Hi i know new version not time to come, but i like to know in which direction goes WWB 13, which plan is, did add boostrap, materialize, foundation or stay as is now .., this i ask to know which suggestion we can give for new version when come, to be best app
Thank You
in which direction goes
Re: in which direction goes
The average development time of a new version is 15 - 18 months.
https://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/forum ... um.php?f=1
If you keep an eye on this forum the you will be the first to know which new features will be added when the next version is (almost) ready.
Besides that, we are still working on updates for version 12.x
https://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/forum ... um.php?f=1
If you keep an eye on this forum the you will be the first to know which new features will be added when the next version is (almost) ready.
Besides that, we are still working on updates for version 12.x