Emails from form not arriving at destination

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Emails from form not arriving at destination

Post by rongreen »

I need help! We keep having a problem of emails failing to arrive at their destination, ***email removed***. What makes this so perplexing is that we are receiving some, but only about half. One thing that seems to, but not always, produce success is if the sender clears browsing data, as well as refresh their browser. That is not very practical to request every sender to do that, let alone trying to communicate that message. This issue does not seem to relate to the browser choice (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.), the OS (e.g. Windows, MAC), or the device sending from (e.g. cell, desktop, laptop, or tablet). This pertains to our contact page form. Is there some setting in the form configuration that I am not filling in. I have contacted my ISP to see if they are blocking anything. Their server does support PHP. Any insight or help you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Most likely they will tell me it is because our not using the DIVI software they made available. WYSIWYG is far more user friendly to go back to that development platform! Thank you in advance for any help you offer. ...
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Re: Emails from form not arriving at destination

Post by BaconFries »

As a rule of thumb it is not a good idea to use the likes of "free" emails accounts such a gmail, outlook etc. Many hosts tend to block the use as you should be using the domain email instead provided by them. This is due to "free" emails accounts have been known and used to spam (not saying you are). If emails aren't getting received its possible they are blocked serverside or end up in your spam folder. It is documented at the following Forms FAQ reading from Emails are not arriving in my inbox...
4. Most webhosts now require you to use SMTP authentication for forms.
5. Does your host allow you to send email to the destination email address?

I have also removed the email you mentioned so that it doesn't attract passing emails bots on gathering the likes of so it doesn't get spammed.
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Re: Emails from form not arriving at destination

Post by wwonderfull »

rongreen as baconfries has mention which is true. For those who use the Gmail smtp the reason however is specified here:
Starting in Fall of 2024, Google Workspace accounts will no longer support less secure apps, third-party apps or devices that ask you to sign in to your Google Account using only your username and password. For exact dates, visit Google Workspace Updates. To access apps, you must use OAuth. To prepare for this change, review the details in Transition from less secure apps to OAuth.
Which means you can still use SMTP with Google Workspace, but you’ll need to authenticate using OAuth 2.0 instead of just your username and password. This change enhances security by ensuring that your credentials are not directly exposed.

For outlook you can check this: ... 414e2aa040
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Re: Emails from form not arriving at destination

Post by Pablo »

First it's important to note that the email is sent by the server (via PHP). So, the browser or browser cache does not have any effect on this.
Also, the code of the page is the same every time it is run so it will not randomly start behaving different. Unless the is an issue on the server side.
If the server does not sent the email then you find to figure out why it is not sending it. For that, you will need to contact your webhost or check the PHP error logs.
Usually, they will blame the software. However, this is most likely just a configuration issue.
For example, your 'from' address may need to be different.

See also the form FAQ: ... 10&t=32967
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Re: Emails from form not arriving at destination

Post by rongreen »

I got an answer back from my ISP and they said “ Yes you should be able to setup an email account through your account control panel under the Email Accounts options and you can setup a new email for your alljoyjewelry website. Then you should be able to add that accounts details in the Mail Engine section. Is this what you are recommending? I go and create an email account with them and then return to my WYSIWYG form and the fill out the “advanced’ settings with the configuration from the account I set up with my ISP?
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Re: Emails from form not arriving at destination

Post by Pablo »

Did you ask the the email is not sent?
Is there an error?
What do they recommend.

Please note, this is not related to WWB. It specifically concerns the server requirements.
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