positive comments; it is much appreciated!
Best Regards,
Daniel Baran
https://timespreader.com - Built and Maintained with WYSIWYG Web Builder
Daniel Baran
Posts: 50
Joined: Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:23 pm
Location: Oregon, USA

Re: Time Tracking Utility Site

Post by Daniel Baran »

In an effort to appease the search engine gods,
I have just finished a mobile-friendly addition to this site.
This was made using a "flex grid" layout.
I recommend diving into the WWB tutorials for those who have not done so.
Thanks to Pablo for some helpful steering.
The new page can be viewed at timespreader.com/mobilehome.html
Mobile devices will automatically be redirected from the root url.
Thanks all,

Note that this is an interim measure to assist visitors who reach the site via mobile devices.
It is not the case that the entire site has been made responsive.
This is mostly because the utility offered only runs on desktop operating systems.
I'm still considering whether or not to make entire the entire site responsive.
Happy to hear advice and arguments on that subject.
The "Responsive Web Design" or "Off Topic Section" forums might be better place for that discussion.
https://timespreader.com - Built and Maintained with WYSIWYG Web Builder
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