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It is with great sadness to inform you that the long time contributor and prolific extension builder [RZ] (Rafael) has passed away on Saturday the 3rd in Israel due to a heart attack. I have been working with him for a long time and became friends away from WWB and he was indeed a good friend. He will be remembered not only for his work but his vision and friendship.
Please if you can take a moment and send him a prayer.
Zinc, the practical side of me just kicks in... are you able to (help) shut down his website so there will be no unanswered bills piling up or extensions be paid..?
// Love is the acceptance of nothing / Account age is no guarantee of efficiency ;-) ->
Above, Beyond, and @wwonderfull! <- Genuinely helps you with a powered up site that counts! Four Times Excellence!
Very Tragic news indeed Zinc. As Pablo said, he contributed a lot to this form and created some very clever extensions. My deepest heartfelt condolences to his Family and Friends
Very sad news indeed. I hope his family will appreciate that he influenced and helped many people in many countries by virtue of his skills. I have several of his extensions and whenever needing assistance he was always willing and more importantly able to help me.
And I'm sorry for your loss of a friend, zinc.
This is sad news. Rafael was very talented indeed. Whenever I was in touch with him, his helpfulness and commitment to product improvement was most impressive. My thoughts are with Rafael and his family and friends. Thanks for letting us know Zinc.
It is with great sadness to inform you that the long time contributor and prolific extension builder [RZ] (Rafael) has passed away on Saturday the 3rd in Israel due to a heart attack. I have been working with him for a long time and became friends away from WWB and he was indeed a good friend. He will be remembered not only for his work but his vision and friendship.
Please if you can take a moment and send him a prayer.
Hi zinc, after getting this sad information and giving my condolences, I have been thinking... This great work Rafael done with all extensions. Sad if no one can take over... Maybe his family can get payed for it... In that way his work is not getting lost. Just a thought... <3 RIP <3 Rafael
My condolences to all the relatives. It is not easy when a person who has been there for you for years is suddenly no longer there.
But it is all the more beautiful for me to hear what a good person he was and what a place he had in the hearts of some of you.
But I can only say that because I never got to know him. That's why I'm writing here right now.
I had just ordered something from his site and paid for it. It shouldn't be a problem to get your money back via PayPal. However, I would much rather receive the goods.
My question is, will the shop continue to operate or not? If this is not the case and someone can confirm that the money ends up with his family, I will gladly accept that I will no longer receive the money.
Maybe someone can help me a little further. Since I can really use these extensions and at the moment I just don't know whether I should look elsewhere or wait.
But if not, I understand that too.
My condolences to all the relatives. It is not easy when a person who has been there for you for years is suddenly no longer there.
But it is all the more beautiful for me to hear what a good person he was and what a place he had in the hearts of some of you.
But I can only say that because I never got to know him. That's why I'm writing here right now.
I had just ordered something from his site and paid for it. It shouldn't be a problem to get your money back via PayPal. However, I would much rather receive the goods.
My question is, will the shop continue to operate or not? If this is not the case and someone can confirm that the money ends up with his family, I will gladly accept that I will no longer receive the money.
Maybe someone can help me a little further. Since I can really use these extensions and at the moment I just don't know whether I should look elsewhere or wait.
But if not, I understand that too.
Hi Mxmlna - Thank you for the kind word. I will try to contact his son re this matter - in the meantime do not order anything from his shop as it will not be honoured for the obvious reasons. He was the man behind everything and none of his family know much about this.
Hope this helps.
R.I.P. Rafael. By the work you have accomplished, you cannot be an ordinary person.
These extensions are treasures for the WWB community and I would suggest that someone competent and capable think about continuing his great work. That would very much honor his legacy.