WWB19 upgrade information

Frequently Asked Questions about WYSIWYG Web Builder
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WWB19 upgrade information

Post by Pablo »

WYSIWYG Web Builder 19 has more than 125 new features and improvements (compared to version 18).

Feature list

Upgrade FAQ

This section lists the most important changes and known compatibility issues with previous versions of WWB.
It will be updated when necessary.

If you have any issues, then please first make sure you have the latest update. Reported issues are usually fixed within a few hours!

WYSIWYG Web Builder 19 not working at all.
When a new version is released, in some cases the software may not start or it is not possible to open existing projects.
Usually this is related to Windows ransomware protection (controlled folder access) enabled which blocked the documents folder (Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder)
To solve this, add webbuilder.exe to the exception list


Google Fonts
Version 19 supports Google Fonts variable fonts.
If you previously used Google Fonts and want to use the variable font version, then you will need to re-install the font via the font manager.
Not all Google Fonts support variations. In the Font Manager you can select to display variable fonts only. It is also possible to search for specific 'axes'. For example, if you type 'weight' or 'slant' in the search field then only fonts that support this functionality will be displayed.

In some cases, you may also need to clear the download cache where the fonts are stored.
C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\WYSIWYG Web Builder\system\downloads\

Related tutorial:

Artificial Intelligence
Version 19 introduces support for AI.
To maximize the benefits of these new tools, we have created a dedicated FAQ article specifically addressing this topic: