Extension Builder examples

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Extension Builder examples

Post by MGD4me »

First off, let me say that I'm enjoying the ease of use of WWB and the many extensions. It would appear that I now need to create modified versions of two of them for a MySQL database application: 'signup', and 'dataview'.

Specifically, I need about 20 fields, with headings other than 'extra1, extra2', etc. Since I don't believe there are '.xwb' files available to work with as a base, could you provide another example in the ExtBuilder.pdf file as another "how-to", in order to create an extension able to read/write to a MySQL database?

I particularly like the alternating background colors that 'dataview' provides when it displays the table results. Can I include this feature in my modified extension, and how would I include these colors?


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Re: Extension Builder examples

Post by Pablo »

Please note that not all 'extensions' were built with Extension Builder.
Most the extensions made by me, are C++ applications which cannot be modified with Extension Builder.
The source code of these extension sis not available because it is copyrighted. The extensions were created for my own use but I have decided to share them for other users that find them useful. But they are not an official part of the software.
If you wish to create your own version then you will need to write your own code.

As for the Signup form (available in the toolbox), you can convert it to a standard form then you will have full control over the layout and code.
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Re: Extension Builder examples

Post by MGD4me »


Thanks for the reply! I already suspected these two extensions had been written with something other than Extension Builder, so I am not surprised that there are no 'xwb' files to experiment with.

As far as the Sign Up form, yes, I have experimented with converting to a standard form, and I think I can get it to do what I need.

It's the 'Data Viewer' extension that I would like to understand better, and customize. I can use the Data Viewer to create sample .php and .css files. I can then copy the database access portion of 'dataview.php' into ExtBuilder between the body sections, but what do I copy from 'dataview.css' to make the alternating colors for the Style, and how does one configure the 'div ID' ?

I love the ExtBuilder, I just wish I knew more of it's intricacies. I did read through the examples, and I'm still trying to digest the material.

Thanks, great job!!

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Re: Extension Builder examples

Post by Pablo »

I'm sorry cannot help you with customizing the Data Viewer. Programming help is outside the scope of this forum because it generally takes a lot of time.
Also the code of this extension was created several years ago so for me it may also take several hours to figure how it worked again.
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Re: Extension Builder examples

Post by MGD4me »

That's okay... I understand.

Eventually, with enough effort, I'm sure I will be able to get it to do what I need.
Also the code of this extension was created several years ago so for me it may also take several hours to figure how it worked again.
Some times I forget what the name of the movie I just watched!! Wait til you get older. Ha!
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