jor_easyslide update 2 is a rewrite of jor_easyslide
jor_easyslide is a numeric navigation slider thru iframes
jor_easyslide allows as many pages as required, the numeric navigation drops downward
jor_easyslide can slide in a vertical or horizontal motion with optional accelerate easing effect
DEMOS jor_easyslide: visit jorextensions.com
DOWNLOAD: jor_easyslide
Builder: jordan (6j6)
Additional code: jordan (6j6)
Code: alan grakalic
EB version: 4.1.0
WB version: 8+
jQuery lib: 1.7.2/1.9.1/1.11.1
W3C valid: Html, Xhtml
License: released under the MIT and GPL licenses
-#-#-#- update 1: -#-#-#- 25/dec/09
01. changed: compatible with WB6.5
02. enhanced: HTML W3C valid
-#-#-#- update 2: -#-#-#- 16/jun/13
01. enhanced: WB inner jQuery + UI fx
02. enhanced: multiple instances possible
03. enhanced: slider dimension set by extension
04. fix: overflow outer hidden (chrome)
05. changed: javascript void from numeric pagers removed
06. added: easing effect
07. new: option vertical animation motion
08. new: option numeric font styling
09. new: option numeric button hover styling
10. new: option numeric button dimenson
11. new: option accelerate animation effect + speed
12. changed: option autoplay mode (return to first or bounce back)
13. new: external control by WB object (next/prev/first/last/pause-resume)
14. new: calback before + after
15. changed: allowtransparency iframe (IE)
16. enhanced: HTML, XHTML W3C valid