ECWID issues in WB16

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ECWID issues in WB16


I am working on this new website, and I am trying to add the ECWID module to a page. I placed two ECWID tools to a layout grid, and I when previewed the page, all I could see was a blank page.

I tried the same thing in WB 14,15 and this is how the preview looks:

I am using Opera (browser) to preview the pages. Unfortunately, I get the same thing in Chrome, and Firefox.

ECWID plugin was successfully installed in WB16, yet the option window doesn't show the ecom plugin as you can see:

The ECWID plugin page on the WYSIWYG Web Builder page shows the following:

What is puzzling to me is that the ecom icon doesn't show up either in 14 or 15, yet ECWID previewed correctly on the page.

The store in ECWID is set to open to allow me to preview the page on the website. I also entered the store id to make sure that it is linked to the website. The page is also currently set to html just like in WB 14 and 15.

Right now, I am running out of ideas as to what could be causing this issue. Any suggestion is welcomed!
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Re: ECWID issues in WB16

Post by crispy68 »

The Ecwid plug in page you are referring to (with the e-commerce tab) does not exist in WB16. This is in the forthcoming upgraded version WB17.

As far as why it seems to work in WB14 or WB15 but not WB16 is hard to say without knowing the steps you took. Did you do the exact same thing in both? Have you double checked all of the settings between the two? Are the page settings the same, grid settings the same, project settings the same?
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Re: ECWID issues in WB16

Post by Pablo »

What is puzzling to me is that the ecom icon doesn't show up either in 14 or 15, yet ECWID previewed correctly on the page.
The screenshots you are referring to are for WB17, which has not been released yet.
These screenshots are unrelated to the ECWID extensions.

If the extensions do not work then there is most like a conflict in your settings.
For example, make sure all HTML formatting options are set to their defaults (in Tools -> Options -> HTML).
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Re: ECWID issues in WB16


Thank you crispy68 and Pablo!

I cannot remember now how I got to the following link: ... gcart.html when I was composing this message. I may have mistaken the above link for the existing ECWID plugin in WB16.

At any rate, the steps I took in WB16 were not different from WB14 or 15. In fact I am starting a new instance of WB16 to test it again as I speak.

Start new project, the settings remained at their default value.

Insert first layout grid
insert insert Minicart
add store id in properties window
Move Minicart tool to one of the columns in the first grid

Insert second layout grid
remove one of the columns, set main column to center
insert product browser
Add store id number in properties windows
Move Product Browser tool inside the column in the second grid
add store id in properties window
preview in Opera and Firefox
Blank page

This is the exact procedure I used in WB14 and WB15.
I have even uninstalled the plugin just to be sure that there was no corruption, but I still got the same result.
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Re: ECWID issues in WB16


Sorry, duplicate entry in my message:

add store id in properties window for the product browser.
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Re: ECWID issues in WB16

Post by Pablo »

Did you make sure all HTML options are set to default (Tools -> Options -> HTML)?

if you need further assistance then please share DEMO project, so I can see all your settings.
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Re: ECWID issues in WB16


Thanks for your response Pablo!

After trying several things, I was finally able to get it to work by pressing on the reset settings button in the option window.

Before that, I tried copying the page with all the elements (ECWID) from WB15 to WB16, but it kept crashing. I am not sure what the error means.

The error reports showed the following:

Problem with the option window is that I could not remember what modification did I make in the past to reset it back to default. It would be nice (if easy or feasible, or if it even makes sense at all) to be able to highlight elements that have been changed from their default value from the option window. Reason, I say this is that I could tell what modifications did I previously make that would be causing the issue with the plugin.

Thank you.
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Re: ECWID issues in WB16


One more thing, and to respond to your question:
As far as I know, I don't mess with the HTML settings. I usually modify the Publish section (select whole site or page) or add folders when publishing.
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Re: ECWID issues in WB16

Post by crispy68 »

The error you are getting in the 2nd image is due to the fact one of your breakpoints is bigger than your default. The default layout should always be the largest. Your breakpoints should progressively get smaller.

For example, default = 1366, 1st BP = 1024, 2nd BP = 768, 3rd BP = 480, Final BP = 360px.

You will need to fix this as this could cause issues in your layout.
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Re: ECWID issues in WB16

Post by Pablo »

Before that, I tried copying the page with all the elements (ECWID) from WB15 to WB16, but it kept crashing. I am not sure what the error means.
This is not a 'crash', you cannot copy/paste data between different versions of the software.
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Re: ECWID issues in WB16



I really kept digging around looking at what could be issue, but was unable to figure it out. I decided to try something that obviously WB didn't like. I pasted those empty elements from WB15 into WB16 (only as a test), and it instantly closed. I know that a crash happens when the app closes on its own without any prompt? Am I correct or not? Is a crash report generated by WB when the app disappears from the desktop?

I know that most software are not backward compatible, and that is why I would not have copied elements from 16 to 15, but I thought that it could work the other way around. Clearly, I was mistaken.


Thank you for the tip! I should have added all those breakpoints at the end of the project instead of the beginning (Does it matter if I start from small to large BP, or should I begin with the largest BP all the way to the smallest?) . I still don't know what caused WB16 to not display ECWID elements like it normally does in 14, and 15. Pressing the reset button cleared the issue, but that still doesn't satisfy my curiousity as to why it didn't work.
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Re: ECWID issues in WB16

Post by crispy68 »

I'm a firm believer in ordering from largest to smallest with the default being the largest. Do this and you won't have any issues.
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Re: ECWID issues in WB16


Thanks crispy68! I'll change my work process from now on.
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