Site about design and tech trends

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Site about design and tech trends

Post by KaiMartinsen »


I want to show off my website where I share my observations and speculations regarding trends in design, tech, social media and the like.

My site is in Norwegian, but I have made an English version to show off to you.

English version:


What do you think?

Thanks in advance.
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:45 pm

Re: Site about design and tech trends

Post by juergen_riedl »

Hi Kai,
I visited the norwegian site as the english returned 404 error.
My observation is, that there is no resposive design, and the left side is wasted just for some social sites. I would place them all at the bottom, or in the header.
It looks like a blog, the rounded corners look pretty.
My recommendation: sketch the site as a picture, so you can see, whether the design and the reading will fit into a smart phone. Then develop this first. There are for shure sites out, where you can let you inspire from.
Best Regards
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Re: Site about design and tech trends

Post by zinc »

I too was not able to visit the English site. This is not a correct way of displaying a multi-lingual site:

Create a folder "en" or "english" and move the file "index-en.html" and its associated files and folders into this folder and rename the file to "index.html".

Hope this helps.
Running WYSIWYG Web Builder since 2007...
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