Model Boat Club Website

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Model Boat Club Website

Post by Modelboats »

Have been running this site for a number of years but only really dabbling in website design as you can probably tell.
I can see a few things i would like to do to make it a bit slicker and more modern but will leave that for those more accomplished and I will just go and get my hard hat.

Thanks in advance for comments.
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Re: Model Boat Club Website

Post by AliGW »

I think for our comments to be of any real use to you, it would be better if you could articulate in what ways you feel the site isn't working for you at the moment.

You are right about it being dated, though. Things that date it for me are:
  • Blue text - no longer fashionable.
  • The stretched banner image (hasn't maintained its aspect ratio).
  • The page counter at the bottom - VERY old hat, that!
  • The Facebook and YouTube logos - easily remedied with Pablo's large selection of icons available in WWB.
  • The use of a hard font (is it Arial?) - modern sites tend to use something a little bit softer. There are other options amongst the websafe fonts (e.g. Trebuchet), but lots of other possibilities these days.
  • The narrow maximum width of the page (although this is something that you don't necessarily need to change).
However, is it a functioning site? It seems to be, so maybe it's just a bit of a cosmetic makeover that it needs. I haven't looked at it on an iPhone, but I suspect it's not responsive - that's something you'd need to look at. I am just rebuilding my own site, and one thing I still need to do is tweak it for mobile phones using a breakpoint.

Hope this helps.
Retired, but still loving to learn & very busy.
Novice with WWB, but was an avid user of Serif WebPlus before.
Fairly expert at Microsoft Excel (but not VBA).
Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2019 1:35 am

Re: Model Boat Club Website

Post by Modelboats »

Hi, thanks for the pointers, and just to say that your site looks pretty sharp and tidy..

I have tried in the past to get a full screen but it never seems to work for me so not sure what I really should be doing for that so at the time left it as it was.
When I look at all the other showcased sites I am definitely a few miles behind !!
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