Extension Builder v5.3.2 File Management [Bug]

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Extension Builder v5.3.2 File Management [Bug]

Post by MichaelLloyd »

Using Extension Builder v5.3.2 after saving an extension project and/or creating a folder from within Extension Builder I am unable to see the file or folder from Windows Explorer, though the file/folder is visible from within Extension Builder. Testing suggests this behavior is not intermittent. After running Windows Check Disk the file/folder is removed. Likely this behavior may also present backup issues. Same behavior with resident virus scanner off.

Extension Builder also intermittently freezes when selecting New or New/Folder from the right mouse menu within Save As dialog.

Running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP 1, this behavior has only been seen on my system with Extension Builder.
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Re: Extension Builder v5.3.2 File Management [Bug]

Post by Pablo »

I doubt that this is a bug in Extension Builder. File management is a standard Windows feature. Extension Builder has no control over this. Also it seems to work for everyone else. The software has not changed recently
Maybe you are running the software with different user credentials?
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Re: Extension Builder v5.3.2 File Management [Bug]

Post by MichaelLloyd »

Very odd. I am a well seasoned computer technician. Definitely not running WB with different user credentials. Also my system was installed/configured fresh and disk imaged (OS partition, not data). When changing/updating, I restore my OS partition, update and reimage. I do not use my system before imaging. My system is very clean and runs flawlessly.

Two thoughts:
• Possible software compatibility conflict?
• If caused by such a conflict, and WB uses exactly the same code/facilities as other applications, I should be experiencing the same issue with other software. After further testing I can confidently say no other software is exhibiting similar issues.
Last edited by MichaelLloyd on Mon Aug 15, 2016 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Extension Builder v5.3.2 File Management [Bug]

Post by Pablo »

Note that Extension Builder is not an official part of WWB, it's a separate tool provided "AS IS". It does not come with support.

However I do not think this is related to a conflict of the software itself.
As a seasoned computer technician you should know that if you create a folder in the file dialog that this is standard Windows functionality. Extension Builder has no control over this behavior. The only thing that the software does is tell Windows to display the dialog. The rest of the functionality is implemented in Windows.

More technical details:
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/librar ... s.85).aspx
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Re: Extension Builder v5.3.2 File Management [Solved]

Post by MichaelLloyd »

Isolated the problem...

Turns out Comodo Firewall (which is likely the best free firewall utility) was running Extension Builder in a Sandbox (due to the nature of Extension Builder).

I considered this and closed Comodo Firewall when testing, though Extension Builder continued to be run in a Sandbox. Going deeper into Comodo Firewall Sandbox configuration I excluded Extension Builder and all described issues were resolved.

Thank you Pablo for your feedback. Without confidently being able to save files I would not be able to use Extension Builder. BTW, Extension Builder is an impressive application and an outstanding addition to WB.
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