Dependent drop-down in the Form

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Dependent drop-down in the Form

Post by rammanohar7 »

Hello everyone! I hope and pray that all are safe during this pandemic.

I am a new user of WYSIWYG Web Builder Tool and I really liked it. I am trying to build a form where one of my drop-down question (combobox) depends on the selection made in the previous combobox. For example, the first combobox contains list of states (provinces) and the second combobox contains list of districts. I wish to link the two combobox so that the user gets list of districts only from the state that s/he has selected in the first combobox. An example of what I am referring to is here: ... nd-states/

Is it possible to do in WYSIWYG? I am using version 16.

Thanks in Advance.

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Re: Dependent drop-down in the Form

Post by BaconFries »

Is it possible to do in WYSIWYG? I am using version 16.
What you are referring to is better known as chained selects. Yes it is possible but it will require a custom script to do so. If you have such a script then you can use the following url below to add yourself. Please note there is no help / support on how to add external scripts as it is understood that if you wish to use you have the knowledge to do so.
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Re: Dependent drop-down in the Form

Post by rammanohar7 »

Thanks! Let me give it a try! Thanks for the suggestions.

Just a suggestion- since this is something essential for forms, it might be a good idea to develop an extension and users like me can buy/ add the extension to make the best out of this amazing tool!

Thanks again for your kind response.

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Re: Dependent drop-down in the Form

Post by BaconFries »

You can place all suggestions at the following Suggestions and Improvements
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Re: Dependent drop-down in the Form

Post by WWBman »

You can achieve a similar result using the Combobox Group option.
Here's an example which may suffice: ... s.wbs/file
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