Hi Pablo, greetings
I don't know if there is such an option.....Is it possible to open the default browser (e.g. firefox) after clicking Help (F1) and display the content of the help in the default browser?
For example, a setting in the options where the user would choose between the current Help view (F1) and the view in the default browser.
Such an option is useful for users who have poor English and can immediately use automatic translation into their language in the default browser.
Now, after displaying the help, the user must copy the searched help into the translator.
Thank you for the information.
Help (F1)
Re: Help (F1)
There is currently no cheap option to convert the (Windows) help into html format.
There are tools to do this, but these are very pricey (> $1000). So, that would be a huge investment.
There are tools to do this, but these are very pricey (> $1000). So, that would be a huge investment.
Re: Help (F1)
You can use this https://www.helpndoc.com/step-by-step-g ... help-file/ which is free for personal use
Re: Help (F1)
WWB always uses CHM format. So, it needs to be converted to searchable (and maintainable) HTML pages that can be published to the server.
Re: Help (F1)
How is this useful? The File is already in CHM.alan_sh wrote: ↑Fri Nov 25, 2022 10:13 pm You can use this https://www.helpndoc.com/step-by-step-g ... help-file/ which is free for personal use
Running WYSIWYG Web Builder since 2007...
Re: Help (F1)
I found at least a partial solution.....maybe it will help someone else...
download WebBuilder_Help.zip from the link:
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvUMMey_-ptLgQZLkJj ... U?e=TDLEBo
unzip the file and save to disk. After opening the folder, you will see all items "HELP F1" just like in the picture:

You can open each item in your preferred browser (firefox, chrome, edge, etc.) and translate it directly into your language as needed.
Searching in items is shown in the second image:

After entering the search word, those parts of the directory that contain the search word in the name and directly in the text of the file will be displayed.
download WebBuilder_Help.zip from the link:
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvUMMey_-ptLgQZLkJj ... U?e=TDLEBo
unzip the file and save to disk. After opening the folder, you will see all items "HELP F1" just like in the picture:
You can open each item in your preferred browser (firefox, chrome, edge, etc.) and translate it directly into your language as needed.
Searching in items is shown in the second image:
After entering the search word, those parts of the directory that contain the search word in the name and directly in the text of the file will be displayed.
Last edited by mixextra on Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:01 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Re: Help (F1)
I wonder if it is worth all this effort. This forum is the best place to solve your issues and there are plenty of samples and templates to help you. Plus Pablo is very good at fixing issues very quickly.
Running WYSIWYG Web Builder since 2007...
Re: Help (F1)
"Help F1" is the place where all the basic information about the settings is summarized. The developer created it in order to give novice users information and tips about the functions and properties of individual objects. Before contacting the forum for help, every user should familiarize himself with the basic settings in order to understand the advice of experienced users.
If the user knows the English language, it's completely easy, he just needs to not be lazy.
A user who does not know the English language, or only partly has no other option but to copy the text-information from "Help F1" into the translator, which usually has a limited number of characters in one window, and what is more important, the links to related topics in other parts do not work in the external translator "F1 Help".
In the case of using an online browser, e.g. firefox, chrome... with an integrated translator, reading text-information from "Help F1" is very fast, and without the need to copy and jump between WWB and the translator. Of course, after clicking on a link with related content, the user will see a related topic elsewhere.
So, of course, it always depends on the user himself.
Nice evening.
PS: for addition ... part of WebBuilder_Help.zip is a hidden file with formatting settings for displayed text. If you were to copy only the .htm files to another folder, it is necessary to copy this hidden file as well, otherwise the formatting will not be correct.