Edit Properties - Options

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Edit Properties - Options

Post by madebyibloo »

Hi Pablo, I've been trying to create an extension using the 'options' in the properties.

The 'option' selection is only a single line option..

Would it be possible to create a multiline option as well as a single line option in the next version please?

Lets say I have some php code that displays like this when published...

Code: Select all

some variables here etc;
some more variables here etc;
else {
some more variables here etc;
It is possible to include such php code on one single line like this..

Code: Select all

<? some variables here etc; some more variables here etc; { else { some more variables here etc; } ?>
But the above example looks messy once published in the html code, maybe a multiline option would be usefull?

So I was thinking, to select a multiline option would be inputted like this...

Code: Select all

Option 1~<?
some code and variables here etc;
some code and more variables here etc;
else {
some more code and variables here etc;

Code: Select all

Option 2~<?
some different code to option 1 and variables here etc;
some more different code to option 1 and variables here etc;
else {
some different code to option 1 and variables here etc;

Hope I make sense,


www.madebyibloo.com - a creative design studio.
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