Demo versions of sites created by WYSIWYG Web Builder

You can use this section of the forum to show your website created with WYSIWYG Web Builder to other users.
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This forum is for users to display their websites created with WYSIWYG Web Builder.

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Demo versions of sites created by WYSIWYG Web Builder

Post by NDV »

Demo versions of sites created by WYSIWYG Web Builder:
In addition to WYSIWYG Web Builder tools, third-party scripts are used via HTML inserts.
I offer my services for website development in WYSIWYG Web Builder, HTML/CSS/JQuery.
Contact us on telegram @webart42
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Re: Demo versions of sites created by WYSIWYG Web Builder

Post by Bluesman »

Very nice sites NDV. Looks good in all aspects 👍 Looks like you offer them as templates? In that case publish them in the templates forum as well.
Good luck
"Make My Day"

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Re: Demo versions of sites created by WYSIWYG Web Builder

Post by NDV »

Thank you for your feedback. These are just samples. This is difficult for a template, the site uses a lot of “Object HTML”. To make this convenient, you need to write extensions for templates instead of “Object HTML”. If someone needs it, I can make it as a template with extensions.
I offer my services for website development in WYSIWYG Web Builder, HTML/CSS/JQuery.
Contact us on telegram @webart42
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Re: Demo versions of sites created by WYSIWYG Web Builder

Post by wwonderfull »

Welcome back NDV as always nice work.
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Re: Demo versions of sites created by WYSIWYG Web Builder

Post by alan_sh »

Can;t you just do a 'save as template'? What am I missing?

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