WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.0.2 update!

All the latest news about WYSIWYG Web Builder can be read in this section

*** The current version is: WYSIWYG Web Builder 20.1.0 ***

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WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.0.2 update!

Post by Pablo »

WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.0.2 fixes known problems and includes other improvements.

What's new in 11.0.2?
- Fixed: jQuerySlider event should not include div prefix for jQuery Spinner targets.
- Fixed: Missing bracket in Responsive Menu breakpoint style.
- Fixed: Missing effect script files for page events.
- Fixed: News Feed Ticker alignment properties not saved.
- Improved: Added new large font sizes (> 96) for text object.
- Improved: Implemented clearfix for Blog. This makes items with different heights line up correctly.
- Improved: Re-arranging layout grid is now easier with the Arrange tools. Move forward/Move back will skip 'normal' objects in the z-order.
- Improved: Added compatibility mode to Photo Gallery. When this mode is selected the Photo Gallery simulates the gallery from previous WWB versions (not responsive and HTML table layout).
See the help for more information!!!

How to update from previous 11.x versions?
1. Download the latest version here:
2. If you already have version 11.x you can install it in the same location as the previous version.

Advanced users can also download the updated files only here (no installer):
http://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/wb11update.zip (build date: February 2, 2016)