***UPDATED*** DB Technosystems Form Processor 02/09/2011

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Post by me.prosenjeet »

kevinp wrote:Also, If I wanted to echo some of the form fields to the success page as a confirmation of the submission is this possible using the Copy in or Copy from session options. I can't seem to identify the correct $names to show the fields.
That will be so nice Naval, if it can be done...for example remember my cost.php so in the Thank you page it shows the total tentative cost.
Can that be done?
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Post by Navaldesign »

kevinp wrote:What a fantastic script. It seems the posibilities are endless.

I've added the file below to 'After Form Data Reception Include URL' on the includes section which adds a unique ID to each email. This works fine but the ID doesn't save to the csv file. Is there a way to make the script include $rnd_id when it creates the CSV.
Change the code to

Code: Select all

//set the random id length
$random_id_length = 8;

//generates a random id encrypt it and store it in $rnd_id
$rnd_id = crypt(uniqid(rand(),1));

//removes any slashes that might have been generated
$rnd_id = strip_tags(stripslashes($rnd_id));

//Removing any . or / and reversing the string
$rnd_id = str_replace(".","",$rnd_id);
$rnd_id = strrev(str_replace("/","",$rnd_id));

//finally take the first 8 characters from the $rnd_id
$rnd_id = substr($rnd_id,0,$random_id_length);
// I've added this later in the echo and e-mail
//echo "When contacting us please quote: $rnd_id";
//Converts the reference to uppercase
$rnd_id = strtoupper($rnd_id);

$POST['Submission ID'] = $rnd_id; // This line adds in the POST array the unique ID you created
$autoresponderend .= "\nWhen contacting us please quote: $rnd_id"; // This line adds to the autoresponder footer the message with the quote ID
Note the changed $POST instead of $_POST

Also, If I wanted to echo some of the form fields to the success page as a confirmation of the submission is this possible using the Copy in or Copy from session options. I can't seem to identify the correct $names to show the fields.
The easiest way is to add another include.
Lets suppose that you have created a success page, named "success.php". Write the text that you want to have in the page, and in the place of the variables that need to be merged, place this text (as an example):


This can be in the middle of a sentence, in which case it will be something like:

Hello '.$Name.' Thank you for your Submission! '

Obviously, $Name is the variable, EXACTLY as your form field (Name)

AVOID form field names with white spaces, in example "How did you find us", use underscores "How_did_you_find_us". The script will strip the underscores off when mailing you.

Right click the text and add the following in the Before tag of the text html:

echo '

and in the After tag,


Now, in Start of page add:


Set the form processor as follows:

After Processing Befavior : Include
Immediately the next field:

Page or script to include before script ends: success.php

Published the changed form page and the success page and test.
Last edited by Navaldesign on Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

Navaldesign wrote:
Set the form processor as follows:

After Processing Befavior : Include
Immediately the next field:

Page or script to include before script ends: success.php

Published the changed form page and the success page and test.
Naval, when I am using the cost.php, it is set at "Page or script to include before script ends:"(where you suggest to put success.php) when "After Processing Befavior" is set to 'Redirect'
So how do I alter the processor to get the $total from the cost.php in the success.php?
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Post by Navaldesign »

Not sure I understand what you are saying.

cost.php should be included as "After Form Data Reception Include". And this ends the issue of calculating the Total cost.

To transmit the data to the success page follow the instructions in my previous post.
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Post by kevinp »

Thanks Naval, that works a treat. The id is stored and the info echo'd on the success page.

I get the following php warning messages at the top of the page;

Code: Select all

Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /home/a9368701/public_html/lcccsv/dbts_includes/dbts_functions.php on line 44

Code: Select all

Warning: unlink(database.csv) [function.unlink]: Permission denied in /home/a9368701/public_html/lcccsv/dbts_includes/dbts_functions.php on line 68
but it all seems to work OK.

I tried adding

Code: Select all

error_reporting(0); // Turn off all error reporting
to the start of page in the success.php file but this still shows the warnings


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Post by kevinp »

Scrub that, I've sorted it.

Just add

Code: Select all

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
to the start page section of the success.php page.

Thanks again Naval, you're a superstar.

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Post by star57 »

Thank you for all the hard work on the Form Processor, really amazing.

I looked through the forum, and PDF and I have a question. Is there a way to have when a user submits the form that it will display on a webpage or pop up with the info for verification before actually submitting the info.

Also, when there is an error in the form, when a user goes back to the form that the info is still filled out! and not blank!

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Post by Navaldesign »

Not sure what you mean "interconnected".
You mean that it is a multipage form ?

Anyway, the manual clearly says that you need to add a formid IF you have more than one forms in the same page.
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Post by Navaldesign »

star57 wrote:Naval,
Thank you for all the hard work on the Form Processor, really amazing.

I looked through the forum, and PDF and I have a question. Is there a way to have when a user submits the form that it will display on a webpage or pop up with the info for verification before actually submitting the info.

Also, when there is an error in the form, when a user goes back to the form that the info is still filled out! and not blank!

I will soon (probably tomorrow) post an updated version with minor improvements. In the new manual there will also be a "How to" section that will explain how to create preview pages, data merge success pages, and how to avoid the form being blank after a captcha error. Please note that this can NOT be acheived with the WB6 built in captcha, you will need to use the captcha as explained in the tutorial in viewtopic.php?t=6153
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Post by star57 »

Awesome Naval! Thank you!
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

Just one request...
Whenever you update the extension...please change the main topic like other extension developers do..
Bacon's -- "***UpDated*** HighSlide JW Player 10/08/09"
This way it is easier for all to know that a new update has been made thats because when we enter the forum and search for new posts, your extension post will be visible with the update notice.

Great work mate, please keep it up! :lol:
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Post by star57 »

Naval ,
Started using the new extension, Got to the point of Combbox, which is States or (State) in the name feild, I put
If($State= ""){
echo '<option value="'.$State'">'. $State'</option>'

When Viewing the page I get

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/star7com/public_html/contactus.php on line 957

I took this out and the page shows up! So I used the Captcha from the PDF and works great but when I enter the wrong code or do not enter the code, I get the correct error, but the form is blank when going back.

I think I have everything set right?

In the code above, I see that in the PIc on the PDf it is differant than the code in the sentance
If($State= ""){
echo '<option value="'.$State'">'. $State'</option>'


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Post by Navaldesign »

Correct Code:

If($State != ""){
echo '<option value="'.$State.'">'. $State.'</option>'

You have missed "!" before the first "=" and the dots

Is there a mistake in the Manual?
Last edited by Navaldesign on Sat Aug 15, 2009 1:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by star57 »

Thanks Fabry,
The code does let the page load, as for it working I dont know.

Naval, the manual is right Periods and Exclamation points in the " I assumed was fairgame. I put the new code in and I continue to get the error on the page.

I tested the form with Fabry code, and I left the captcha off. I got the correct error page, but when I went back to the form. Nothing was there just a blank form.

I then tested it again and put everything in and submitted with correct verification page. I am still working on that this morning.

I am starting over on the instructions and watching everything.

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Post by Navaldesign »

You can send me your wb project if you like,i will have a look.
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Post by star57 »

I sent it Naval!

Update, I corrected all the feilds with Under scores and took out the special charactors. The State will not work with the code, I take it out and it submits.
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Post by star57 »

Naval, Questions from the manual, Section Creating Multiple forms.
I dont have multiple forms but would like a Verificatin page.

"Not to do anything at all?
I take it as the only thing that needs checked on that formprocessor is "Copy in session" to yes.

Now, I am lost here as shold there be a Submit button to "Preview.php" or just a next button. Now on "Preview.php" I have the varibles, as a test from the manual. Also, the confirmation page info html object.

So , On the form page itself, what shold the FP be set at?
What does the form and Submit button be?
Does the Verification page have a FP also?

Sorry for all the questions, Naval.

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Post by Navaldesign »

Keith please wait 10 minutes, your project is almost ready.
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Post by star57 »

Navaldesign wrote:Keith please wait 10 minutes, your project is almost ready.
Thanks :)
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***UPDATED*** DBTS FormProcessor Extension 15/8/2009

Post by Navaldesign »

The extension has been updated to fix logical bugs.
The bugs were relevant to the advanced features: Preview and Data Merge Confirmation Pages as well as Form preserving the submitted values after wrong Captcha Submission.

Please download and install again.

The updated manual also contains updated instructions on creating Preview and Data Merge Confirmation Pages as well as preserving the submitted values after wrong Captcha Submission.
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Post by star57 »

Navel, Works Great Thank you so much for the hard work and instructions. Man I need to buy you a drink! :)
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Post by zinc »

star57 wrote:Navel, Works Great Thank you so much for the hard work and instructions. Man I need to buy you a drink! :)
ditto!!! Maybe we could all meet up in Italy!!! :mrgreen:
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Post by Eddy »

He das have a paypal Imageon the download page :D :D :D

download page
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Post by zinc »

Eddy wrote:He das have a paypal Imageon the download page :D :D :D

download page

LOL Very good Eddy!!!!!
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Post by Navaldesign »

Eddy wrote:He das have a paypal Imageon the download page :D :D :D

download page
Veeery good! I might replace the PayPal button (hehe) :D
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

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Post by Navaldesign »

This is the one I had customized for me.

As it is it had background and shadow, which i didn't want
Flash components in most cases have to be opened in flash to be customized.

But if i correctly understand, Gary needs hi own logo transformed in 3D flash.
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*** UPDATED DB Technosystems Form Processor 16/08/2009 ***

Post by Navaldesign »

The extension has been updated. Actually , a new, addon extension has been added, DBTS Preview.

DBTS Preview is a fully customizable extension to automatically create a table for previewing the info submitted by your visitor.
This way you can either create a Confirmation Page, that will display the user submitted info, OR a Preview Page where the user can review his info before final submission.
It will also allow you to have in your page available the submitted values, just in case you want to create a free layout or embed the submitted info in other text of your own.

Please refer to the updated manual. Of course, you will need to install the DBTS Preview extension before this feature becomes available within your WB6.

Fot those that have installed the DBTS Form processor Extension before August 15, it wil be a good occasion to install also the updated DBTS Form Processor Extension.
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Post by zinc »


Do you have a demo/preview for the new addon extension?
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Post by zinc »

Nice! Thank you.
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

Naval, a sincere request....the field names used in the extension and that in the manual doesnt match sometimes thereby creating confusions...
for example :
[quote]Creating multipage forms:
This is a very easy task with the DBTS Form Processor.
Create your forms as you would normally do. Please follow the steps described
Add the DBTS Form processor object in all forms that contain forms.
Set the form processor NOT to do anything at all, in all pages except the last
In the first form, set the “Copy in Sessionâ€
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Post by Navaldesign »

Me, I think that anyone with a minimum of experience will understand the manual instructions compared to the script. Since this has taken more than 300 hrs of work, and this is a minor (in my opinion) issue, i will do it when i have the time.
Regarding your issue, probably you have set the "Clear session" to Yes, in the first two pages, so the values are not passed through.

This is a new feature added and by default has the value of "Yes". If you didn't notice it, and is set (by default) to "Yes" the values are not passed from page to page.
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

I agree and appreciate your efforts. Please do the change when updating the pdf next time.

By the way I checked and changed "Clear session" from 'Yes' to 'No' still its not sending data of the first two forms.
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Post by Navaldesign »

A link to the form please ?
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

Navaldesign wrote:A link to the form please ?

Ok, got it right....played with the settings. Thanks for the help :lol:
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Post by Navaldesign »

Tested your form and i received the autoresponder mail with all the values of all 3 forms. So it must have been the "Clear Session" setting
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

Navaldesign wrote:Tested your form and i received the autoresponder mail with all the values of all 3 forms. So it must have been the "Clear Session" setting
Yes I changed it to 'No' in the first 2 forms but forgot on the last page! :oops:

Naval you are always appreciated. The reason I pointed out the flaw in the pdf was not to be rude or something...well, this is a perfect extension and if the small errors are taken care of, it will be simple for the newbies as well to understand than ask questions.
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Post by Navaldesign »

me.prosenjeet wrote:
Yes I changed it to 'No' in the first 2 forms but forgot on the last page! :oops:

? In the last page it SHOULD be set to "yes" so it clears the session.
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Post by star57 »

George, I wanted to thank you again for the wonderful extension... An APLUS Extension.....
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Post by zinc »

star57 wrote:George, I wanted to thank you again for the wonderful extension... An APLUS Extension.....
I second that Star!!!! Thank you George. This one def. deserves an extension oscar!!!!! :)
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Post by Navaldesign »

Wait until the csv file page creator is ready :D
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

One thing I am unable to get...

This is the form processor on http://onecoaching.com.au

Look at the visual settings in the extension:


Now the mail the admin and the form submitter receives...


The mail the admin and the form submitter receives doesnt show the border colours, page background colour etc...
I am sure I am doing something wrong...even the alignment of the bottom box in the email...it is slightly not alligned with the two boxes over it(marginally on the right) ...where I am missing what?
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Post by Navaldesign »

Page background color shows perfrectly as long as you are viewing the email in some modern mail client. It will NOT show in webmail (as they don't yet support this feature)

Table background color: a bug in my code, i will fix it in the next update. A "Border Style" will also be added to select among Default, Solid, Dotted, dashed etc. However, i', not sure that these features will show correctly in webmail either, seems like css is not yet fully supported.

I an't know about the misalignement, i can't see it in my test emails, neither is there something in the code that could cause this.
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

Navaldesign wrote:Page background color shows perfrectly as long as you are viewing the email in some modern mail client. It will NOT show in webmail (as they don't yet support this feature).
Is it true for "Border" colour as well?
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Post by Navaldesign »

Yes, border color will display fine in most email clients, but not in most webmails
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

Thanks a lot for answering and clarifying my doubts :D
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Post by Navaldesign »

Various features have been added with the updates. Paramaters that existed in the old version, will preserve their values. New added features will have the default value or will be blank, so you'd better review them and set them correctly.

Test and let me know.
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Post by me.prosenjeet »

Navaldesign wrote:Various features have been added with the updates. Paramaters that existed in the old version, will preserve their values. New added features will have the default value or will be blank, so you'd better review them and set them correctly.

Test and let me know.
Have you updated it just now again?
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Post by Navaldesign »

Update will be up in 15 minutes.
Added inline css to render borders (color and style: dashed, dotted, solid, etc) at least in Gmail and Yahoo mail (and in most webmail services)
Added Text and background color settings to separately set labels column and Values column
Changed the layout from a 5 table one to a unique table layout (eliminates misalignments of tables in some webmails)
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